Thursday, September 29, 2022

Semana 5 (Eating Bananas, Swimming in Puddles, and Hard Things)

Querida familia y amigos,

This week was the hardest week I have had yet. It was a good week. But there were some things that happened that were difficult. But I'll get to that.

The days essentially are all pretty much the same. Wake up at 6 to go to the gym, eat more food than necessary, classes, and partying it up as a district. The days go by really quick. But they all just blur together. Luckily I have a journal.

The sports we played this week were volleyball, lightning in basketball, and kickball. They are always so fun and I know as a missionary I'm not supposed to be prideful... but my team won every game in volleyball and kickball. But that doesn't matter....

This week I had some really good opportunities as well. Each day I met with companionships in my district just to see how things are going. And it was amazing. They are all so amazing and are working hard. And I feel their testimonies and spirit every time I talk with them. Some are going through hard things and I was also given the opportunity to give them blessings. Every time I can feel the spirit so strongly.

More opportunities were on Sunday. I always love sacrament meetings. But since General Conference is this coming week, it was fast Sunday. I always love the food here. So fasting from Dinner on Saturday and Breakfast on Sunday was definitely one of the biggest challenges I have had to face. But Sunday was so amazing. I bore my testimony in sacrament, great district meetings, great devotionals, and my district had the opportunity to go serve the comedor workers (Cafeteria workers) by doing a small devotional and blessing the sacrament for them. It was such a special experience to be able to serve those that serve us everyday.

It also was pouring rain one of the days. It was absolutely amazing. We had been let out of class early and had about 30 minutes until we had to be back home. So Bowen, Carling, and I changed into other clothes to go be in the rain. We were splashing in puddles and having a good time. We probably shouldn't have done any of that, but it was fun. Then we may or may not have gone swimming in a puddle..... just don't tell President Kirkham.

Another story I have for everyone is about  bananas. I don't know if you remember my email from last week about how Elder Rosso eats an insane amount of Bananas. But I had to give him some competition. So at dinner one night. In one sitting. I ate 20 bananas. Yes, 20. It was disgusting. But so worth it. His reaction was priceless. Sadly the 20 bananas were after I ate my entire meal.... I felt gross after, but like I said, so worth it.

Personal study has been good this week too. It's my favorite time, and I don't get enough of it. Day by day, even if I don't realize it my faith grows. But what I do realize is that day by day my love for Christ grows. I also know that the gift of tongues is real. When teaching my teachers I will say things in Spanish perfectly and extremely fluently without really knowing what I'm saying. And my teachers always just look at me in shock. And tell me that they are surprised by how well I speak the language.

Something I've really been trying to do is to talk by the Tongue of Angels or the Holy Ghost. And it has been really cool. Leading, talking, teaching, and testifying by the Holy Ghost is the best possible way to do anything. I can't really explain it, but recently I have just been listening and I know what to say. Every time. I lead district meetings, and our presidency will be there and tell me that I need to teach something, or testify on the spot. And by listening it just comes to me. And it has been really powerful.

And now onto what made this week hard. On Monday I had a strange feeling all day. I couldn't explain what I was feeling. Something was just off. I felt that way the entire day, and at about 9pm I found out why. A member of our district, Elder Danielson, told us that night that he was being sent home and was leaving Wednesday.. He explained why. Lots of us began to cry, especially me. He wanted me to say a prayer. And I did. It was through sobs, but the spirit was definitely present. This was a really hard thing on all of us. But we are proud of Elder Danielson. Myself and Haynie talked to him a lot about things. And hopefully he will return to us in Panama. Please keep him in your prayers, and my district as well. Before I left on a mission my bishop said to me, "You have to learn to have that love for the people you serve. It may be painful at times, but you have to have that for the people." If I'm being honest I didn't think that was possible. But this week proved to me that it is. Serving my district as their leader I have grown to have such a strong love for each and every one of them. And hearing this news hurt like nothing else. I also happened to study charity this week. Many of the scriptures say the same thing. "Without Charity, there is nothing". We will miss Elder Danielson, but he was so grateful for this district and said that our strength and power is what helped him the most. Our charity. So I ask you all to learn and pray to develop charity. Because there isn't a point to anything without having charity.

