Monday, October 30, 2023

Semana 62 (Politics Am I Right?)


Don't have much time today! We were busy making food with the district, and now we have to go buy food that will last us about 2 weeks!

Panama is sorta going through something right now. They aren't too happy with the President. Lots of riots and fires. Good times!

We still got some good work done this week tho! Melardo is progressing well. We watched church through Zoom with him. Yes, the church was closed...We also have another friend Abdiel! He agreed to be baptized, and is so awesome!

Exchanges with Elder Smith was fun! Lots of the missionaries in my district are  suuuuuper young. But I guess that's good sometimes  because they don't understand when a random crazy dude yells "KILL THE WHITE PEOPLE! THEY GOT ALL THE MONEY!"

Things aren't that bad honestly! My comp and I are completely safe, and the work continues!

Thought super quick. I like this story.

Inside all of us there are two wolves fighting. And a man asks "which wolf wins?"

Then the other man answered "Whichever one I feed the most!"

We always have spiritual battles against Satan. But if we want the good to win, then we have to feed it more! Think about it!

Love you all! Have a great week! Pray for Melardo and Abdiel. And Panama. Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

Fires are burning!

And Burning...

Even Subway is CLOSED!

Walk Away from the FIRE!

Exchange with E. Smith

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