Elder Lutze,
Another busy week passed by in a blur! I went ice skating with the YW on Tuesday. OK, I just watched. I didn't want to fall down and break something. Wednesday, I took Natalie for her surgery. She actually allowed me to come back with her post-op, take her to get her medications, and to Zupas for dinner. She also let me help her up to her apartment, but I wasn't allowed to come in. Thursday, I attended our RS dinner "We Knead Each Other." We did a speed get to know you game instead of the speed dating game. Fun night! Dad left for SG. He's been dejunking with Matt's help over the weekend. He's also working on some of the framing in the basement. As I was leaving for Provo to be with Hannah and Foster for new baby, a ton of Lehi police cars, two fire engines, and two school buses were driving up to Skyridge making all the noise they could. Skyridge football won the 6A state championship against Corner Canyon. Wahoo! Lehi won 5A against Timpview. Hannah's labor went well. She had Hunter Landy McBride about 6 hours after arriving at the hospital. She pushed him out in two minutes. He was born at 2151 and weighed 8 lbs. 14 oz. and was 20.5 inches long. We spent a fun day together on Saturday snuggling baby "Gunter" watching soccer and football. I then spent the evening with Diver. He's so much fun to chase and tickle now.
My scripture study has moved into Jeremiah. What an incredible prophet and a contemporary of Lehi. I love his words!
Jeremiah 5: 25 "Your iniquities have turned away these things, and your sins have withholden good things from you." Our sins, whether they be omission or commission, keep us from good things (blessings) we could have had. I'm so grateful for the Atonement and that I can always change and be better. I want those blessings.
Jeremiah 6:16 " Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls..." I love the thought of walking in the 'good way', of standing in it, and finding rest to our souls. There is peace in following our Savior, Jesus Christ.
D&C 103:5-10 (The Lord rewards obedience! These verses give me great hope for the church and our leaders in the last days.)
5 But verily I say unto you, that I have decreed a decree which my people shall realize, inasmuch as they hearken from this very hour unto the counsel which I, the Lord their God, shall give unto them.
6 Behold they shall, for I have decreed it, begin to prevail against mine enemies from this very hour.
7 And by hearkening to observe all the words which I, the Lord their God, shall speak unto them, they shall never cease to prevail until the kingdoms of the world are subdued under my feet, and the earth is given unto the saints, to possess it forever and ever.
8 But inasmuch as they keep not my commandments, and hearken not to observe all my words, the kingdoms of the world shall prevail against them.
9 For they were set to be a light unto the world, and to be the saviors of men;
10 And inasmuch as they are not the saviors of men, they are as salt that has lost its savor, and is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men."
I love you! Praying for you on your first transfer.
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