Monday, December 26, 2022

Semana 18 (Officially Merry Christmas!)

So if you remember my last email, I said something along the lines of `This was my Christmas week, it can't be more Christmas full than this week`..... yea, I lied. Because this week was definitely more Christmas full!!! It was a pretty hype week!

It started off with a good old white elephant gift exchange with the Zone on PDay. That was a lot of fun! We also had a really big water balloon fight which was epic! I never thought I would have a water balloon fight for Christmas.

We had intercambios again this week which was pretty fun! Nothing too exciting there.

We had a Noche de Hogar with my favorite family this week too! La Familia Mela. They are so awesome. It was a really fun time! Food, music, games, and of course spiritual messages. We brought an investigator with us (Angel), and it was really awesome! He really liked it, and we are hoping to get him on date soon.

However, the biggest Christmas event was our Christmas Zone Conference!!! Man was that fun! We got to see the temple and take pictures with it! We weren't allowed to go in though. In fact, we aren't ever allowed to go... kinda lame... Then we listened to some messages, got to watch people perform their talents, and ate Chinese food! It was so much fun! Then we got to watch Encanto! I really love that movie, and it was cool to watch it in Spanish. The music goes hard, and it was definitely stuck in my head for the rest of the week. We got some gifts, and that took up pretty much that whole day. Super, super fun!

The other highlight of the week was our baptism!!! Angela Pinto. This was super special for me. I baptized her nietos, and we have been working hard to get Angela baptized. And finally, we did. I wanted Elder Hansen to baptize her, and I confirmed her. It made me so happy to help put this family together. Said and Rosemary (her nietos) were so happy that their grandma (she takes care of them too) got baptized. So, so special.

Other fun Christmas times ~ jamming out to music, obviously. We decorated the inside of our house for Christmas! I messed around with my new Etch-a-Sketch. And I did a tiny puzzle. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was literally impossible for us to set up lessons. So, Elder Hansen and I just enjoyed each other's company. We played card games, shared some of our past Christmas memories, read our books (I'm obsessed with reading, gotta get that knowledge! I've read 4 books already, not including scriptures), E. Hansen and I had a little date night with food-made gingerbread houses and spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day together. It was a lot of fun, and it made me happy!

Also fireworks go crazy here for Christmas!! And music too! Literally so loud that our house was practically shaking! I didn't think I would be able to sleep! But then, after 5 minutes of trying, I was out like a light!!!

Another fun thing was Christmas caroling! We went with our district, and I thought it would be kinda lame, but it honestly was so much fun! It was fun to see the joy on people's faces as we sang to them, and it was fun to just sing. I love singing so much, and I really miss being a part of Skyridge Singers. I'm glad I had the opportunity to sing to others, and I'm glad I was able to do choir in high school!

That was pretty much my holiday! Pretty fun times!

Other updates. Transfers are happening this week! I'm staying in Samaria for another transfer and Elder Hansen is leaving. So I'll have a new companion ~ Elder Buhler. I'm actually super excited for this transfer. Elder Buhler and I are pretty good friends, so it will be fun times. Hopefully we will work hard.

I also want to include what happened on this fine PDay as my spiritual thought. Today we went to what we call "The Egg." It is a temple of another religion (Budahai) that looks like an egg. It was pretty dang cool not gonna lie. I don't have any pictures of it because they are on a different phone, but hopefully I will get them soon. Anyways. The area this temple  is located in is beautiful. Super high up and away from everything. It was the quietest place I've been to in a long time. It was really peaceful. This reminded me of our own temples. Temples are places we can go to for peace and to get away from the world. They are God's house. They literally are to help separate us from the world. I miss the temple a lot. I know that when we get out of the world and spend time with God that we find happiness and peace. I encourage you all to find time to go to the temple at least once a week, and I know the blessings will be innumerable.

Love you all! I'm happy to be a Samarian for a little bit longer! Pray that we can do good work here! Thanks for all the support and prayers!

-Elder Lutze

Apartment Christmas Decorations

E. Lutze & E. Hansen enjoying some Christmas food

E. Hansen & E. Lutze with Angela Pinto

E. Lutze and his tiny Christmas puzzle

E. Lutze's little Etch-a-Sketch of Utah

El Noche de Hogar con la familia Mela

La Zona San Miguelito at the Panama City Temple

Zone White Elephant Christmas Gift Exchange

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Semana 18

Elder Lutze,

We hope you had a great Christmas week! It was so perfect spending time with you last weekend opening presents together! 

