Monday, April 10, 2023

Semana 33 (Coca Cola and Messy Hands)


What a great week!! There is no greater thing than working, that's for sure!

Tuesday was a super good day! The ZL's came in the morning to see if we were up and about. They exercised with us, and planned with us, and then they left. We also taught Gina and Valeria who I have high hopes for! However, the highlight was definitely dinner. La Familia Hohosh took us out to eat at a Fonda. We asked what the limit of price was, and they said there wasn't one. I probably ate 7 empanadas, a couple of Hojaldras, and some puerco. It may have been the best moment of my life.

Last Wednesday we found a lot of people on a street I had never been to. Well, we came back Wednesday, and now we call this street "Miracle Street." We found so many amazing people! We have high hopes for a lot of them too! Especially Israel, but we'll get to him.

I accidentally smacked a frog too hard and killed it...

No water and no light is a bad combination. Bucket showers in the dark are scary.

When you don't have weights, build your own! And pray the strange neighbor lady doesn't rob you of them... again!

Mountain day was great - for pictures and exercise at least! We climbed up the mountain and no one was there. Then we went to Guabo, and no one was there either. Good exercise though! And on the bright side, we got back and our neighbors were having a massive party! They played music and everyone was drinking, but we weren't invited. They gave us food! It was dang good! They also offered us alcohol! That makes sense... give the missionaries of God alcohol.

Two pretty big miracles happened this week! I'll start with Israel.

My comp has an addiction to Coca Cola, and I have an addiction to bread. (Great duo, I know!) Well, on Wednesday last week, a family gave us Duros which are like otter pops, but a lot better. Anyways, my hands were a mess and my comp wanted Coca Cola. So we went to the closest chino about half a mile from where we were. We became somewhat friends with the owner, gave him a folleto, and left. Well, the next Wednesday comes, so I put him on the schedule. Duros, messy hands, a coca cola need, and there we were again at the chino. Well, it turned out that Israel had read the folleto, and he started asking us all these amazing questions. We have had two super spiritual visits with Israel now, and I have such high hopes for him! So please pray for him!

The second miracle was church. First of all, we had 27 people there! Crazy! All of Guabo, and the mountain people came. In the morning while we were preparing everything, a man drove up to the church and walked in. I thought he was from Las Lomas and was here on assignment. Well, it just so happens that this man is an inactive member of 5 years. He brought his whole family. One of his daughters is not baptized and neither is his niece. My mind was blown in every way possible. Alexander (the man) simply didn't know there was a church close to his home, Tole. But he knows now! So, not only will he reactivate and become a strong member of our group, but we are also now teaching his daughter and niece!

Thank you for all your prayers! They truly are bringing miracles to San Felix! I love you all so much! The restoration continues!

As for the spiritual thought, I just want to give my testimony because it's Easter. I know with all my heart that Christ lives. I know He suffered every single pain and affliction. He suffered more than we can even comprehend. How painful it must have been, that a man who had never once asked for anything for himself, asked to have this painful burden removed from Him. How painful it must have been, after being completely betrayed, mocked, and all alone, that He even cried the words "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?" How painful, and yet so loving, it is to know that He did it for us. What joy and peace it brings me to know that I can be forgiven, I can become better, I can receive strength, I can be resurrected, and that I can do all things. I love my Lord. There truly is no other master. I encourage you all to learn more about the Savior's Atonement. The more you learn about it, the more joy and peace you will have in your life. I bear witness of all these things, in the name of my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, Amen.

-Elder Lutze

E. Fabian & E. Lutze Mountain Day

E. Lutze has fallen and can't get up

E. Lutze's homemade weights

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