Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Mission Call

Prelude ~ Jakob came up around noon and said my call is here! He wanted to open it so badly. I had to talk him down. He spent time with friends instead.

Natalie came down from her room in the afternoon and decided she wanted to make cookies and brownies for Jakob's mission call opening. She's so sweet! I was grateful. I only had time to buy cookies and candy.

Swedish fish, pretzel M&Ms, Starbursts, and Reese Pieces

It turned out great considering I had just a few days notice. Sister North, his nursery teacher, brought him a card. (This is the only ward he's ever known.) Jakob received so much support from family, friends, and ward members. Everyone started gathering around 5:30. He opened his call at 6:00 after Foster gave the opening prayer.

Jakob visiting with Emily, Rance, Claire, and Calvin Summers.

Sherrene was the closest with Costa Rica


Hannah and Diver

Kari and Brooklyn

Maddux, Ella, and Sam

Jakob with Diver

Joseph and Jackson taking a guess

Kenady going in for the hug

Jakob's awesome friend group

Cherise, Andrea, and Lisa

Brother Southwick (Jakob's ministering companion)

Trent, Michelle, Andrea

Jakob is called to serve in the Panama, Panama City Mission. He starts home MTC August 29th and then he's off to the Mexico City MTC. Everything he was hoping for... foreign and Spanish speaking. I'm so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who hears and answers prayers. The mission receives a new President in July ~ Keith and Stephanie Forsberg from the Copperwood Ward in the Glendale Arizona Stake. They both served missions in Spain ~ Barcelona and Malaga. The mission covers the entire country of Panama and was formed on July 1, 1989, just  as I was graduating from college. There's one temple, 60,000 members, 7 stakes, 73 congregations, 18 family history centers, and 4 districts. Of  their threesome ~ Larry, Curly, and Mo, Jakob was called last and will leave first. 

Lili and Jakob comparing ACL scars

Brooklyn and Jakob

I love you Jakob! I'm so proud of the choices you've made!

Sophie, Ella, Avery, Kenady, Sam, Jakob, Calvin, Chelsea, Maddy, Mom, Natalie, Diver, Hannah
Ike, Joseph, Maddux, Brooklyn, Mollie, Claire, Kari, Lisa, Lili
Jackson, Michelle, Aubri, Dad, Rance, Emily, Mama Condie, Cherise, Andrea, Teylor & Jake Mauss

Diver's feet, hands, and butt

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