This week for me was busy with work and I took Christmas down before we left for SG. I also had to drive through the car wash due to a fire 🔥 in the car wash! HaHa! It was pretty funny! I felt bad for the twenty cars behind me that were going to have to back out!!! We spent Christmas Eve with the Millers-good food, fun visiting, and a nice program. We sang lots of Christmas songs and each shared a meaningful part of the Christmas story. Yesterday we went to church and then drove down to SG and spent Christmas with the Weights. You came too! (see pics)

My thought 

Luke 2:19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

What are you pondering in your heart today?

I’m pondering this 

He is the light, the life, and the hope of the world. His way is the path that leads to happiness in this life and eternal life in the world to come. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His divine Son.❤️

AND my many many blessings which includes you! Love you!🥰 Merry Christmas! 🎄🎁❤️

E. Lutze going for a ride on the compressor

E. Lutze with Mom & Dad going to St. George

E. Lutze enjoying some snacks

E. Lutze playing cards with Cami (Dad said you were cheating!)

Monday, December 19, 2022

Semana 17 (Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!)

CHRISTMAS!!!!! I love Christmas so much!! And I'm just considering this entire week as our Christmas. Unless next week is full of more Christmas.... then I'll just have two!

This week the highlight was definitely the Christmas party on Friday. There were a ton of kids! Idk who they were or where they came from, but I'm pretty sure they got word that there would be presents, so they showed up. But, the party was fun! Lots of singing and yelling. And Elder Hansen and I got some pretty solid new people which was the best present we could ask for, besides baptisms of course. We will get that present this coming Friday!

Other highlights would be chilling in hammocks at the end of the night when we are going to write in our journals. We just go outside, put on some music, and lay in hammocks. It really is the life!

We also bought bread for this one dude Daniel because he was really hungry and then we invited him to church. And he showed up. He stayed for the meetings. Then he started demanding food. He was yelling, crying, complaining, and it was really ridiculous honestly. He was getting mad and lying to the members saying "The white boys promised me a bag of food." Apparently this isn't the first time this dude has done this. The most ridiculous part was that a member bought him breakfast that morning, and another member bought him more food before all of this. So, not only was he not grateful for that, but he was also demanding more money and food. It was quite the event.

We also had a big service project this week that was fun! We had the whole zone there, and we just partied it up while cleaning. 

Other than that, not much else happened. So here's my spiritual thought for the week.

This week's thought came after we visited with a "hater." We taught this guy, and he was pretty cool. He had accepted the Book of Mormon, and said that he would read it. Well, the next time we were teaching this guy, he suddenly started bashing on the church. He said a bunch of crap about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. And he refused to even listen to anything we were trying to say. He also said that the Book of Mormon meant nothing to him and that he was just going to throw it away. Everything he said, honestly made no sense at all and was ridiculous. The thing is though, the Book of Mormon is the most precious gift. So, Elder Hansen and I took it back. We decided that if someone is just going to disrespect what is most precious to us it's better to take it back. Idk if that's right or wrong. But, it was definitely the first time I've ever taken a Book of Mormon from someone instead of giving it to them.

My spiritual thought is this. I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and a great man. I know that the Book of Mormon is key to this religion and it brings us closer to God. I know that the Book of Mormon brings joy and happiness into our lives. It is the most precious gift we have. My invitation to each of you is if you don't know if the Book of Mormon is true, then read it, ponder its words, and pray to know if it is true. If you have done that, and you don't know it's true, then do it again because it is true. Study it. Find out for yourself if it is true. Truth is truth, and it can't change. Once you do find out that it's true, the blessings you will receive from the Book of Mormon are immeasurable. For those that already know that it's true, then study it everyday. It will fill you with the spirit, and bring so much joy to you.

I love you all so much. I can't express the gratitude I have for all of you. And I can't express how much I desire for all of you to know that this gospel is true, and to see the blessings it brings. Take the opportunity in front of you. You are 100% responsible. I can testify all I want, but until you search for yourself, you will never know. Keep praying for me and my people. But more importantly, pray for knowledge and a testimony of the Book of Mormon for yourselves. Love you all!

