Monday, June 26, 2023

Semana 44 (Cake y Dulce)


What a great week as always! After my Pday on Wednesday I went and stayed another night with Aguadulce. We had to wake up very early in the morning! Of course Elder Bray accidentally set the alarm for Friday and not Thursday. By some miracle we woke up at 3 in the morning! Yet, we woke up 2 hours later than we wanted to. We quickly got ready, and headed off to the city!

Our time in the city was fun! All the trainers were waiting to receive their children. To be honest it was a bit intimidating, all the trainers but 3 of us are literally 'dying' this transfer. So they are a lot more experienced than I am. But, it was fun to talk and share stories! We also all played the piano and sang songs together! We had pizza too! It literally felt like another Pday.

Then we finally received our children! My new comp and child is Elder Keck! In reference to the title everyone says his name like "cake" and they say mine as "Dulce" sometimes. So we are the great combo of "Cake and Dulce." He's super awesome! He's from Colorado! And just an awesome guy! Super lucky to be coming to Penonome too! Less lucky to have me as his trainer tho ðŸ˜‚

Our first "official" day together we were eating lunch at a place called Leonardos. Suddenly two people started talking to us in English. Very strange. It sort of sounded like they were preparing to fight me, but I answered all their questions quite simply. Then I found out they were Jewish too. We became friends and that was that. A bit odd.


We had some other good lessons with members. We finally got some of them to church which was super awesome!

Saturday there was a baptism! My boy Elder Keck was the one to baptize him! What a beast! He performed it flawlessly. That same day there was a Father's day activity which was super fun! It was a huge party! The branch also had me sing two songs in Spanish which was fun! They started calling me "Peso Pluma" which is just an artist. They had me sing one of his songs.

Then church was super amazing! Trino got confirmed! Anton was a good time! Panamanians don't believe in Sabbath Day observance apparently, so a member took us and bought us lunch. Then I also got Prezzy Arrocha (branch president) fired up. I talked to him about attendance of members and what not. By the end of our conversation he just said, "Time to activate the alarm!" I take that as a very good sign.

Overall it was a great week! As for my spiritual thought it has to do with something our mission President said to us trainers. He said, "All the parents of these new missionaries are praying for them right now. You are the answer to their prayers." I may not always feel like I am, but those words hit pretty hard. And the same applies to all of us. We can each be the answer to someone's prayers. We ourselves can even pray to find people to help. Even more so, we are an answer to God's prayers. In the Book of Mormon, we read that when we are in the service of our fellow men, we are only in the service of our God. God loves all His children, and wants the best for them. He wants to give them blessings. But, those blessings often are received through us. So pray every day to find someone to help! And you, others, and God will all be blessed for it!

Love you all lots! Thank you for all your support! Please keep praying for me and my people! And for Elder Keck! Until next week!

- E. Lutze

E. Keck y E. Dulce

Trino's Baptism

Make up a story and send it to E. Lutze

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