Monday, March 6, 2023

Semana 28 (Cow's Feet Soup)


This was a pretty good week! A bit slow, but what else can you expect from San Felix. It's actually really sad, because we have other areas we can go to, but they are super far away and the people are too poor to come to church. So, the Bishop, who I still haven't met, basically banned us from going there. This means everyone in San Felix has been contacted. HaHa! We've still met some really cool people!

Clemira is progressing really well! We had a Noche de Hogar with her and with La Familia HoHosh! It went really well. However, we found out Clemira might be cursed. We are trying to figure that one out. After the Noche de Hogar, la familia HoHosh took Clemira home, and then they took us to eat at the only restaurant in San Felix - Paco Meralgo. It was actually super good! My new favorite restaurant in San Felix! Ha!Ha!

On Friday we went to Las Lajas to eat with La Familia Chavez. Their children are literally the wildest kids I've ever met. But, the moment you give them a phone, they are basically hypnotized. Bonus, after we got some really good ice cream! So the trips to Las Lajas are definitely worth it.

Then of course we had Mountain Day! That is a workout and a half! It's just a massive hike up the mountain. When we got to the family, I literally had taken a shower in my own sweat. Church wear plus hiking a mountain don't go hand in hand. Ha!Ha! But it's fun to go up. Then it started pouring when we were about to go down. So then I got my second shower! A lot better than the first that's for sure. HaHa! We got pretty muddy, but the rain felt really good. To describe how hot it was, when we got back to the road the rain was causing it to steam!

Sunday was also a good day! We only had about 11 people show up, which is still really good! It was a testimony meeting which was really cool because it felt a lot more personal with just a few of us there. Then after church we went up to Guabo. There were a bunch of random people there for an election, and they were all soooo quiet and awkward. They weren't even talking to each other. So, Elder Benitez and I sang for them and performed magic. It was funny but so so awkward. Then we were fed cow's feet soup. The whole time I was there I kept smelling something weird... yea it was the soup. I was laughing pretty hard actually. I've had fish soup, chicken soup, and now cow's feet soup. I've had other soups here, but I didn't dare ask what was in them. I was mainly laughing though because never have I ever broken a fast by eating cow's feet. But, I'm not dead yet! It actually was pretty decent soup! The after effects, not so decent.

Something pretty funny this week was that we had chickens, ducks, and dogs in our house. They are all starting to get a little too curious.

This week's thought came from when we had our weekly noche de grupo with Bonifacio. He is fairly new to the church, but he has quite the love for this gospel. Every Wednesday we show him a conference talk. And every time he always asks us "Can we listen to one by the prophet?" I truly admire his love for the prophet. Just the way he talks about him, and how he wants to meet him and shake hands with him. This made me think about how truly blessed we are that we have living prophets! Just think about that for a second. God loves us so much that he has prophets to guide us in a world that is full of so many terrors. God is constantly speaking to us through scriptures of old, as well as modern day revelation from actual living prophets. It's truly a blessing. The words of prophets are the words of God. So I encourage you all to not only take the time to talk to God through prayer, but to also listen to him through His prophets!

I love you all so much! As always, keep praying for my people! And as always, I'm constantly praying for all of you! Much love!

-Elder Lutze
From the Top of the Mountain

Our House

Teaching E. Benitez the smolder look

Bridge in San Felix

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