The rest of the week not much happened. I have some amazing quotes from Elder Rosso, and some pretty good pictures. Also I was very close to passing out in some of the pictures, but I managed to look up and pose for the picture. Very long story that I don't want to share. hahaha

Elder Rosso quotes:

"In the vernacular of today's youth; Facts"
"Your facial complexions are quite pulchritudinous"

Con amor,

Elder Jakob Lutze

Our last distrito 4B picture with E. Danielson

E. Lutze almost passed out

E. Lutze for the 'smile' before passing out

Swimming in puddles - front crawl and the backstroke

The Aftermath

E. Lutze ate 20 bananas after his meal. Beat that E. Rosso!

E. Lutze's 'dope 'scripture holder

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Semana 5

Dear Elder Lutze, 

We loved hearing from you last week! So grateful for all the wonderful experiences you are having and that the Spirit is strong. You'll never forget your time in the MTC. I still cherish that time over 30 years later. I've been praying for you in your companionship and as district leader and also for your companion. We've been busy this week cleaning the basement and getting ready for the McBride's to move in. We went through all the Halloween costumes and downsized. Question - do you want your costumes some day for your kids or do you care? 

Dad and I saw Lucky Stiff at the Hale on Monday and Sound of Music and Clue in Cedar City over the weekend. Clue was really funny. We also enjoyed great company with the Millers and the Weights... watching football, playing games, and eating good food. We went to the Pizza Cart, Sweet Pea, and Bowman's Kitchen. BYU beat Wyoming Saturday night. We bought tickets for the Arkansas game. We're sitting behind the ROC!!!!

We enjoyed a moment with Brother Carroll before he moves out of the ward. I had a neat experience that night as I was talking to him. I suddenly knew Janice, his wife that died in 2015, was standing there with us and had her arm around my waist as she often used to do. The experience reminded me that the spirit world is so close to us. I did initiatories on Friday - loved it!

How's the calendar? Do you like it?

I'm so excited for General Conference. We'll be thinking about you in Mexico as we listen. 

Three  spiritual thoughts

Old Testament 2 Chronicles 26:16-21 Great scripture to talk about the importance of priesthood authority and keys (Uzziah did not have the authority)

Something to ponder this week - "Very few of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our lives for the Savior. But we are all invited to consecrate our lives to Him." Elder Dieter F Uchtdorf
Courageous Joy vs Contingent Joy ~ Max Lucado (not a member of our church, He wrote "You are Special.") I love what he teaches here about JOY!

Everyone is looking for joy. Marketing companies know this. Every commercial promises the same product: joy. Want some joy? Buy our hand cream. Want some joy? Sleep on this mattress. Want some joy? Eat at this restaurant, drive this car, wear this dress. Every commercial portrays the image of a joy-filled person. Even Preparation H. Before using the product, the guy frowns and squirms in his chair. Afterwards, he is the image of joy.

Joy. Everyone wants it. Everyone promises it. But can anyone deliver it? It might surprise you to know that joy is a big topic in the Bible. Simply put: God wants his children to be joy-filled. Just like a father wants his baby to laugh with glee, God longs for us to experience a deep-seated, deeply rooted joy.

The joy offered by God joy is different than the one promised at the car dealership or shopping mall. God is not interested in putting a temporary smile on your face. He wants to deposit a resilient hope in your heart. He has no interest in giving you a shallow happiness that melts in the heat of adversity. But he does offer you a joy: a deep-seated, heart-felt, honest-to-goodness, ballistic strong sense of joy that can weather the most difficult of storms.

Peter referred to this joy in the opening words of his epistle.

“Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (I Peter 1:8-9 ).

Who was Peter addressing when he spoke of unspeakable joy? He was speaking “To God’s chosen people who are away from their homes and are scattered all around the countries of Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia” (I Pet. 1:1).   Peter was speaking to persecuted Christians–people who had been driven from their cities, separated from their families. Their rights had been taken. Their property had been taken. Their possessions had been taken. Their futures had been taken, but their joy had not been taken. Why? Go back to Peter’s Epistle again- this time in another translation: “You have never seen Jesus and you don’t see him now. But still you love him and have faith in him” (I Pet. 1:8). The source of their joy? Jesus! And since no one could take their Jesus, no one could take their joy.

What about you? What has been taken from you? Your health? Your house? Have you buried a dream? Have you buried a marriage? Buried a friend? As you look at these burial plots of life, is your joy buried there, too?

If so, you may have substituted courageous joy for contingent joy. Contingent joy is always dependent upon a circumstance. Contingent joy says I’ll be happen when…orI’ll be happy if. I’ll be happy when I have a new house or a new spouse. I’ll be happy when I’m healed or when I’m home. Contingent joy depends upon the right circumstance. Since we cannot control every circumstance, we set ourselves up for disappointment.