Oh! And I also got a pretty dope heart tie for Christmas!!

~ Elder Lutze

Christmas Party

E. Hansen & E. Lutze at the Christmas Party

E. Lutze & E. Hansen in Samaria

E. Lutze chilling in his hammock

E. Lutze sporting his heart tie Christmas gift

Zone Service Party

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Semana 17

Dear Elder Lutze, 

So grateful for technology that made it possible for us to share in your Christmas and for you to share in our Christmas here! Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony of Jesus Christ with us! We love ❤️ you!

I spent time with the YW on Tuesday and my ministering sisters on Wednesday. Dad and I tried a new Mexican restaurant on Friday ~ Sol Agave. They cancelled our True Rest appointment again so we now have two free appointments. 🤪

Rachael and I are working on details for our Europe trip. Foster and Hannah are all moved in. Diver is now in a cast and Hunter is off oxygen! Natalie is working hard at work and school. (So grateful she’s reading your letters!) 

Looks like we’ll stay here for Christmas Eve and then head down to SG. (Ken’s going with us!)😂

As we start the new year read Haggai 1:5… 

We should always be looking at our priorities and keeping Christ at our center. The rice and the rocks in the jar story. Do you remember that object lesson?

I love you!😘 Still missing Rachael’s thoughts for you! I’ll get them soon!


E. Lutze's Christmas letter ~ Thoughts from the family!

Monday, December 12, 2022

Semana 16 (Happy Panamanian Mother's Day!)

I first would like to say "Happy Panamanian Mother's Day" to all you wonderful mothers out there! They go hard on that celebration here. For good reason too, because mothers are awesome!

This week was good! We started off with intercambios. I was with Elder Wutckee in Don Bosco. It was a pretty fun time! I had the best salchipapa yet! (Salchipapa is basically hotdogs and fries mixed together.) However, the true highlight of intercambios was a noche de hogar with La Familia Gutierrez. The Gutierrez house is the nicest house I've seen in Panama. Mostly because every house in Samaria is a concrete block with metal sheets for a roof.  I genuinely felt uncomfortable being inside their house because it was so nice. We had a good time and enjoyed some pretty dang good lasagna. In addition to being nice, their home was also full of the Spirit because they are a family centered on Christ. There's not a lot of that here in Panama which is sad. This experience strengthened my testimony on having a family centered on Christ because this family is happy! Genuinely happy!

Anyways. Food this week was interesting. It's summer here and the rain has ceased. But the sun, not so much. It's blazing hot outside and we walk all day which I really don't mind. We had a bunch of people offer us food this week, and I kid you not, every single one of them gave us the most scalding hot foods. We had soup, more soup, Crema, more soup and hot chocolate... which was very good... but still! The food was very appreciated. I just thought that it was funny that the only time I've had soup here I either puked it all up or it's the middle of a hot summer.

Other food highlights would be eggs. I love eggs and we have been eating a lot of them. However, we kinda get sketchy eggs from the chino. Well, we were cooking eggs this week and we opened one.... and uh... out came this liquid black goop. It smelled horrible! It was soooooo gross. But I can't stop laughing, because you would think that this would stop me from eating eggs from the chino. But no. I simply learned to put the eggs into a bowl before the pan.

We had more noche de hogares this week too! I always love to watch the birth of Christ video. It brings me so much joy and peace. I am so beyond grateful for my Savior. I love going to homes and sharing with them "Light the World." I encourage you to share it too!  We've been involved in lots of service this week and get to wear pretty dope shirts while doing it. We painted a house (a nice hot pink) and we put up Christmas lights at our house for Hermana Moran! Safe to say that the Christmas hype is going strong in Panama.

