Monday, May 29, 2023

Semana 40 (I Love to See the Temple!)


Two Pdays within 4 days! That's what I like to call a win!

Monday was very strange without Pday. All the things we planned fell through. Monday is the sacred preparation day for a reason I guess.

Tuesday the Zone Leaders came to do a "Cpec"! Not really sure how you spell that one. Basically they just came to make sure that we were up on time and doing the things we need to be doing. It was pretty fun! We all just worked out together. Well, the Zone leaders only worked out for 7 minutes, but it was a good morning!

Wednesday we went to the baptism of La Hermana Daira! She is super cool! So that was fun! Elder Garrett and I also cleaned the chapel. We just jammed out to the Youth Album and cleaned like crazy!

Thursday we had Zone Conference! It was so fun to see everyone! And the spirit was very strong! I'm also happy to know that my reputation lives on in Samaria! The Elders were asking "Who the freak started doing magic!?" Then my trainer Elder Bray pointed at me. To clarify, I wasn't the one who started it. However, I was asked enough to do it that I learned, and then it got worse. The Elders of Samaria proceeded to say one of the funniest things I've ever heard which was, and I quote, "You wrecked our lives." You are welcome future Elders of Samaria!

Then we got to Pday #1 which was Friday! We had Pday on Friday because we went to the temple! My first time going in like 8 months! It was literally the most amazing experience! The temple is so beautiful, and the spirit is even more beautiful. The session was in Spanish which was a bit of a bummer. I understood all of it which was cool! But, I always enjoy spiritual learning in my own language. It was also very cool to see how much I've grown spiritually since the start of my mission! The temple was seriously so amazing, peaceful, joyful, and every good thing possible. Be grateful for them! And go often! So many people don't have that blessing!

Saturday we had a church service activity, and also the sports activity! Proud to say I destroyed in soccer. I literally dribbled 4 guys, and then proceeded to score. All the Latinos call me some strange name. I'm pretty sure it's just a soccer player that's gringo but is good. I love soccer so much!

Sunday was also amazing! The Barkers, who are Senior Missionaries here from Arizona, came to church with us! They usually do, but they had to go back to the states for a wedding. But that just means they brought things back from the states. Reeses and nerds. Oh how I miss crappy American junk food. We also taught a girl named Alexandra and put her on date to be baptized, so that was hype!

The spiritual thought is obviously about the temple. I know that temples are the house of God. I know that temples are where we can feel the spirit the strongest. To feel peace, comfort, and love. I know that going to the temple frequently can change who we are and draw us closer to Christ. That temples themselves are apart from the world, and can in turn help us become apart from the world too. Temples have so much significance to them, and I could testify and talk about them all day, but there is no replacing personal experience. If you have any desire to feel peace, joy, comfort, love, to be better, to change, or anything of the sort, I strongly encourage you to go to the temple frequently. It will change your lives forever, I promise. I love the temples with all my heart, and I wish I had the opportunity to go more here on my mission. But since I can't, each of you has to make it up for me! So the goal for
is to go at least twice in this next month of June! 

I love you all so much! Thank you for all your support and love! Please keep praying for my people! Until Next week!

-Elder Lutze
Hna Daira's Baptism

E. Lutze with President and Sister Forsberg

District at the Panama City Temple

E. Lutze at the temple (Did your pants shrink?)

Zone Conference

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