Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Semana 7 (Panama!)

Querida familia y amigos,

Elder Lutze arrived safe and sound in Panama Tuesday morning. In his brief call, he told us it's beautiful and HOT. The buildings in Panama City are apparently huge. He's super excited to get to work. PDay should be Monday. We're looking forward to hearing about his first week in country.

Con amor,

The Lutzes

Dear Brother and Sister Lutze,

We are pleased to inform you of the safe arrival of

 ❖ Elder Jakob Frederick Lutze 

We are very happy to have him join us in this wonderful work of the Lord.

His first companion and trainer will be Elder Bray.

He has been assigned to begin his service in the Samaria area, which is part of the San Miguelito Stake.

We appreciate your efforts in helping prepare Elder Lutze to serve the Lord. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns by replying to this email. 

Best regards, 

President Keith Forsberg and Stephanie Forsberg

Elder Lutze & Elder Bray with President and Sister Forsberg

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