From Mom: E. Lutze's birthday is this Friday, July 14th! Please flood his email with Birthday Wishes!
What a fantastic week as always! I was indeed very sick, but that just made it all the more interesting! It was mostly interesting because I could barely speak, and my comp can't speak Spanish
But we made it through!
We worked a lot in Antón as always! Not much new in that sense.
Wednesday Sister Swift, the member from Africa, took us and the sister missionaries to lunch! It was very expensive and very delicious!
That same day we also went to teach Humberto. He's a member, but we go teach him and his wife every once in a while. There are some people I could sit with and just talk to forever, and Humberto is definitely one of those people! We were just relaxing in his rocking chairs talking about The wheat and Tares, and that essentially we all choose to be either a wheat or a tare.
Then I took it even further with Elder Keck by saying "Ya know Elder... you are what you eat, and I eat my oats. Therefore I am indeed a Wheat and not a Tare." #GetBigForGod Eat your midnight oats folks
Thursday was fun! A bit of a waste seeing as we went to Chitré for Zone Council. But it was fun to see everyone from the Zone! We also had pizza, and we got Cinnabon!
That same day the Hermanas had intercambios, so the whole bus ride we all got to talk with Hermana Drew which was hype! But, then we were in a car crash-a truck hit the absolutely massive bus we were in. Not sure how the truck driver didn't see the bus... so that wasted more time. By the time we got back, we had 1 lesson and went to dinner. So it was just a double intercambios because we were with the Hermanas the entire day
Saturday it rained, and the members were too afraid of it. So our planned day of visiting inactive members with the members was a bust. But we did have a Noche De Hogar with Jasmina and la familia Farías!
Then good ol' Sunday pulled up. District Conference!! It is the same thing as a ward conference, but we are a district. So many people were there!! And we were working hard on getting members from the group to go, and they all came!! It was so awesome! And the picture of them all makes me smile so much!! :)
Then to put a little cherry on top of that day, we taught Obdulia at the church. AND we put her on date to be baptized! I asked her "If you knew the Book of Mormon was true, what would you do?"
Then her fire response was "I know this Book is true, it just makes sense"
Anyways, my spiritual thought for the week has to do with when Jesus asks Peter "lovest thou me?" Now, this chapter has a lot of spiritual insights. But one that came to mind is that Christ had put a lot of time and effort into shaping these Apostles into "fishers of men." He didn't do all that just to have them go back to their old ways and habits. Christ has shown He has the power to catch boats full of fish. He doesn't need us for that. What He needs from us is our love. And from our love comes loyalty and discipleship. And with discipleship, we are to feed His sheep. Christ has put lots of time and effort into all of us, not for us to go back to our old ways, but so we can better love Him, and so we can feed His sheep.
I love you all so much! Keep praying for my people! Especially Jasmina, Obdulia, Alcibiades, and Lucia!! Until Next Time!
- Elder Lutze
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