That is how we greet literally every single person in Panama. It is the most hype thing ever. And my favorite thing to say. Ladies and Gentlemen, I finally made it to Panama. My name is Elder Lutze. But I always pronounce it "Elder Lutsay", or they think I'm saying Elder Dulce. I'm also known as gringo, nuevo gringo, and luchador. And, according to the members, I'm from la Fabrica (the factory) because I'm a missionary from Utah.
Had sad goodbyes with some of the district on Monday night. Then went straight to packing. Woke up at 1 am to go to the airport, meaning I got an hour of sleep. But then our flight left at 6 and we were finally off to Panama. This place is literally the dopest place ever. It's got it all ~ jungle, massive city, poor places with houses stacked on top of houses. On our first day of arrival, we just chilled in the mission home. We met the mission president, President Forsberg and his wife. They are super awesome and nice. It was nice to chill, but obviously we couldn't do that forever. So, at 6 we went contacting for the first time in the city. First of all, cars will hit you. They will run you over. In every single area. Not just the city. So you just kinda have to make a break for it. But contacting was awesome. I went out with Elder Larsen and we had numerous contacts. One guy in specific was mad at us because "your church condemns me for being Gay! And because I'm a wizard who does witchcraft. And because I practice astral projection." Kinda funny.
Anyways... the next day I got my assignment and my trainer. Elder Bray! What a guy. We were sent to work in the San Miguelito Stake and specifically the area of Samaria which is considered the ghetto and a dangerous part of Panama, pero es tranquilo. Everyone here comments on how big I am and they think I was a luchador or something. So I don't think people want to mess with us. I've heard a few gunshots, and we saw a video of a friend of a friend that was shot. Elder Bray basically prayed him back to life. Samaria is suuuuuper poor, there's trash everywhere, and massive hills. People don't have doors ~ only these gate things, so we just yell "buuuueeeenaaaas" and they come to the door/gate. There's a million houses too. I would get so lost without Elder Bray. My first day there was a massive storm! It downpoured so much! The river was about 10 feet higher causing a lady's house to flood across the street, so we got brooms and swept it out.
Like I said, cars will run over you. It's extremely hot here. It rains a lot, which I absolutely love. I eat a lot of rice, rice, and chicken. I also tried Sumi. It's pig stuff. And Duro which is like an insanely good otter pop. Panamanians talk waaaaaaaaaaay too fast and I can't speak or understand their Spanish. It's awesome!
Wednesday we had a mission conference with Elder Taylor. He's a member of the Seventy over central America. It was a really cool experience!
Our days are packed. We wake up, pray, workout, shower, study, plan, go out and teach, cosechas (contacting), but that's usually on our way to lessons. It's so, so awesome. I love teaching people. And I love meeting them, saying prayers for them, giving an insane amount of fistbumps. What a privilege it is to do the Lord's work. I can't speak or understand a lot. I can't help or give much to the people. But, I can give them my most precious belonging ~ my testimony. I learn more everyday and I'm working hard which is how I want it to be. It's part of God's plan. So do it with a positive attitude.
My message to you all today is about faith. Things are for sure hard. But what makes it easy is faith. In General Conference, they kept saying "the Lord's yoke is easy." It's so true. I don't know anything. But I have faith, and I'm working hard, and I know God will see me through. So why be discouraged. We have God on our side. Trust in Him. Have faith. Because being discouraged does the opposite. If I am discouraged then that diminishes my faith that God will be there for me. It doesn't necessarily make things easier, but faith in God brings happiness and joy. It makes the hard things easier to bear.
I love you all. There's a lot that has happened and not enough time to tell you all of it. But have faith in God and you will be happy. I promise. What a privilege to serve my God. I've never been happier in my life than walking the streets, saying Hi to people I've never met, people I can't understand, and I can't even talk to them. But they are all God's children and I love them. May God be with you all. Have faith. Don't be discouraged. And please keep praying for me.
~Elder of Many Names
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