Sunday, August 13, 2023

Semana 51

 Dear Elder Lutze,

I hope this week went well for you and E. Keck! I can't believe it's almost your hump day! Life here is the usual. I took Jill Furness out for her birthday and we also did our swim-walking this week. Dad and I attended Pat's funeral. It was beautiful and captured her life of service perfectly. What an amazing woman. We spent lots of money on the cars this week - oil changes etc. We still need to put new tires on the van and Dad's car. Fall weather is coming...  you can feel the change in the temperature. The Weights are coming up over Labor Day weekend. We're going to Swiss Days and a REAL game. Should be a fun time.

Rachael and Foster are finishing up their applications for schools. So much work!. Natalie actually spent some good time with us on Friday talking, eating, and helping. It was an amazing hour! I'm grateful for the little things.

Bro. Cunningham brought me flowers Friday. Beautiful! They love to read your emails. 

I was reading in Acts this week and loved these verses. Great example of missionary work - Apollos is prepared (instructed in the way of the Lord, fervent in the spirit, spoke and taught diligently) then Aquila and Priscilla - couple missionaries expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. As missionaries you do this for those that are prepared to receive and accept the gospel. The gospel is true. Jesus is the Christ!

Acts 18

24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
25 This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John.
26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.


💕 Mom

Have a great week!

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