Envision the person who buys into the lie of contingent joy. As a young person they assume, if I get a car, I’ll be happy. They get the car, but the car wears out. They look for joy elsewhere. If I get married, I’ll be happy. So they get married, then disappointed. The spouse cannot deliver. This goes on through a series of attempts. If I get the new job… if I can retire… If we just had a baby. In each case, joy comes, then diminishes.

By the time this person reaches old age, he has ridden a roller coaster of hope and disappointment. He becomes sour and fearful. Contingent joy turns us into wounded people.

Courageous joy, however, turns us into strong people. Courageous joy sets the hope of the heart on Jesus and Jesus alone. Since no one can take your Christ, no one can take your joy.

Think about it. Can death take your joy? No, because Jesus is greater than death.

Can failure take your joy? No, because Jesus is greater than your sin.

Can betrayal take your joy? No, because Jesus will never leave you.

Can sickness take your joy? No, because God has promised– whether on this side of the grave or the other–to heal you.

Can disappointment take your joy? No, because though your plan may not work out, you know God’s plan will.

Death, failure, betrayal, sickness, disappointment. They cannot take your joy, because they cannot take your Jesus. And Jesus promised, “No one will take away your joy” (Jn. 16:22).

Is that to say your life will be storm-free? Is that to say no sorrows will come your way? No. “In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn. 16:33). Is that to say you will never cross the drylands of sorrow? No. But that is to say your sorrow will not last forever; “Your grief will turn to joy” (Jn. 16:20).

Years ago I lived on a houseboat that was docked on the Miami River. The level of the river would rise and fall with the tide. The boat rocked back and forth with the river traffic. But though the level changed and the boat rocked, we never drifted. Why? Because we were anchored to a concrete sea wall.

Courageously joyful people have done the same. They have anchored their hearts to the shoreline of God. Will the boat rock? Yes. Will moods come and go? No doubt. But will they be left adrift on the Atlantic of despair? No, for they have found a joy which remains courageous through the storm. And this courageous joy is quick to become a contagious joy.

Christians of the New Testament church were not known for their buildings or denominations or programs. They were known for their joy. “They ate together in their homes, happy to share their food with joyful hearts. They praised God and were liked by all people” (Acts 2:46-47).

The early Christians were joyful Christians. In fact you might argue that there is no other type. In the purest sense, the phrase joyful Christian is redundant. We shouldn’t need the adjective. We don’t put the word dead in front of cadaver or wet in front of water or handsome in front of Max. (Just kidding.) Ideally, we shouldn’t have to put joyful in front of Christian.

But we do. We do because we tend to major in contingent joy and not courageous joy. But God can change that.

Assess your joy level: Are you joyless? Do you spread more pessimism than you do hope? If so, God can help you. Grimness is not a Christian virtue.

Believe that joy is possible!

Don’t give in to despair. What Jesus said to his followers, he says to you. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

Be open to the possibility of joy from heaven. Joy may be elusive, but it is never gone. Sometimes it just takes some work.

My friend Jerry has taught me the value of gratitude. He is 78 years old and regularly shoots his age on the golf course. (If I ever do the same, I’ll need to live to be a 100). His dear wife Ginger battles Parkinson’s disease. What should have been a wonderful season of retirement has been marred by multiple hospital stays, medication, and struggle. There are many days that she cannot keep her balance. Jerry has to be at her side. Yet Jerry never complains. He always has a smile and a joke. And he relentlessly beats me in golf. I asked Jerry his secret. He said, “Every morning Ginger and I sit together and sing a hymn. I ask her what she wants to sing. She always says, ‘Count Your Many Blessings.’ So we sing. And when we get to the line that says ‘name them one by one’, we do just that: we stop singing and start naming our many blessings, one by one. And when we are through, recognizing the truth of those many, many blessings does much more to relieve her pain and my anxiety than any of her meds could do.”

Anxiety thrives in the petri dish of if only. It doesn’t survive in the world of already. For that reason, treat each anxious thought with a grateful one.

Take a moment and follow Jerry’s example. Look at your blessings.

Do you see any friends? Family? Do you see any grace from God? Love of God? Do you see any gifts? Abilities or talents? Skills?

As you look at your blessings, take note of what happens. Sorrow grabs his bags and slips out the back door. Unhappiness refuses to share a heart with gratitude. One heartfelt thank you will suck the oxygen out of its world. So say it often.

Who is to say God won’t give the same to you? Why don’t you call out to him?

Ask God, “Lord, what is separating me from joy?”

Ask him to replace your contingent joy with courageous joy. Ask him to help you anchor to the firm rock on his shoreline. Ask him to show you the joy that cannot be taken. He will. He will stir a revival of contagious joy in your heart.

I choose courageous JOY! I love you!


