Monday, October 31, 2022

Semana 10 (Amen Varon)

For anyone curious about my title this week, people here literally say "Amen" to everything about God or Jesus. But, then they say "Amen Varon" which sounds like baron. It essentially means "holy man." So to my fellow missionaries out there.... AMEN VARON!!! Keep preaching the word of God!!

What a good week everyone! I'm so happy to be here in Samaria preaching and testifying. I did have crazy neck pain this week. I couldn't turn my head at all. Satan, I think, just said "Well, I can't get to him mentally or emotionally, so I'm going to try physically." Well, if that was the case, then he clearly doesn't know me. Because some pain ain't gonna stop me from doing the Lord's work. It was funny though, because three different ladies saw I couldn't move my neck and they pointed at me and just said "vick." It sounded like they said "beak." We were so confused. But eventually it was explained that it was a product to rub on my neck, and so I did that, and boom, problem solved.

Anyways... This week was really good. I'll start off with intercambios. I didn't think I would have another one for a while. But I had to go to the city, so I went with my guy Elder Ramirez. (HaHa!). I knew that there was gonna be a story with this one. And there was. We had to take the metro. I got on, but for some reason he did not. So, I turn to see the doors close and him on the other side. And then the metro starts going. I just got off at the next stop. But still, it was hilarious. The first time I was alone in public... it was weird. In the city we went to immigrations, and I'm happy to announce that I am officially a citizen of Panama!!

Then, we had second intercambios with the APs. It was so awesome! In one day, we got 14 baptismal commitments. So in total right now we have 20. We've got a lot of work to do!!! But for me, it was cool because Elder Longhurst (the AP I was with) made me do everything. I led us where to go, planned everything, just everything, which I didn't think I could do, but apparently I can. I'm happy to say we didn't get lost!!!. This was surprising because my area is massive. We got a lot of baptismal dates, mostly because the scriptures just had such a powerful effect. We now call them the magic scriptures. Elder Longhurst also taught me a lot and told me some good things. Something that stuck with me was this. "I hope you realize what a grand blessing you've been given. Not many "3 weekers" can bear testimony in Spanish like that. Don't hide your gift or God will take it away." I was thinking about that a lot. We all have gifts from God and the best thing we can do is use them. I know I don't alway recognize them or sometimes feel like I don't have gifts. But I do. And I know all of you do too. The most precious gifts we have are our testimonies, the scriptures, and the Atonement. So use them. Use the gifts God has given you and He will give you more.

My other thought for the week came from when I was playing with some little kids. They were laughing and jumping all over me and it made me miss my nephew Diver. But instead of being sad, I was happy. At this moment, I remembered some important advice I was given. Enjoy the moment of things. Enjoy the people around you and what is happening. A lot of problems that I had in the past were caused by focusing on what I couldn't control. It overwhelmed everything. But when I focus on what I can control, on what is happening, and focus on Christ, then I find that I can be happy. I remember a talk that said something along the lines of "Focus on everything that you are able to do. And do everything you are able to do. But when you can't do more, hand it over to the Lord for the time being." What a blessing that is. I truly can testify that we can be happy when we focus on what's in our control. I testify that if we do what we can and try to align ourselves with God, that when we can't do more, He will help us through all things. He's there every step of the way. He loves you and wants what's best for you. We just need to focus on our part and trust that God will do what is best for us.

I love you all. Thank you for all the support and emails! I hope things are going well. Keep praying for me and my people!

Elder Lutze

E. Bray & E. Lutze in the rain again!

E. Bray & E. Lutze with some random kids

E. Longhurst (AP) & E. Lutze in Samaria on intercambios

E. Lutze with his dope Book of Mormon case and pamphlet holder

E. Lutze with my guy E. Ramirez

Elderes with Hermana Babb

Lasagna with rice (E. Lutze actually liked it which surprised us. He's refused to eat lasagna for at least 10 years since he got food poisoning after a ward party.)

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Semana 10

Elder Lutze,

We love you and pray for you and your companion E. Bray. We really enjoyed talking with you on Monday! I can’t believe it has already been six weeks.

We celebrated Foster and Rachael’s birthdays tonight with a delicious beef brisket, cheesy potatoes, green beans and of course chocolate molten lava cake! We’re playing Super Fight right now!

We went to the ward Fall Fair on Tuesday and enjoyed a girls night out with Suzy Tricia and Sherrene on Wednesday. I took Rachael out for her birthday on Friday. We went to the Provo City Temple followed by Molly’s for lunch and then shopping. Fun day! Saturday lots of errands to do and getting ready for today. 

