Monday, July 3, 2023

Semana 45 (Anime is cool... please give me water!)


What a fantastic week! Tuesday we put in work! We needed people to teach, so we found people to teach! We met and talked with a lot of people, and gave as many lessons as possible! Seeing as the Spanish of Elder Keck is limited, I did most of the talking. It was a very great day! But let me tell you, talking in Spanish really makes you thirsty! Not to mention it makes it so your mouth can't function.

Wednesday was super amazing! There were two main highlights. One we got to eat with at La hermana Dairya's house with the hermanas! It was a fun time, and the food was pretty good! Then after that we went to La hermana Faira's house for a Noche de Hogar! There we taught our friend Jasmina about the restoration, and of course the Book of Mormon. The night was super amazing! We had a game, a very spiritual lesson, then of course two little girls going absolutely crazy! Then to top it all off my powerful Padawan Elder Keck, (with a little help from me), invited Jasmina to be baptized! She accepted the goal and I am so so excited for her!

For those who don't know, I very much enjoy Anime. As some would call me a "nerd", I am happy to state that through the liking of Anime I have in fact become friends with many this week. Jasmina, in fact, loves anime, particularly the same one I enjoy. Then I became friends with Aura and Simon as well! Aura is a recent convert. Simon is her father, and is not a member. It was funny to see his reaction, because he wasn't planning on joining the lesson, but the topic of anime came up and he quickly ran over to tell me all about the different shows for 30 minutes. We became great friends and then we had a very spiritual lesson! I'm not sure if anything will come from this, but seeds have indeed been planted! Now I may be a nerd, but I'm happy that it has blessed the Lord's work in some way.

JULY IS HERE!!! So crazy! Our first day of July was super awesome! We went to teach the family Caceres in the morning, but then we helped them look for their keys for about 30 minutes. One of the kids had thrown them into part of the roof. So I was sorta climbing/hanging looking for them. We looked everywhere and couldn't find them. Then I saw one last spot, but thought it was impossible for them to be there. But eh, why not right? So once again I may have slightly gone against some mission rules. But hey, I found their keys for them! They were very grateful, and I was very happy to have helped them! Then that night we had a branch activity! Food, music, volleyball! Super awesome! The highlight of course was teaching Jasmina tho. To show how elect she is, she took notes about what she had read in the Book of Mormon AND she was taking notes during our lesson! So hype!

Then Sunday was amazing as always! I had to translate for Sister Swift which was kinda strange, but it worked out. Jasmina came to church! And we taught her a fire lesson after. The group in Anton was a good time. Then we went and taught two of our friends and put them on date to be baptized! Pray lots for Lucia and Alcibiades!

My studies have also been really amazing! Lately I've been writing down one verse on a sticky note from every chapter I read in the Book of Mormon. It's been so amazing to reflect every day on all these scriptures and how they apply to me personally. The Book of Mormon really is meant for every single one of us! It is how God communicates to us, and how we can learn and grow. Nothing has blessed me more than studying the Book of Mormon. I encourage you all to take time to look for and read the messages that God has in store for you! Because they are there, but it takes a little digging first to find treasure.

I love you all so much! Keep praying for my people! Until next week!

- E. Lutze

Dinner at Dairya's Home

Noche de Hogar Faira Home

E. Lutze & E. Keck (E. Lutze's first son)

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