Sunday, July 23, 2023

Semana 48

Dear Elder Lutze,

I hope all is well for you, your investigators, and your companion. 

Just boring stuff here… work, yard work-flower beds🌸, fertilize, treat for insects and snails. We cleaned out the filter for the sprinklers 3 times this week. I need to do some replanting this fall. Dad and Rachael are in SG working on some more framing. The electrician ⚡️comes this week and hopefully HVAC and then it will be dry wall time… maybe September? We shall see?!

Best part of the week visiting with my Emotional Resiliency group on Wednesday and Kathy on Friday. I also enjoyed the temple twice-once with the youth and once on my own for initiatories. I love listening to the promises and blessings we receive. We have a loving and generous Heavenly Father! ❤️

My thought for the week… is how short this life really is and what we do with it determines the eternities!!! Kind of like the mission… So, keep working hard! Keep doing the best you know how!


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