Thoughts for today… I’ve been reading Isaiah. I love Isaiah. I can see why the Savior and Nephi loved his words!!!

This is a beautiful symbol of Jesus Christ found in Isaiah 22:20-25. 

“Eliakim signifies The resurrection of the Lord; or, My God, he shall arise.” Thus, even the name typified Christ, “for the hope of salvation and eternal life comes only through Eliakim, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. ” (Adam Clarke, The Holy Bible … with a Commentary and Critical Notes, 4:107.)
When the patriarch Israel gave his son Judah his blessings, he said, among other things: “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be” (Genesis 49:10). Thereafter, the ruling power in Israel was enjoyed by Judah and was particularly evident in the reign of King David. The key of the house of David, the right to rule, was a symbol for the real right to rule, which is only enjoyed through the holy priesthood of God. This power was focused upon and centered in the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom was given power to “shut” and to “open” with no one who could override that power. John and Isaiah both clearly show that the key of David, or the government, was to be upon the shoulders of the Savior of the world (see Isaiah 9:6; Revelation 3:7).
The “nail in a sure place” (Isaiah 22:23) is messianic and symbolizes the terrible reality of the cross, though only a part of the total suffering of the Lord that caused Him to “tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit” (D&C 19:18). Just as the nail of the cross that was driven in the sure place secured the body of the one being crucified, so the Savior Himself is, to all who will, a nail in a sure place, for He has given them power so that none need be lost (see John 17:12). As Christ brings the redeemed to the Father, the glory becomes His own, and the redeemed and their offspring will become part of the family of heaven under the throne of Christ (see D&C 19:2; Matthew 28:18; 1 Corinthians 15:27–28; Philippians 2:5–11; 3:21).

Second thought…

Focus on effort not results

Last thought…

This is an excellent talk about faith when things don’t go the way we want. God gives us answers in three ways… yes, not now, and there’s a better way. Trust in me!

“But If Not …”

By Elder Dennis E. Simmons Of the Seventy

As a young man, I returned home from an eighth-grade basketball tournament dejected, disappointed, and confused. I blurted out to my mother, “I don’t know why we lost—I had faith we’d win!”
I now realize that I did not then know what faith is.
Faith is not bravado, not just a wish, not just a hope. True faith is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ—confidence and trust in Jesus Christ that leads a person to follow Him.
Centuries ago, Daniel and his young associates were suddenly thrust from security into the world—a world foreign and intimidating. When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refused to bow down and worship a golden image set up by the king, a furious Nebuchadnezzar told them that if they would not worship as commanded, they would immediately be cast into a burning fiery furnace. “And who is that God that shall deliver you out of my hands?”
The three young men quickly and confidently responded, “If it be so [if you cast us into the furnace], our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand.” That sounds like my eighth-grade kind of faith. But then they demonstrated that they fully understood what faith is. They continued, “But if not, … we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.” That is a statement of true faith.
They knew that they could trust God—even if things didn’t turn out the way they hoped. They knew that faith is more than mental assent, more than an acknowledgment that God lives. Faith is total trust in Him.
Faith is believing that although we do not understand all things, He does. Faith is knowing that although our power is limited, His is not. Faith in Jesus Christ consists of complete reliance on Him.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego knew they could always rely on Him because they knew His plan, and they knew that He does not change. They knew, as we know, that mortality is not an accident of nature. It is a brief segment of the great plan of our loving Father in Heaven to make it possible for us, His sons and daughters, to achieve the same blessings He enjoys, if we are willing.
They knew, as we know, that in our premortal life, we were instructed by Him as to the purpose of mortality: “We will make an earth whereon these may dwell; And we will prove them herewith, to see if they will do all things whatsoever the Lord their God shall command them.”
So there we have it—it’s a test. The world is a testing place for mortal men and women. When we understand that it’s all a test, administered by our Heavenly Father, who wants us to trust in Him and to allow Him to help us, we can then see everything more clearly.
His work and His glory, He told us, is “to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” He has already achieved godhood. Now His only objective is to help us—to enable us to return to Him and be like Him and live His kind of life eternally.
Knowing all this, it was not difficult for those three young Hebrews to make their decision. They would follow God; they would exercise faith in Him. He would deliver them, but if not—and we know the rest of the story.
The Lord has given us agency, the right and the responsibility to decide. He tests us by allowing us to be challenged. He assures us that He will not suffer us to be tempted beyond our ability to withstand. But we must understand that great challenges make great men. We don’t seek tribulation, but if we respond in faith, the Lord strengthens us. The but if nots can become remarkable blessings.
The Apostle Paul learned this significant lesson and declared, after decades of dedicated missionary work, “We glory in tribulations … knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed.”
He was assured by the Savior, “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”
Paul responded: “Most gladly therefore will I glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. … I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” When Paul met his challenges the Lord’s way, his faith increased.
“By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac.” Abraham, because of his great faith, was promised posterity greater in number than the stars in the heavens, and that that posterity would come through Isaac. But Abraham immediately complied with the Lord’s command. God would keep His promise, but if not in the manner Abraham expected, he still trusted Him completely.
Men accomplish marvelous things by trusting in the Lord and keeping His commandments—by exercising faith even when they don’t know how the Lord is shaping them.
“By faith Moses … refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter;
“Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;
“Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt. …
“By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king. …
“By faith they passed through the Red sea as by dry land. …
“By faith the walls of Jericho fell down.”
Others “through faith subdued kingdoms, … obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions,
“Quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight.”
But in the midst of all those glorious outcomes hoped for and expected by the participants, there were always the but if nots:
“And others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, … bonds and imprisonment:
“They were stoned, they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain with the sword: they wandered about … being destitute, afflicted, tormented; … 
“God having provided some better things for them through their sufferings, for without sufferings they could not be made perfect.”
Our scriptures and our history are replete with accounts of God’s great men and women who believed that He would deliver them, but if not, they demonstrated that they would trust and be true.