Spiritual thought this week came from listening to a talk by Elder David A Bednar. He talked a lot about deepening our conversion to God. There's a difference between having a testimony and being converted. I'll use myself as an example. I have had a testimony of God and Christ my whole life. I've always believed that they exist and are all powerful. I've always believed in this church. That's what a testimony is. But I never really did much. I didn't act on anything. This is conversion - when we act based on what we believe. We experiment upon the words of the scriptures. We experiment on the doctrine, in prayer, with faith, with everything. As we do this, we become more and more converted to God. It's no longer just a belief. It's a knowledge, a hope, and the faith that drives us to become saints through the Atonement of our Savior. The Atonement is the only way we can become anything. It enables us to be converted to God, and become what He wants us to be. I love God and Christ with all my heart and becoming more converted everyday is how I can show that love. I am nothing without them. I hope you all have a desire to draw closer to a loving Heavenly Father and I hope that desire will drive you to act on your beliefs.

I love you all! And I know God loves you all even more. Thank you for all the support! Keep enjoying the holidays! And keep praying for me and my people!

-Elder Lutze

Our Dope Service Shirts

Putting Up Christmas Lights

Painting a House PINK!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Semana 16

Dear Elder Lutze, 

It's been a busy week, of course! I went to a Xco class with Rachael on Monday. I bought the video and 'shakers' so I can do it at home and improve movement on my left side. I feel like it's already helping. I'd love your prayers on this one. Enjoyed Tuesday night with the YW... made gingerbread houses founded on a principle out of the new "For the Strength of Youth" pamphlet. White knuckled drive home Wednesday night in the snow! We had a great Emotional Resiliency group meeting. We talked for almost 3 hours. I helped Hannah and Foster pack on Thursday and move on Saturday. (I mostly watched the kids.) I enjoyed a session in the temple on Friday and Suzy's retirement on Tuesday. Yikes! I have more friends retiring. I'm not that old. 🤪 Carly Wanlass gave her homecoming talk today. So great to hear about her mission in Ecuador. They finally dedicated the temple on Nov 20th. Tasha sent this to our Emotional Resiliency group this week and I thought it was awesome.

Love you!

❤️ Mom

17 “brilliant” tactics Satan uses to discourage and distract us, according to Sheri Dew

Many of Lucifer’s tactics are bold and brazen and played out daily on everything from the Internet to the nightly news. But despite the fact that his handiwork is outrageously displayed at every turn—pornography, abuse, addiction, dishonesty, violence, and immorality of every kind—many of his strategies are brilliant for their subtlety. “And others will he pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well—and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away carefully down to hell” (2 Nephi 28:21). C. S. Lewis said something similar: “The safest road to Hell is the gradual one—the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts” (The Screwtape Letters, 56).

There are so many loud voices in the world today, and most of them are wrong. Most of them are trying to get our money or our support or our time or our vote or even our virtue. Many are trying to get us hooked on something. Most of them could care less about what is good for us or what will really make us happy. And many, if not most, of them—both blatant and subtle—are inspired by the adversary.

See if any of the following techniques sound familiar.

1. Satan tries to blur our vision of why we’re here and to get us preoccupied with this life. He would have us distracted by and involved in anything and everything except what we came for.

2. The adversary tells us that it doesn’t matter what we do now because there’s plenty of time to pull our spiritual lives together later. It’s the Sin Now, Repent Later Plan. He makes no mention of the ways sin corrupts our spirits and drives away the Spirit.

3. He feeds our vanity with promises of popularity, power, and prosperity, and tries to seduce us into believing they are the only true measure of greatness—with the hope that we will be perpetually in hot pursuit of these rewards rather than those our Father has offered us. Nephi, on the other hand, clearly taught that these lusts of the flesh belong to the kingdom of the devil and have no place in the kingdom of God (see 1 Nephi 22:23).

4. Satan wants us to feel that we’re not worth a whole lot, that no matter how hard we try, we’ll never make much of a difference, never make “the grade,” never really measure up. He’d like us to think that we’ll never be as valuable, talented, clever, poised, spiritual, intelligent, or accomplished as our mothers or colleagues or friends or other [people]. He loves it when we compare ourselves with each other, realizing that in such artificial comparisons we tend to compare our areas of weakness against others’ areas of strength. The result, naturally, is that we inevitably come out on the short end of the measuring stick—a measuring stick that is flawed in every respect. …

5. Satan tries to wear us down by creating the image that there is nothing glamorous in enduring to the end. It’s the very reason I learned … to keep the ultimate reward in front of me. … I have always hated talks on enduring to the end because the very phrase makes life seem like drudgery rather than an adventure. And yet the most haunting regret imaginable would be to pass through the veil and, with the full sweep of eternity opened before our eyes, realize that we had sold our birthright for a mess of pottage, that we had been deceived by the distractions of Satan, and that [celestial glory] would never be ours.