Thursday, September 22, 2022

Semana 4 (The First Letter)

Querida familia y amigos,

I have been in the MTC for about 4 weeks. That's two weeks home MTC and then... I arrived at the MTC in Mexico (CCM) on the 13th of September. So this is my 4th week! Not gonna lie everything kind of blends together so I will do my best to keep things organized here. And I apologize in advance, but this will be a very long email and there might be lots of pictures because this is my first PDay in the CCM and lots has happened.

I will talk about today first, mostly because it's just about the only day I can remember without looking at my journal. We had a really good wake up call this morning at about 1 AM. The earthquake alarms were going off and one of my roommates was yelling at all of us "EARTHQUAKE!!!! GET UP". But it was the second one we have had this week so we knew the drill. Today we also got to go to the Mexico City Temple as well as the visitor center. It was so beautiful there and the design was so unique. It was such a cool experience because even though the session was in Spanish I still really felt the spirit so strongly. It was just a testament to me that even if people don't fully understand what I'm teaching them (mostly because I can't speak Spanish) they will still feel the spirit. It was cool and all, but if I'm being honest, the coolest part of the temple was the fact that they had ESCALATORS!!!! I have never seen a temple with escalators! It was so cool! I stepped on and I just felt like I was ascending to heaven or something. My dad always said to me, "Why does it have to be a stairway to heaven? Why can't there just be escalators?" And now onto how the rest of the CCM has been.

On the flight here I definitely played poker with my district. We couldn't watch movies so why not play poker right? Overall the trip here was good and I was really excited for what was ahead of me. The next day or our "First day" was pretty rough. We didn't know where to go, what to do, or anything. We literally were like little lost puppies. And the day felt like an entire week. I was glad I wasn't alone though. But it was definitely stressful because they were giving us assignment after assignment and just an overload of information. And we also still didn't have a teacher. Throughout the entire MTC my district has had 9 teachers. Usually people only have 2. So more stress. Not to mention that that night there was a district meeting where they met with us 1 on 1, and proceeded to assign Senior companions and what not. This was also when I was assigned to be District Leader, which meant even more information and confusion.  I don't always feel the most qualified for it, but it's good. All in all I truly was very grateful for the opportunity. And I love it so much.

Ever since the first day, things have just been getting so good. The routine is pretty much the same as always. Wake up at 6, go to the gym for 30ish minutes, shower, plan, go to breakfast, class, lunch, break time, personal study/comp study, more class, dinner, then more class. We have devotionals every once in a while too. Basically we are constantly doing something. It's definitely exhausting, but it has really allowed me to focus on Christ and becoming the best missionary I can be.

I seriously love my district so much. We are very connected and do everything together. We have lots of laughs together and they feel like family. And our favorite phrases in Spanish are "Que wooooow" or "Que cooool". But the thing I love most is that we are all unique. And that goes for every single person. Everybody is unique and has different abilities and talents. It is so cool to think that with 12 people in my district, if I don't have the ability to reach someone's heart, I know that someone else from my district has the ability to.

We all also had the opportunity to celebrate Mexico's Independence day here too! It was so awesome. There was a ton of shouting. "VIVA MEXICO!!!" "VIVA LA RESTAURACIÓN!!!" So so cool

Onto the subject of food. We have what is called the "MTC Bulk". Basically you can eat as much food as you want, and so we do. If I'm being honest, I'm not really sure what half the food is here, but it's good. So I eat it. Not to mention the fruit. Holy. The pineapple and watermelon here are seriously some of the best fruit I have ever tasted. It is so dang good.

Devotionals are also absolutely amazing here. For one we watched "Feed My Sheep" by Elder Holland. It was such a powerful message. And once it ended the room was just silent. Which never happens here. Ever. As everyone was being dismissed, we were all humming hymns and the spirit was so strong. Music truly has such a way of bringing a powerful spirit. We sang as a choir for another devotional and I have had very rare instances where I have felt the spirit that strongly. Maybe I felt it so strongly because there was a member of the 70 present. Elder Montoya came to speak to us. And spoiler alert for this conference, he will be speaking in it. It was a good message and the spirit was strong.

My roommates are good too! Some are from my district but there are two from a different district. We just have good times laughing, talking about our days, and doing voice impressions. Elder Rosso is by far the funniest guy I've met. He reads Encyclopedias for fun and has the best accent I've ever heard. He would be the best narrator to ever live.