He has the power, but it’s our test.
What does the Lord expect of us with respect to our challenges? He expects us to do all we can do. He does the rest. Nephi said, “For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do.”
We must have the same faith as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.
Our God will deliver us from ridicule and persecution, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from sickness and disease, but if not. … He will deliver us from loneliness, depression, or fear, but if not. … Our God will deliver us from threats, accusations, and insecurity, but if not. … He will deliver us from death or impairment of loved ones, but if not, … we will trust in the Lord.
Our God will see that we receive justice and fairness, but if not. … He will make sure that we are loved and recognized, but if not. … We will receive a perfect companion and righteous and obedient children, but if not, … we will have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, knowing that if we do all we can do, we will, in His time and in His way, be delivered and receive all that He has. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

❤️ You! 


Monday, October 24, 2022

Semana 9 (Marcos ~ My First Baptism)

What a week! There's always so much to talk about, and I don't know what to choose. My emails already are forever long. So apologies. Anyways, let's get started!

First off, PDAY!!! Pday is hype. I get to talk to the fam, friends, do laundry, shop, eat at Wendy's apparently, and of course... Fútbol! Ah man, I love soccer so much. And we get a lot of attention from kids when I start juggling a ball in the street. But, Pdays are super dope, and a good destresser.

Things I forgot to mention in my last email ~ Chinos. People here call stores Chinos because the stores are run by Chinese people. They also call the people Chinos and not by their name. Suuuuuuper racist. But Chinos are dope and have everything you need. Another thing ~ Chivas. Oh Chivas. To get to Los Andes or other places not in our area we take Chivas (buses.) They literally just fit as many people in as humanly possible and play horrible music. It's actually so lit. Not as lit as Diablos Rojos (Red Devils.) Those are school buses from America that were imported here and they paint them and supe them up. They are kinda sketch but so dope!

The women on the Chivas and in general can be scary. On the Chivas some women stare at me, wink, make hearts, touch my butt, press against me, or stroke my face with their acrylic nails ..... super weird! And they love saying things (in Spanish of course) like "I love you baby" "Black girls taste sweet" "Hola mi amor" "Eres galan" (Handsome dude/sexy) "Give me your eyes" (babies)... yea stuff like that. Honestly, if I wasn't scared of being kidnapped by them, I would probably be flattered. Broma Broma, I'm not scared.... "ok a little, but!" *in Gru's voice*

Food is energy. Rice and chuleta is about all I eat ~ not much flavor. But, I'm super grateful for it! And sometimes it is dang good. Hermana Bab gave us an absolute mountain of rice and we had to eat it all. I was beyond full. And Hermana Laura gave us this strange food... it was basically blended up fish with who knows what. She was excited about it though. So, we managed to eat it all with a smile. It was brutal. But I'm still super thankful to her. Later that day while we were in the streets we kept smelling her food in really nasty areas... soooo, we became a little concerned! What was in that?

