Sunday, August 20, 2023

Semana 52

Dear Elder Lutze, 

Praying for you, your comp, and your area! Life here is the usual things… nothing very exciting. I can’t believe it’s your HUMP DAY already!🐪🐪🐪 

I did renew my temple recommend this week, see a play with dad, visit with the sisters in my emotional resiliency class, eat Costa Vida with Hannah, play at the park with the kids during our walk, attend the temple, work in the yard, and deep clean some of the cabinets in the kitchen. 

I’m enjoying Acts. Acts 26:26 - nothing the Lord does is done in a corner!!!

The truth of the gospel is not hidden or “done in a corner,” but rather it is a light shining on a hill. This was true in the Savior’s day and in Paul’s day, and it is true in our day as well. 

Keep shining your light!!!


❤️ Mom

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