Monday, September 4, 2023

Semana 54 (A God of Miracles!)


What is up my fellow children of God?! This week was fantastic as always, so let's get into it! Imma hit up the three highlights.

Wednesday was exchanges! I went to good ol' Aguadulce (Sweet Water). We had a grand time of teaching! But let me tell ya, the name of this place is deceiving... it is not in fact 'sweet water,' but a fiery furnace. All was good and well tho, because the Elders in fact have AC in their rooms! It's a house of 4 Elders, and being with all Latinos is one of the greatest experiences. The jokes were flying, and the food was cooking! As the time to go to bed rolled around, the power went out... which meant no AC or fans. I have never been so hot in my life! And sleeping was impossible! This place was not 'Sweet Water' but 'Sweat Water.' All in all, the time was great, aside from my trip to the sauna!

Thursday was a big big miracle, but I'll get to that!

Friday we saw two miracles! We taught two of our people with baptism dates! First, we taught Henry. The miracle with him is the fact that he is living the law of chastity! He kept talking about his girlfriend and how he wants her to be baptized too, but we definitely thought bad things were going down. Well, luckily they aren't, so Henry is going strong!

Then, the same day we taught Blanca! Now she had a huge problem with coffee! Born and raised on the stuff sorta thing. We had taught her the Word of Wisdom two weeks ago, and had suggested many things to help her. She agreed to try, but kept talking about how much she drinks it, and how hard it would be etc., etc. Well, when we taught her Friday, she said to us "I have completely dropped coffee." It was such a miracle! God truly does help His children! So Blanca is ready to be baptized! Sadly I won't be here for her baptism, but I'm so excited for her!

Now back to Thursday! There was the baptism of Osmar! 

Background is that he is the husband of a member. Many, many missionaries had tried with him but couldn't get through. Then the sister missionaries finally were able to get him on date to be baptized! However, it was still a bit of a toss up if he would go through with it.

Well, he ended up getting really sick from a problem caused from diluted medications he took years ago. He had been to many doctors, but they could never find a solution. They were about to go to the doctors, but they had me and my comp come give him a blessing first. We gave him the blessing and they were off.

A few days later, the doctors found a solution and he was healed! It was a miracle! Osmar and his wife later explained the experience to us. They said that the moment we explained what the blessing was they started to feel the Spirit. Then, after the blessing, Osmar felt a lot of peace and a hope that he hadn't felt before about his medical situation.

We later came to find out that from him feeling the Spirit so strongly from that whole process, that it finally pushed him to being baptized! His wife texted us, and asked me for a favor. She said, "What my husband felt when you blessed him was something really special, and he wants you to baptize him!"

The baptismal service was on Thursday, and it was so special! I've never seen a family as happy as this one! It was such a privilege to be a part of this experience! God truly is a God of miracles!

I love you all! I hope you all are doing well! Please continue praying for my people! Until Next Week!

-E. Lutze

E. Keck & E. Lutze's Final Week Together!

Osmar's Baptism!
(A Miracle due to a Priesthood Blessing given by E. Lutze)

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