This week we also had a service project with some of the zone. We helped set up a camp for all of Panama's YSA. So that was pretty cool. And after that we started intercambios. We switched comps for the night and morning. So I was with Elder Ramirez. Oh how I'll never forget this. He got lost going back to his area (Cerro Batea).... for 2 hours. We finally made it back to his apartment and dropped my stuff off and went out to teach. We had 1 lesson and he got lost again... for 5 hours!!! We walked a huge circle ~ about 2 miles. He tried walking us down one particular street twice, after we had been warned not to go that way late at night (8). So I stopped him. Good thing too, because we heard some uhh "fireworks." Anyways. In the morning, we went out to teach but he got lost AGAIN. Then it started pouring, like water past my ankles pouring and Elder Ramirez didn't bring his umbrella. So I ended up giving him mine. I was absolutely drenched. But, it was so fun and everyone thought I was so weird. Which I am. (Hahaha) But I'm also a gringo, so obviously they think I'm weird.

The next day it poured again and my other shoes got drenched. But, I love the rain, so I don't even care. Literally it is my favorite thing.

Other things that happened  ~ talking to some boys. It was hilarious. They offered us weed, which happens a lot, and they kept asking if we were virgins. Happy to say we are. I learned a ton of slang! And for my favorite Dutch friend, they kept saying "Quiero torta". Our stove also exploded this week. It started shooting sparks at me while I was washing dishes. We got a new one. We also saw a dead dude. Our friend Eliseo, his friend, got shot and now Eliseo is asking us for money. So I'm not really sure what we are involved in!

I also met the funniest dude of my life ~ Edson. I learned that you practice kissing on sandias (watermelons) and mangos, NOT PINEAPPLES and go to church so your girlfriend doesn't kill you. Then Edson lost it when I told him I'm from Lehi. And that there is a Nephi and Moroni in Utah. "Like the profeta!?! Is there a Lemuel too?! I feel bad for the people who would live there!" So, so funny. He was dying!

And then of course... MARCOS. My first baptism. The man is 80 years old! What a legend! He didn't want a pic... but that's ok. Super special! I love that guy. I'm excited for the many more baptisms coming. We be working hard.

There's too many spiritual thoughts to choose from. I'll go with the scriptures today. Everyday, I have time for personal prayer and scripture study. It  is the best start to a day I could ask for. I've learned a lot. But, the best thing I've learned is that the scriptures fill you with the Holy Ghost. Every time I immerse myself in the scriptures, I just feel happy for the rest of the day. We learn that the scriptures are the word of God ~ the iron rod and it leads to the fruit of the tree which is God's love. I truly can testify that scriptures are the word of God and that when we immerse ourselves in them, we are filled with the Holy Ghost and love. So, I challenge all of you to immerse yourself. Read with a purpose. And, I promise you that you will feel the love of God in your life!

I love you all. And God even more. I'm so thankful for your support and prayers. I hope you are all doing well. I love the mission and I'm excited each day to learn, teach, and grow. Have a great week!

Elder Lutsay

A fish within fish

Baptism Day ~ Marcos!

Part of a service project?

Two elders attempting the "smolder" look!

Yep, it's raining!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Semana 9

 Dear Elder Lutze, 

I just want you to know that your letters are touching members of our ward. Sis. Ungricht told me that she can tell that you're ALL IN. She's impressed with your attitude and your testimony. Bro. Southwick also reached out this week. He said you were a wonderful Home Teaching companion and he loved spending time with you in the Priest Quorum. Your emails have brought back memories to him of his mission to Brazil.

We're so proud of you and your hard work! Never forget ~ The Lord loves effort! I spent time this week helping Hannah with Diver. He's giving kisses now with his tongue to your face ~ almost like licking you! Rachael is still deciding whether to keep Margot. Hannah has a date to be induced ~ November 18th. Natalie now has 4 cats and will have surgery on the 16th. We worked in the yard on Friday, ahead of the bad weather this weekend. It's been snowing today. Brrr! Of course, there's always work at the hospital. 

My thoughts for you are around the strength we will need in the future... Joel 2 shares things to fear and things to hope for in the last days!

“God Will Do Something Unimaginable” is a great article by Elder Uchtdorf. 

It will take personal revelation to survive! We must be worthy at all times and know when the Spirit is speaking to us. President Nelson’s talk below is Awesome 

My last thoughts today… Are Isaiah 12 and 2nd Nephi 4:15-35. I love these two chapters because I can feel the love of Isaiah and Nephi for the Lord! I feel the same and can tell that you do as well!!!


❤️ Mom

Monday, October 17, 2022

Semana 8 (Elder of Many Names)


That is how we greet literally every single person in Panama. It is the most hype thing ever. And my favorite thing to say. Ladies and Gentlemen, I finally made it to Panama. My name is Elder Lutze. But I always pronounce it "Elder Lutsay", or they think I'm saying Elder Dulce. I'm also known as gringo, nuevo gringo, and luchador. And, according to the members, I'm from la Fabrica (the factory) because I'm a missionary from Utah.