6. He tells us what we want to hear: that life is supposed to be easy and fun, and that if we experience pain or undeserved difficulties the gospel must not be working. The adversary promotes tactics that are decidedly Laman-and-Lemuelesque. When their brother launched the ridiculous effort to build a ship in the middle of the wilderness without appropriate tools, they rebelled. Their complaint, “These many years we have suffered in the wilderness, which time we might have enjoyed our possessions and the land of our inheritance; yea, and we might have been happy” (1 Nephi 17:21), suggests that one can only be happy if everything is pleasant, comfortable, and without challenge. Satan wants us to believe that happiness is directly connected to pleasures of the flesh, and that the only true religion is that which can deliver such indulgences. And at all cost, he doesn’t want us to learn that joy and true happiness are connected to doing a job well, rising above our weaknesses, cultivating family and other important relationships, and so on.

7. Satan always promotes shortcuts, though there are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.

8. The adversary encourages us to criticize, judge, and evaluate each other—a practice demeaning to both the person who judges and the one who is judged. A young woman whose marriage crumbled told me how much she loves the gospel but how weary she is of feeling that she’ll never be accepted because her life hasn’t unfolded as she expected and wanted it to. We ought to give up telling each other how to live our lives. It is wonderful to talk about principles, which apply equally to each of us, but it is rarely helpful to suggest how those principles should be applied. …

9. Lucifer whispers that life’s not fair and that if the gospel were true we would never have problems or disappointments. Bad things shouldn’t happen to good members of the Church, should they? The adversary would have us believe that with baptism comes a Magic Kingdom Club–like card, and that if our lives aren’t like perpetual trips to Disney World, we’re getting short-changed.

The gospel isn’t a guarantee against tribulation. That would be like a test with no questions. Rather, the gospel is a guide for maneuvering through the challenges of life with a sense of purpose and direction. “I feel happy,” Brigham Young said. “‘Mormonism’ has made me all I am, and the grace, the power, and the wisdom of God will make me all that I ever will be, either in time or in eternity” (Journal of Discourses, 8:162). President Gordon B. Hinckley said something similar: “This … is what the gospel is all about—to make bad men good and good men better” (Ensign, November 1976, 96). …

10. The adversary attempts to numb us into accepting a sliding scale of morality. Sometimes rationalization overtakes even the best among us. “[Inappropriate] movies don’t bother me,” we sometimes hear. “I go for the story, or the music, and skip over the profanity and the sexually explicit scenes.” Yet advertisers pay millions of dollars for a few seconds of airtime on the bet that through brief, repeated exposures to their products we’ll be persuaded to purchase them. If 60-second ads can influence us to spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t even like, then how will minutes, hours, months, and years of watching infidelity, violence, and promiscuity affect us? The measuring standard for entertainment of any kind is simple: Can you watch or participate in it and still have the Spirit with you? …

11. The adversary promotes feelings of guilt—about anything. Pick a topic. You can feel guilty for having a large family. (How can any one woman possibly care for eight or nine children?) Or for having no children at all. (You are not doing your duty). For working outside the home. (Don’t you know what the prophet has said about mothers who seek employment?) Or for choosing to stay home. (What’s the matter, don’t you have any ambition, skill, or talent?)

In some instances, guilt can be a positive emotion, for guilt is essential to true repentance. But the Savior uses other ways to help us change, often inviting us to step to a higher way of living and a more ennobling way of thinking, to do a little better and perhaps a little more. Promptings that come from Him are hopeful—even when such promptings encourage us to change, to repent, and to throw away old behaviors—and motivating rather than defeating or discouraging.

12. Lucifer works hard to undermine our innate tendency to nurture and care for others. He wants us to become separated from each other. Voice messaging and pagers are efficient, but they don’t replace a listening ear and a caring heart. If the adversary can cause us to focus more on our differences than on our similarities, if he can keep us so busy running from one commitment to another that we no longer have time for each other, he has made great strides toward neutralizing the strength and influence that we have. …

13. The father of lies rejoices in even small breaches in our integrity, because he knows that, if left unchecked, they will ultimately lead us “away carefully down to hell” (2 Nephi 28:21; emphasis added). Blatant sin is almost always preceded by dishonesty in one form or another.

