Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Semana 55 (Goodbye, But Not?!)


This was a good last week of transfers!

We had a really fun zone council! Got to see everyone, and say bye to lots of friends. We all had a fun time talking!

We taught Alan and Henry this week which was good! They both are progressing really well! And it was a pretty powerful moment teaching Henry about repentance, how it works, and how we can always keep trying no matter what! 

We taught Blanca this week too! She's gonna come to church this week, aaaaaand she is completely ready to be baptized! I'm so excited for her! She just needs to choose what day she wants, and badabing badaboom.

Other than those highlights, the week was chill! We were mainly just waiting for the transfer news.

My next area I have to go suuuuuuuuuper far away! Super duper far. Taking a plane and a boat to get here. (*Note the sarcasm*) For the next 5 weeks of my life I will be in Antón! I'm going right next door to Penonomé. 

It will be cool to open an area tho! Me and my comp Elder Rendón will be the first set of missionaries in Antón! And we will get to establish lots! It's pretty unique for me too, because I was here when the group became established! So I just get to help it out that much more!

Spiritual thought is about meekness. Many of us, probably all of us, hate to ask for help. Hate to say things aren't ok. I for one am as stubborn as a mule many times. But, we are all here to love and help each other out! So don't be afraid to open up to people! And ask for help! This week I decided to ask Elder Keck to give me a blessing and it was quite special! I really, really didn't want to ask him, but I did anyway, and I'm happy I did! God loves all of us! And that love many times is shown through other people! So let God and others love you!

Anyways, please pray for my people in Antón! Shoutout to the boys Cal and Maddux for already hitting their 1 year marks! Shoutout to Diver (My adorable nephew) for being a stinker and turning 2!

Love y'all lots! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

Our District

Diver's Birthday!

E. Keck, E. Lutze  and Las Hermanas


Our Zone

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