Had sad goodbyes with some of the district on Monday night. Then went straight to packing. Woke up at 1 am to go to the airport, meaning I got an hour of sleep. But then our flight left at 6 and we were finally off to Panama. This place is literally the dopest place ever. It's got it all ~ jungle, massive city, poor places with houses stacked on top of houses. On our first day of arrival, we just chilled in the mission home. We met the mission president, President Forsberg and his wife. They are super awesome and nice. It was nice to chill, but obviously we couldn't do that forever. So, at 6 we went contacting for the first time in the city. First of all, cars will hit you. They will run you over. In every single area. Not just the city. So you just kinda have to make a break for it. But contacting was awesome. I went out with Elder Larsen and we had numerous contacts. One guy in specific was mad at us because "your church condemns me for being Gay! And because I'm a wizard who does witchcraft. And because I practice astral projection." Kinda funny.

Anyways... the next day I got my assignment and my trainer. Elder Bray! What a guy. We were sent to work in the San Miguelito Stake and specifically the area of Samaria which is considered the ghetto and a dangerous part of Panama, pero es tranquilo. Everyone here comments on how big I am and they think I was a luchador or something. So I don't think people want to mess with us. I've heard a few gunshots, and we saw a video of a friend of a friend that was shot. Elder Bray basically prayed him back to life. Samaria is suuuuuper poor, there's trash everywhere, and massive hills. People don't have doors ~ only these gate things, so we just yell "buuuueeeenaaaas" and they come to the door/gate. There's a million houses too. I would get so lost without Elder Bray. My first day there was a massive storm! It downpoured so much! The river was about 10 feet higher causing a lady's house to flood across the street, so we got brooms and swept it out. 

Like I said, cars will run over you. It's extremely hot here. It rains a lot, which I absolutely love. I eat a lot of rice, rice, and chicken. I also tried Sumi. It's pig stuff. And Duro which is like an insanely good otter pop. Panamanians talk waaaaaaaaaaay too fast and I can't speak or understand their Spanish. It's awesome!

Wednesday we had a mission conference with Elder Taylor. He's a member of the Seventy over central America. It was a really cool experience!

Our days are packed. We wake up, pray, workout, shower, study, plan, go out and teach, cosechas (contacting), but that's usually on our way to lessons. It's so, so awesome. I love teaching people. And I love meeting them, saying prayers for them, giving an insane amount of fistbumps. What a privilege it is to do the Lord's work. I can't speak or understand a lot. I can't help or give much to the people. But, I can give them my most precious belonging ~ my testimony. I learn more everyday and I'm working hard which is how I want it to be. It's part of God's plan. So do it with a positive attitude.

My message to you all today is about faith. Things are for sure hard. But what makes it easy is faith. In General Conference, they kept saying "the Lord's yoke is easy." It's so true. I don't know anything. But I have faith, and I'm working hard, and I know God will see me through. So why be discouraged. We have God on our side. Trust in Him. Have faith. Because being discouraged does the opposite. If I am discouraged then that diminishes my faith that God will be there for me. It doesn't necessarily make things easier,  but faith in God brings happiness and joy. It makes the hard things easier to bear.

I love you all. There's a lot that has happened and not enough time to tell you all of it. But have faith in God and you will be happy. I promise. What a privilege to serve my God. I've never been happier in my life than walking the streets, saying Hi to people I've never met, people I can't understand, and I can't even talk to them. But they are all God's children and I love them. May God be with you all. Have faith. Don't be discouraged. And please keep praying for me.


~Elder of Many Names

Elder Lutze & Elder Bray

View from apartment

Chicken and Rice

E. Bray and E. Lutze

The Rain

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Semana 8

Dear Elder Lutze, 

We're so grateful for your safe arrival in Panama! The mission office sent us an email regarding your first area and companion. How's your mission president and his wife? How's E. Bray? How's Samaria and the San Miguelito Stake? How's the Spanish? How's the food? Tell all!!!

Life here just keeps speeding along... Tuesday night was fun with the YW. They acted out in groups a family history story! Excellent work! Wednesday night I met up with sisters I minister to and spent time catching up. Friday night we celebrated Foster and Rachael's birthdays at Tepanyaki in Orem. Diver was entertained by stirring a straw in a glass of water. I think he could have done that all night. 🤪Saturday we watched BYU lose to Arkansas, but it was still fun to see the game in person with some face paint to show Cougar spirit. We went with Brent and Amy Saturday night to Sicilia Mia 🇮🇹 enjoying a great Caesar salad, gnocchi, and steak. Delicious! I thought I was back in Argentina! 🇦🇷

My spiritual thought as you start the actual work. Below are links to three great talks about personal conversion. Obviously that’s what we want for ourselves and those we come in contact with and have the privilege to teach. 