14. The adversary would have us hung up on perfection and stymied by the commandment to become perfect. He wants this glorious potential to loom as a giant stumbling block rather than the promise of what is ultimately possible—in other words, to make [exaltation] seem little more than a dream. We should expect not to achieve perfection in this lifetime. The goal instead is to become pure, so that we are increasingly receptive to impressions inspired by the Holy Ghost. …

15. Lucifer would have us so busy—with the details swirling around family, friends, careers, and every soccer league in town—that there’s no time to actually live the gospel. No time to fast and pray, to immerse ourselves in the scriptures, to worship in the temple—all the things we need to do to “study” for our mortal test. In other words, he wants us to be a little more concerned with the world than with the gospel, a little more interested in life today than in life forever. Regret is what happens when we figure out too late what was really important.

16. He wants us to rely on others for spiritual strength. … He loves it when we don’t develop our own spiritual sensitivities and skills. He doesn’t want us to learn how to get answers to prayer, or how to hear the voice of the Spirit, or how to part the veil and open up the heavens in the temple, or how to draw upon the power that comes from fasting, or how often the scriptures help prompt personal revelation. The adversary knows, and knows well, how superb the spiritual instincts are of those whose eyes are focused on the Savior, and at all cost he will try to derail and discourage us.

17. He delights in portraying religion as something restrictive and austere rather than liberating and life-giving. He wants us to know just enough about the gospel to focus on the rules and regulations rather than come to understand the joy that comes from following Christ. He depicts the Father and the Son as aloof rulers rather than our deified Father and Elder Brother who love us, who have a vested interest in our future, and whose motive is to help see us through this life so that we are worthy to return to Them. He paints eternal life as something out of reach, even other-worldly, something for prophets and a few other select people, a condition you and I could never hope to achieve. And he does everything he can to block the memory of our former home.

He loves it when we seek for security in bank accounts, social status, or professional credentials when ultimate security and peace of mind come only from a connection with the Lord Jesus Christ. In short, he tries to keep us distanced from Jesus Christ. Oh fine, if we profess Him to be the Savior—talk is cheap! And if the adversary can keep us so distracted that we never really seek, embrace, and commit ourselves to the Lord, then we will also never discover the healing, strengthening, comforting power available because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We will never know that because of the Savior we have access to everything we need to pass this test.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Semana 15 (Navidad y Monos)

Buenas!!! Another amazing week! Monday always starts the week off right. On Pdays we go to the mall in Los Andes to shop. I love it because they have all the Christmas stuff out and Christmas music playing. The music is also in English which is pretty funny. I finally understand why people listen to Christmas music year round. It brings me so much joy!!!

Some random things for you all. 

We were doing cosechas and were going to offer a prayer for a family, but there was this monkey freaking out at us, and we could not stop laughing.
Hermana Barbara fed us 5 potatoes each and she also gave us 2 whole fish. The fish were kinda just looking at us. But they tasted good! All part of the Panamanian diet.

We also did intercambios this week which was awesome! Elder Rojas came here to Samaria to be with me.The funny thing is that he is brand new to the mission and I have been here for one transfer. So we had two people who couldn't speak Spanish going around. But it was a fun time! I love meeting and getting to know other missionaries. I enjoyed being a little bit like a trainer. Elder Rojas was a beast! He speaks better Spanish than me, and he's doing awesome for his first weeks. This was definitely a humbling experience for me which was a really good thing.

There is this one lady that we got as a reference. Her name is Edix. Wow, she might be the most chosen person I've met. We had one lesson with her that was super good. Then the second time we came to visit she was like "So I read, and I felt really good... so I think you should baptize me!" So she's on date now. 
Then there is also Angela. If you remember the picture of me with Said Y Rosemary, there was also an older lady that was with us. That was Angela. She is their grandma who has been to every lesson with them, and has gone to church with them every time. We have been trying hard to get her baptized, and this week she finally said yes! I'm so excited!!

