Transfer day was Thursday! We all went to Albrook, and it was super fun to see a bunch of friends and other missionaries! Then, my new comp Elder Zepeda and I went to the offices for a bit. It was all a good time!
Overall, the week was good! An interesting experience occured on Friday. We went to visit some random guy, and his dog was trying to absolutely murder us. He tied up the dog just enough so we could squeeze into the house without becoming chew toys. We started sharing a message, and all was good! Then, at the door, we suddenly hear a big "BANG!" Elder Zepeda and I just looked at each other knowing exactly what happened...the dog broke free. It was trying to break into the house, but couldn't. Then the guy tied it up, and we squeezed out of the house.
There was a Mother's Day activity on Saturday! Mother's Day here is a big, big deal in Panama! So big that they decided to be different from literally every other country and make their Mother's Day in December! It was a good time though! I ended up participating in a competition, winning, and earning cookies as a prize. So the activity was a big success!
We had a great lesson with Yorlenis and Eduardo this week! They accepted a baptismal date for the 13th of January! The power of the Book of Mormon and prayer is so real!!
Why the 13th of January you may ask? Why put a goal so far away? Because we are gonna have a TARDE BLANCA!!! That's right folks! The entire Zone is gonna work on getting as many people prepared for baptism for this very special day! So that we can literally be a "WHITE EVENING"! It's gonna be lit! So, please pray for my Zone that we can see lots of miracles for the 13th of January!
Sunday was good! Had some friends come to church which was awesome! Then we did a TON of planning. Never, have I ever, planned so much in my life, but it was really good! We also passed around a calendar at church to the members to plan Noches de Hogar (Family Home Evenings) with everyone! It's gonna be a great month of December!
Elder Zepeda, my new comp, is also super awesome! He is pretty close to finishing his mission. He speaks pretty good English! He is also super funny and sarcastic which makes things fun! And, he is a really good missionary! I'm excited for this transfer with him!
My spiritual thought for the week comes from Luke 14: 28-30. To summarize it quickly, it basically says,
"Whoever is planning to build a tower, doesn't he first sit and count the cost to be sure he has enough to build? That way people won't mock him for starting, but not finishing."
Now this scripture could be used for many many different subjects. One very important subject is that of Eternal Life!
"Whoever is planning on Eternal Life, doesn't he first sit and count the cost to be sure he is doing the right things to get there?"
Many people don't start this process. Many do start, but then stop. God has given us the material necessary to build our Eternal Life! It is up to us to use these materials to construct it! It is by our everyday decisions, habits, celestial thinking, etc, that we ourselves can build our spiritual mansions! If we make our treasure the things of Heaven, then that is what will await us in Heaven!
So, I invite you all to stop, sit down, and count the cost of what it really takes to receive Eternal Life. What are you doing well? What can you improve on? How can you better keep your covenant relationship with God? Now is the time to prepare to meet God, so I invite you all to do just that, PREPARE! And I promise you all that you will be able to wax strong in His presence, and feel more of His love.
Love you all lots! Please pray lots for my people! Pray for my Zone! Have a great week! Until Next Week!
-E. Lutze
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