Also remember it’s not all reaping. It’s a lot of seed planting. E. James Brandt just returned and spoke today. He shared a 20 year story of a man’s conversion. The Lord put the missionaries in his path at least 4 times in those twenty years. He was baptized one week ago.

True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Semana 7 (Panama!)

Querida familia y amigos,

Elder Lutze arrived safe and sound in Panama Tuesday morning. In his brief call, he told us it's beautiful and HOT. The buildings in Panama City are apparently huge. He's super excited to get to work. PDay should be Monday. We're looking forward to hearing about his first week in country.

Con amor,

The Lutzes

Dear Brother and Sister Lutze,

We are pleased to inform you of the safe arrival of

 ❖ Elder Jakob Frederick Lutze 

We are very happy to have him join us in this wonderful work of the Lord.

His first companion and trainer will be Elder Bray.

He has been assigned to begin his service in the Samaria area, which is part of the San Miguelito Stake.

We appreciate your efforts in helping prepare Elder Lutze to serve the Lord. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns by replying to this email. 

Best regards, 

President Keith Forsberg and Stephanie Forsberg

Elder Lutze & Elder Bray with President and Sister Forsberg

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Semana 7

Elder Lutze, 

We love you! We are constantly praying for you and a smooth transition to Panama and a new companion. We pray for your success in the work, especially your own personal testimony.

This past week was busy with all the usual ~ work at work and at home. I've been cutting everything back in the yard preparing for winter and dad is working in the garage and basement to prepare everything for Hannah and Foster. They will move in officially about the middle of December, but have already started bringing items over. We went to see Sister Act at the Orem Hale on Thursday. Super funny and very well done. We went to the temple on Friday with Rachael and did some more sealings. Rachael found another entire part of our Mexican tree!!!! It's amazing! I can't stop looking at it.

Our Stake Conference was last night and this morning. Dad sang "Fill My Soul" with a double quartet. They sounded amazing. The focus of the conference was on Jesus Christ and our personal relationship with Him. (Like the question I posed to you a few weeks ago) and they also focused on "Who Am I?" and asking the Lord to reveal to each of us personally what we mean to Him. What does He love about you, Jakob Lutze?

My testimony of Jesus Christ has grown steadily over the years and most certainly has grown the most when I have needed Him the most in my life. I've always believed in Christ with a strong testimony of His reality as the literal Son of God atoning for my sins and making eternal families possible. He is my brother, my friend, my EVERYTHING. It is through Christ I'm able to constantly change (repent) to become more like Him. It is through Christ I've felt the healing power whether it be a physical or emotional wound. It is through Christ I know I will one day have all that I've lost or missed out on RESTORED to me like my leg, my movement. It is through coming to know Him that I know myself and who I am ~ a daughter of God. (I learned this most profoundly as I memorized "The Living Christ.") It is through Christ that I am strengthened and feel peace even during my trials (Courageous joy). It is through Christ, the Sacrament, and the ordinances in the temple that I trust I will eventually be transformed to be like Him. My role is to be faithful to my covenants. Here are some of the meaningful moments in my life that are part of my testimony:

Baptism - warmth
President Kimball's visit to Houston - our Savior's love through him
YW - performing the Liahona
YW - temple trip to Mesa, AZ
YW - patriarchal blessing and its fulfillment
BYU - help in school constantly
Mission - answer to serve and consistent guidance throughout my mission
Marriage - finding Dad (He fits my patriarchal blessing perfectly)
Callings - receiving personal revelation in many ways (counselor, helping those in need, topics to speak on)
Death - experience with my sisters and knowing it was my Mom's time
Trek - 2013 and 2017
The Living Christ - memorizing it
Bishop Murphy - blessing and it was if my Savior was giving me that blessing
Primary - feeling His love for the children and their love for Him
Ecuador - miracles that I shared with our group
Waiting upon the Lord - thy will be done (Parkinson's)

I encourage you to read the new "For the Strength of Youth" . It's amazing! Jesus Christ isn't just the strength of youth but the strength of YOU... whatever age you are. Truly all truth comes from Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ and leads to them!



Thursday, October 6, 2022

Semana 6 (Personal Revelation and a Temple Miracle)

Hola, Hola, Hola!!!