My thought for this week occurred while I was at Edson's and Tania's. We had the rest of the night to be at their house and Edson brought out this big TV. He wanted us to watch a movie with him. Not just any movie tho... Black Panther...and I love Marvel and I want to see this movie soooooo bad. The worst part of this, is the fact that he turned it on in English too. He knew we weren't allowed to watch movies, especially that one, but he wanted us to do it anyway. If I'm being honest, I really wanted to, and it would have been really easy to do it. It would also have been really easy to justify it. But I knew that it was something I shouldn't do. So, I prayed in my heart, pulled out my scriptures, and I started to read in my head. I chose to read Helaman 5:12 which essentially says build your foundation on Christ and the devil won't have any power over you. Suddenly my thoughts were a lot more clear, and I recognized fully that I should always do what Christ wants me to do. I'm honestly disappointed in the fact I even had to fight myself not to watch the movie. Edson stopped the movie, and he and Tania just looked at me in confusion. They asked me why I didn't want to watch the movie and I explained to them that it was because it wasn't what God wanted me to do. They were still a little confused, but we then turned on a short video about the birth of Christ and experienced a spiritual and  meaningful moment with them. The prophets have invited us as members to be true disciples of Christ, and sometimes that means doing things that others think are weird. As Elder Rafael Pino of the Seventy said in General Conference, "What is normal for some may be odd for others..." Choose now to be a disciple. That way, when the time comes, you don't even have to hesitate like me to make the correct decision. Make Christ your foundation, and you will always make the right choice!

I love you all so much! I'm always praying for you! I hope things are going well! Thank you for all your support! Keep praying for me! And of course, keep praying for my people!

-Elder Lutze

Shopping in Los Andes with E. Hansen

El Mono ~ NO praying for you! (We were laughing too hard!)

Intercambios with E. Rojas in Samaria

The Two Fish and Five Potatoes Meal (Thanks Hna. Barbara!)

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Semana 15

Elder Lutze,

I’m so grateful for you and the service you are providing for the people of Panama! Life was just a little crazy this week!🤪 

We had two snow storms! So grateful for the moisture! 

I worked 48 hours this week! Busy week for me and so grateful Chrissy was still here to help the McBrides! 

Thursday all heck broke loose at their house. Hunter was in the ED with RSV Thursday morning and Diver with a severe reaction to his antibiotic that afternoon. He got Epinephrine and steroids. Then Diver went back on Saturday evening for a broken leg although X-ray doesn’t confirm it. If he doesn’t walk by tmr he’ll get a partial cast. Hunter wasn’t admitted, but is home on oxygen and they take him in for occasional suctioning! Foster gave them both priesthood blessings Thursday evening. Diver looks a million times better and Hunter is not getting worse. He’s about half way through! So grateful!🙏

Dad and I were in the temple Friday with the same sealer we had the day we were with you and your friends! He was telling us of some oriental names he did recently from AD 57. It required special permission. 

❤️ Mom

I’m still in Jeremiah 26:14-15

14 As for me, behold, I am in your hand: do with me as seemeth good and meet unto you.
15 But know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye shall surely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and upon this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof: for of a truth the Lord hath sent me unto you to speak all these words in your ears.

I love his boldness. He reminds me of Abinadi and he’s fearless witness of Christ and the truth!

Mosiah 17:9-10

9 Now Abinadi said unto him: I say unto you, I will not recall the words which I have spoken unto you concerning this people, for they are true; and that ye may know of their surety I have suffered myself that I have fallen into your hands.
10 Yea, and I will suffer even until death, and I will not recall my words, and they shall stand as a testimony against you. And if ye slay me ye will shed innocent blood, and this shall also stand as a testimony against you at the last day.

And Christ’s response to His own impending death

John 19:11 Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

I love the Savior’s foreknowledge in the verses below and that He personally prayed for Peter! He does for us as well! Peter still wasn’t converted. Are we? What is true conversion? Is it doing anything for Jesus Christ regardless of the personal cost?

Luke 22:31-32

31 And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat:
32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.

Why we should repent in this life…

Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Both spirit and body had appetites. One of life’s great challenges is to develop a dominance of spiritual appetites over those that are physical. Your willpower becomes strong when joined with the will of the Lord. Addiction to any substance enslaves not only the physical body but the spirit as well. Therefore repentance is best achieved while one still has a body to help attain spiritual supremacy. President Nelson