This is a long email so I'll try to end it quickly here. My favorite building is the Thomas S. Monson building. It is so quiet and peaceful. My favorite time of the day is personal study. I don't always feel like I'm progressing, but then there are times for instance when this random Spanish lady had me translate for her and I did it perfectly. My comp is good. He is a little depressed and mopey sometimes. He could use some prayers. I could also use some prayers for me to know how to help him and how to lead. The CCM is absolutely beautiful. And has some amazing artwork. There is also La Tienda (Store) which is cool. I bought a really dope scripture holder. l am also extremely grateful for my mom and sister who both sent me packages this week. Seriously such a huge blessing. I have felt the spirit so much here, and have learned so much, and I am so excited to keep becoming a better missionary.

Some random facts. I have heard several gunshots, I was attacked by ants during a service project, the CCM is essentially a temple ground because there is a dedicated spot for a temple, and we have over 1000 missionaries here. Also Elder Rosso apparently eats over 15 bananas a day.

Con amor,

Elder Jakob Lutze

Mexico City MTC

(It's not a stairway but an escalator to heaven!)

Beautiful Temple Grounds

District 4B at the Mexico City Temple

District 4B at the Visitor's Center

Elder Haynie and Elder Lutze

El Comedor

Thank you Rachael! You're' the best!

MTC Artwork

MTC Church History

Viva Distrito 4B! (No estoy seguro donde estan las hermanas?)

Mexico City MTC Grounds

Mexico City MTC Roommates

Mexico MTC Classroom Time

Mexico City MTC ~ District 4B
E. Carling, E. Park, E. Haynie, E. Lutze, E. Flake, E. Seamons, E. Bowen, E. Danielson
H. Shiner, H. Fife, H. Thompson, H. Wonnacott

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Semana 4

Dear Elder Lutze, 

We love you and send our weekly greetings! How was your trip? How's the Mexico MTC? Did you get your package? Do you like the calendar? How's Elder Haynie and your district? Do you have a district name?

After we saw you off on Tuesday... Yes, you guessed it, I've been working at home and at work. I watched Diver Thursday morning and talked with Natalie. She has surgery November 16 for her other knee. This is the day before Hannah hopes to be induced for her new baby. It's going to be a busy week. I made it to the temple on Friday and did some initiatories. Saturday, Dad helped Chris and Sonia with the patching and painting around their new door. We sat behind the Argyles today in church  (You helped them in preparation for sod.) They are leaving next week for Elder Miller's mission - Frankfurt!!!! Amazing! Brother Argyle mentioned that they enjoyed talking with you that day. We also spent about six hours with Marlene and LG at their home up Hobblecreek Canyon. We enjoyed catching up with them and they even asked us if we'd like to come spend some time with them on their boat when they go back out! We were shocked. Of course, we said yes! They usually sail around the Bahamas. The boat is docked in Miami.

I've had so many things come to me that I want to share with you... all in good time! For now...

"He is not waiting to love you until you have overcome your weaknesses and bad habits. He loves you today with a full understanding of your struggles. He is aware that you reach up to Him in heartfelt and hopeful prayer. He knows of the times you have held onto the fading light and believed—even in the midst of growing darkness. He knows of your sufferings. He knows of your remorse for the times you have fallen short or failed. And still He loves you.
​​​​And God knows of your successes; though they may seem small to you, He acknowledges and cherishes each one of them. He loves you for extending yourself to others. He loves you for reaching out and helping others bear their heavy burdens—even when you are struggling with your own.
​​​​He knows everything about you. He sees you clearly—He knows you as you really are. And He loves you—today and always!"

Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

I want you to think about this too... you are bearing the same name "Elder" that the Apostles are addressed by as you serve the Lord for the next two years!!! Keep that in your heart!

READ Helaman 5:12, 14, 17-18



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Semana 3 (Leaving for the Mexico MTC)

See you in TWO!

Mom and Elder Lutze

Dad and Elder Lutze
(Yes... trying to be the tallest!)

We love you!

We were off to the airport at 5 am. Everything went really well, even though we couldn't find an open kiosk. A Delta agent saw us and sent us straight to the counter. This put us just ahead of a huge group traveling together. So grateful! Delta checked his bags straight to Mexico!!! We made our good-bye quick to make it less painful. What else is there to say? Mom was trying not to cry and wasn't very successful. And just like that he's gone for two years!

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Semana 2 (Home MTC)

Photo for my Facebook Page

Elder Calvin Summers, Elder Matt Merritt, Elder Jakob Lutze

Lunch at DP Cheesesteaks 

Thanks Mama Summers!

A little foosball!

Friday we picked up Elder Lutze's boots and took him to Carrabba's for lunch.  Saturday we packed for about 4 hours and ended up with 15 pounds to spare. So, I picked up a few more last minute items.