Crazy busy week, but so good!
We started off by doing a CPEC in Loma Coba on Tuesday! It was fun! We were super tired after though. But, we gave ourselves some good motivation, and saw some big miracles for the work!
Had an intercambios the next day! I was with Elder Canastuj. The first thing he told me was "Gringo, I was obligated to come on the mission. I don't want to be here." He already has 20 months on the mission, so that was a bit sad. All in all, it was quite the interesting time with him.
We got to eat with la familia Vallarino! My Sensei (Presidente Vallarino) was just dropping knowledge upon us. It was a really fun time!
We had our Zone conference this week as well! It was fun to see a lot of friends! Elder Clark and I also got to give a training to all the missionaries which was super fun!
2 of my recent converts, Juan and Angela, are preparing to go to the temple and get endowed! I'm so, so, so excited for them! And there is a possible chance that I can go with them! Crazy how time flies!
We did a 2ND CPEC! We woke up early a lot this week... but that's ok! Who needs sleep right? It was a good time though! We also got to do some baptismal interviews for the Elders.
Huge miracle on Sunday! I have never really had a big testimony/experience with fasting. But this week we decided to use all the faith we had! We started our fast on Saturday, we were expecting a miracle, and we were running around doing as much as we could to help God make the miracle happen!
Well, Sunday rolled around, and we had a few friends at church which was good! But, after church, we were able to go to a lesson with Diego and his mom!
The story behind Diego is that before he had a -10 interest in the church, but thanks to a spiritual experience at an "EFY", he got really interested! So we had been teaching him a bit here and there, the problem being mostly his parents.
Well, we were still fasting, and man did we feel weak. But we shared about Christ's life, and about his love. And the spirit was so strong! We asked Diego's mom if she would be willing to support Diego in any decision he made. She said yes! We then asked Diego if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ, and be baptized. He said yes! It was a huge miracle! Super amazing! We are so excited for him!
My spiritual thought goes hand in hand with this experience. Last week I talked about a simple pattern of trials of our faith, demonstration of faith, and the miracle/conversion!
For me, the trial of faith was fasting - to have an experience with fasting/miracles. The demonstration was experimenting upon the word for myself. To test it myself. And to work hard. In the end, God truly blessed us with a miracle! And my own conversion/testimony of fasting has grown!
It all starts with a desire. The desire then moves us to act! To test and try the things of God! And through our trials and our actions/testing God's word, we truly see miracles!
What is so great about this is that there is only one way to find out. For you to try it out yourself!
Love you all! Keep praying for my people! And my zone! And for my shoes, so the shoe guy can repair them! They have a nice air-conditioning system! (Pic below)
Until Next Week!!
- E. Lutze
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