Sunday, December 3, 2023

Semana 67

Dear Elder Lutze, 

I hope this finds you well! Is the political ’win’ helping shift the public sentiment down there?

Work’s been super busy! I had a few late nights last week and more this week! I went with Hannah and the boys to the outlets to see the lights and of course enjoy Auntie Anne’s pretzels. 🥨 I also put most of Christmas up! I still have the tree and the outside to finish!

I love you! Keep working hard. Excited to hear about your changes this week! 

❤️ Mom


I love the Book of Mormon! I’m in 3 Nephi. 

I love this quote by Bednar on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. What a privilege you hold to be able to bless others with this gift. They then choose to desire it, seek it, work and live for it!

2 Timothy 1:6

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pointed out: “These four words—‘Receive the Holy Ghost’—are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction—an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26). The Holy Ghost does not become operative in our lives merely because hands are placed upon our heads and those four important words are spoken. As we receive this ordinance, each of us accepts a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, to seek, to work, and to so live that we indeed ‘receive the Holy Ghost’ and its attendant spiritual gifts” (“Receive the Holy Ghost,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 95).

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