This is my last PDay at the CCM! I can't believe I leave for Panama on Tuesday! The days have flown by. And as much as I want to say I'm prepared, I know that Panama will be completely different than here. For instance, the investigators will actually be real. And the language in Panama is quite interesting. But I'm going in with confidence and I know God's got me! And I know that he's got all of you too! Now on to my week.

Today, Thursday, was a temple day! I almost didn't get to go because my companion is sick. He kept saying, "Well Lutze, looks like our PDay freed up. You get to stay here all day with me..." Inside..." yea, I wasn't about that." So, I changed into my clothes and forced him to do so as well and dragged him to the infirmary. I said many prayers because I wanted to go to the temple, and I don't get to go enough. That prayer was answered with the Hermanas running into the infirmary on the phone with the Senior missionaries. We asked if I could still go and the answer was yes. So, sorry Elder Haynie. But I ain't gonna be stopped from going to the temple. And for good reason. The temple trip was soooooo good. Some of us got to do sealings today. I was the witness the entire time which was cool! I was able to read the ordinance in Spanish. We did sealings to parents for 20 guys and 20 girls so 40 in total. It was so amazing. And I absolutely love the sealing room. I'll share some of my impressions that go hand in hand with General Conference. A while ago, when I was younger, I hadn't gone to the temple for about 4 years. When I finally did go again it was strange to me. I loved it, but I felt a little out of place. So once again, I wouldn't really go. Towards the end of my senior year, I had some really great friends and we started to go more often. And I also went more often on my own. Towards the end of summer, just before my mission, I went at least 3 times a week. And just like they said in General Conference, it became a consistent thing. It became normal. I felt comfortable in the temple. I truly felt that I was in my Lord's home and was welcomed. It is the place I belong. This thought occurred to me today, because even though I didn't fully understand everything being said in Spanish, I still felt comfortable and that I belonged there. It doesn't matter where the temple is located or what language the session is in.  The Lord's house is the Lord's house. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So to those that feel like you don't belong ~ try and make the things of the gospel consistent in your life, especially the temple. The more normal and comfortable things are, the more you will feel love for God and from God. Because you do belong. We all belong. God is our Father, and we are His children. He wants nothing more than for us to be with Him, because that's where we belong.


Food this week was pretty decent. Some days were better than others. But I found where to get cold water to drink. And let me tell you, it was life changing. I will be deprived of it again in Panama. But I will cherish it, while I can. Also, my very loving sister Rachael sent me a package this week. I was begging her for queso dip because it is the most heavenly thing I've tasted. And she delivered. She sent me waaaaay too much. But I am so grateful for it!!!

Sports were fun this week too! More winning in volleyball. But, then we played kickball with our zone leaders and their district. There's only 4 of them. They are all going to Guatemala speaking a language I can't pronounce or spell. But it's been really fun to become close friends with all of them. They speak pretty good English, but it's always funny to hear them try to use slang. Anyways, they all made the mistake of making me a team captain because I picked my team to be unstoppable. We won 24-1. Safe to say that they won't let me be a team captain again. My district also had a fun time with Hacky sack. I got pretty good at it too.

This week I also had a very special opportunity. One of my best friends, Amber, has been in the CCM with me. She got here a week before I did. It was so much fun to see her and talk with her. Since she arrived here a week before me, that means she left a week before me. So this week, we got permission from the CCM President for me to give her a blessing before she left. I always feel the spirit strongly when giving blessings. But, I know that I received lots of promptings throughout the week on what to bless her with. It was long, but a very loving, comforting, and powerful message and blessing from God.

Another cool thing that happened has to do with blessing with oil. I hadn't been carrying oil with me because it's the CCM. But one day, I felt like I should find my vial. (MOM EDIT: Had to ask my Mom via email where it was...) And I felt/remember distinctly "Find your oil, you are going to use it today". And sure enough, I did. It was pretty dang cool. Ever since then I've kept my oil on me at all times.

CONFERENCE BABY!!! By far, my favorite thing this week. Partly because our days were super chill and I got a lot of sleep and personal study time. But, also because General Conference was so freaking good!! I took about 35 pages of notes. I titled every talk with dope names. I was so invested and more focused than I have ever been with conference. I usually get distracted or sleep. But, I could not stop writing and listening. It was also such a powerful experience to be in the CCM during General Conference, especially when they announced the temples in Mexico.  Everybody went absolutely crazy! A cool thing for me about conference was my personal study before. I was about to study a topic, but I got the impression that I should study prophets, so I did.  Because of that study, combined with conference, my testimony has never grown so quickly. It was such a powerful experience for me, and made their words all the more meaningful to me. The music is always my favorite part. I always feel the spirit strongly with music. It was especially cool to be able to point and yell at a screen "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND". I'm so so jealous that Calvin got to sing in conference. But, so happy for him. What an awesome opportunity for an awesome missionary! The only sad thing was at the end. I know many others had the same thought. But at the end ,I felt like this was a final goodbye from President Nelson. He is such a great man and is truly a man of God. And even though I wasn't in the same room with him, I could still feel how much love he has for every person.

