Sunday, May 19, 2024

Semana 91

Dear Elder Lutze,

We continue to pray 🙏 for you, your companion, and your area! We’re so excited your group will soon be a branch! Truly God is a God of miracles!!! 

Life here is busy! How did I do it when all you kids were home? Dad and I stayed in Fort Worth and helped until our flight ✈️ Tuesday evening. Rachael picked us up from the airport! I then worked like crazy Wednesday to Friday at work and then all day yesterday in the yard. So much to do!!! Dad and I did squeeze in a play and the next night takeout and a movie. I’ve also been working on Rachael’s and my trip to Washington DC, a family vacation, and numerous other odds and ends!!!

I’ve been asked to speak next Sunday about ‘Who’s my Jesus?’ I’ll have to send my talk. In preparation for it I was reading ‘The Gift of Knowing Him’ by E. Renlund. He states “ You can know that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, and that He atoned for your sins. This knowledge is better and longer lasting than any gift that Santa could ever bring you, because it can transform you. You will learn that the Savior loves to restore what you cannot restore, heal wounds you cannot heal, fix what has been irreparably broken, compensate for any unfairness you’ve experienced and permanently mend even shattered hearts.”

I love you!💕 


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