Sunday, January 14, 2024

Semana 73

Dear Elder Lutze,

I love you and am praying for you, your zone, and your mission! God is a God of miracles!!! 

This week was super busy at work! Home was busy with snow removal. We’ve gotten about a foot and a half this week! This morning’s snow was super wet and heavy and guess what?!! It’s snowing again! Imagine that! 

Dad and I went on a date night to Edna’s last night. We tried all new dishes which we enjoyed! We were amazed at a one year old’s birthday party - 21 people, 15 pizzas, 10 salads, and 6 appetizers. The bill had to have been at least $400.🤑😝🤪😜 

My thought this week is about 1 Nephi 3:7… dad and I were talking about this. It is our job to ‘go’ meaning to put forward faith and move forward and it is His job to help us with the ‘do’ once He’s seen our initial faith in the ‘go.’ 

Think about your mission…. You had to ‘go’ meaning put your faith in Him that this was right and get out there and He’s been by your side helping you with the ‘do’ ever since!!! He wants to see us act in faith!

❤️ you!


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