Some random things from this week. Music in the mornings is the most amazing thing. I don't know what I would do without it. It pumps me up in the mornings and I am happy all day because of it. The other thing is that I learned how to draw... I think. My friend Elder Seamons gave me a 15 minute lesson and I tried it. And I really enjoyed it. I'm not great, but it's fun and it's something I've never really tried.

Another great opportunity we had was more service! Happy to say that I did not get bit this time. We were put on laundry duty. It was actually so fun. We were all in the same room but I was paired with Elder Park. We folded laundry together, fed each other gummy worms, and listened to romantic music. It was a good time. Yes, all of that sounds weird, and yes that all happened. But it's not what it seems. The music randomly started playing, and the little Mexican lady offered me a gummy worm but my hands were full so Park fed it to me.

Overall classes were good this week. A lot of teaching people and planning lessons. But it's been good. My favorite part about every lesson is my chance to bear my testimony. Just like they said in conference, my testimony grows more and more every time I bear it. 

Sorry for the very long email. I know I've already given spiritual thoughts, but I'd like to give one more. This week the word humility really stuck out to me from General Conference. So, I decided to study it. Essentially humility is recognizing our dependence on God and being grateful to Him. But it's also being willing to submit to His will. Trust Him. Let Him counsel you. This is really important for every aspect of our lives. And this is really important to me. I owe so much to God, and there's no way I could ever express how grateful I am. The only way that comes close is by allowing Him to always be that significant in my life. There is so much power that comes from allowing God to be a part of your life. Everything we have is a gift from God. And we should always be grateful for gifts we receive, especially if we want to keep receiving more. I testify that our prophets are true prophets, real, and speak the words of God. Prophets are gifts from God. I testify that God knows each and every one of us so perfectly, and that all He wants to do is help us in our lives. We just have to be willing to let Him do so. He loves all of us. And wants what is best for us. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.


Elder Jakob Lutze

My Drawing Attempts

Rachael's excessive amounts of queso! But not really... 3 were gone by the next day.

E. Lutze and E. Park hard at work doing laundry service

E. Bowen... "Let's all part our hair in the middle!"

Swag drip with oil vial

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Semana 6

Elder Lutze, 

A crazy week and always changing... Dad and I went to the BYU vs. USU game Thursday night compliments of Intermountain. BYU finally broke away in the second half and won the game. I bought tickets for Hannah and Foster. We all got free food through my work. Rachael and Natalie were at the Hale Theater watching "The Unsinkable Molly Brown." We've eaten lots of great food over the conference weekend including molten lava cake and of course our pizzart! Caleb and Lilly joined us for pizzart. Cami and her friend Raegan spent the entire weekend with us. So much fun!

General Conference was glorious! (Did you see Calvin?) I loved how much I heard about coming to know Jesus Christ. Randy K. Olson's thoughts especially when he quoted President Hinckley about knowing, remembering, and serving Jesus Christ. I loved Sister Lee's talk on forgiveness and Sister Dennis' talk on charity. My most favorite thought... when we follow Satan, we give him power, when we follow the Savior, He gives us power! Elder Cook's comments on light... Just as the sun is its own light, we must have our own light to make it to the Celestial Kingdom, not borrowed light like the moon which represents the Terrestrial Kingdom. And so much on personal revelation. And of course, the blessings pronounced by President Nelson. I can't wait to read and dissect the talks. I started sobbing as President Nelson concluded his remarks today... I truly felt like he was saying good-bye for now.

I loved and cherished this scripture on my mission. 3 Nephi 5:13 "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of Him to declare His word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Discipleship in reference to the above scripture:

Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles further explained:

“The following has been written about discipleship:

“‘The word disciple comes from the Latin [meaning] a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ—learning to think, to feel, and to act as he does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline compares … in either requirements or rewards. It involves the total transformation of a person from the state of the natural man to that of [a] saint, one who loves the Lord and serves with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength’ (Chauncey C. Riddle, ‘Becoming a Disciple,’ Ensign, Sept. 1974, 81)” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2000, 77; or Ensign, Nov. 2000, 61).
In addition to speaking about discipleship, Mormon here may be making a statement about his authority not just as a disciple but as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We love you and support you in the work!

