Monday, August 28, 2023

Semana 53 (Christ's Church? Acting? 365?)


I have zero energy to write this, but I felt obligated because....

🎵Woooooooooah we're halfwaaaaaaay theeeeeere, woooooooah! Livin' on a praaayer!🎵

Indeed folks, I have been a missionary for exactly 365 days from today!

Aside from that, my week was good!

I was asked a question by an old lady I never thought I'd be asked. We were teaching about the restoration when suddenly the lady looked at me and asked "Where in the Bible did it say it was Christ's church!?" 💁‍♂️🤦

The whole 'in love with me recent convert' thing is still going strong. Apparently, I was good enough at acting/pretending that I hadn't seen the message and that everything was normal that she believed I hadn't seen it! But that, in fact, led her to confronting me and telling me in person... yea that was pretty awkward 😬 😅 

Anyways. Life's good folks! The church is true! Christ loves all of you so much! If you don't believe it, pray to God to help you see and feel it!

Keep praying for my people! Love y'all lots!

Until next week!

- E. Lutze

Sunday, August 27, 2023

Semana 53

Dear Elder Lutze,

We’re praying for you, your comp, and your area! We enjoyed a Trek slideshow and dinner on Tuesday with the youth. I’ve been working on my lesson for today. We went to the 🦋 Butterfly Biosphere on Friday. So fun to hear Diver say ‘butterfly.’ He loved it all except for the attack by a Downs child because she wanted to go down the slide and he was in her way! 

We did sealings with Foster and Hannah on Friday night. The sealer spoke Spanish! I loved hearing him speak their names. He served in the area of Mexico 🇲🇽 where they are from and also in Argentina 🇦🇷 in Resistencia.

We had a ward party last night that had a good turn out. Diver and Hunter both loved the trampoline. Diver also loved pushing the stroller around while Hunter loved the cake and cookies. Hunter did not love having Diver pour water on his head! 

I came across this quote in my studies this week and was reminded of your letter on light and darkness!

The Prophet Joseph Smith (1805–44) taught, “God judges men according to the use they make of the light which He gives them” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 405).

I also loved this… I’d never thought of the switch!

“Propitiation is an atoning sacrifice, a means of making amends for sins and thus reconciling a broken relationship. Under the law of Moses, individuals who had committed sins offered animal sacrifice to make reparation for their sins and reestablish a right relationship with God. Because of His love for us, God reversed this order in the Atonement of Jesus Christ—instead of the sinners (us) offering a sacrifice to appease the One offended, propitiation was offered by the One who was sinned against. God the Father offered the reconciliation offering—His Son—as an atoning sacrifice for the remission of all our sins, upon the condition of our repentance (see also 1 John 2:2; 4:10).”

We love you! Keep working hard!


❤️ Mom

Monday, August 21, 2023

Semana 52 (Love Note = Transfer Time)


This week was really good! We had some really good lessons with our recent converts! There are quite a few in this area, so it takes quite a bit of our time.

Tuesday we celebrated one of the Sister missionary's birthday which was fun! Hermana Altamirano! Then we had a lesson with Blanca, and we put a baptism goal with her! I'm so excited for her! Sadly, I won't be here when she gets baptized :(  But, nonetheless, I am so happy for her and her family!

So that same day one of our recent converts, Yasmina, gave me a painting of an anime character I like! It looks pretty dang cool! I didn't really think too much of it, but later I was looking to see if she had signed it. Looking at the painting I didn't see a signature, and I thought that was a little strange. Then I thought... "There's a love note on the back..." And sure enough there was! So, our recent convert is in love with me. It's pretty dang awkward. I act normal around her, so she doesn't feel bad, but man do I feel weird. So, I will be leaving Penonome when transfers come around, and I'm so sad! I love the members here so much!

We had lunch with Sister Swift! Other sad news is that she is moving. but so am I in a few weeks, so I'm not too bummed. Today we are going to go spend time with her at the private beach! I'm hyped!

Zone Conference was this week! So much fun to see so many friends! It was a nice time of rest, learning, and spiritual charging! I saw some friends I hadn't seen in a while, so I was super happy! Such a good day!

We ate more Peruvian food which was amazing as always! And we played hide n seek with the kids of Brother and Sister Farias which was fun! As well as chased them with our umbrellas that were indeed lightsabers! Kids are the best!

We played more chess this week! Surprisingly I won the majority of the games! It's quite a fun game to learn!

Sunday was chill! Church was amazing as always! And I was translating the whole day for sister Swift which was pretty fun as well! Then we enjoyed the day of rest with lessons, studies, and planning!

I have also learned recently that one of my favorite principles is that there is opposition in all things! It truly is amazing all the things you learn with this concept in mind. But my thought for the week is the idea between Light and Darkness/Good and Evil. To put it simply, we have the option to fill space/our minds with light or darkness. If there is darkness which could be all sorts of things, the opposition or the way to get rid of darkness is by an equal or higher exertion of light. Or in other words goodness - things of God, service, scriptures, prayer, etc. There's a lot more I could talk about on this particular subject, but I don't have time. So think about it!

Love you all! Have a great week! Keep praying for my people! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

Anime with Love Note from Yasmina

Catching Up with Old Friends

Zone Conference - Food and Friends

Zone Conference

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Semana 52

Dear Elder Lutze, 

Praying for you, your comp, and your area! Life here is the usual things… nothing very exciting. I can’t believe it’s your HUMP DAY already!🐪🐪🐪 

I did renew my temple recommend this week, see a play with dad, visit with the sisters in my emotional resiliency class, eat Costa Vida with Hannah, play at the park with the kids during our walk, attend the temple, work in the yard, and deep clean some of the cabinets in the kitchen. 

I’m enjoying Acts. Acts 26:26 - nothing the Lord does is done in a corner!!!

The truth of the gospel is not hidden or “done in a corner,” but rather it is a light shining on a hill. This was true in the Savior’s day and in Paul’s day, and it is true in our day as well. 

Keep shining your light!!!


❤️ Mom

Monday, August 14, 2023

Semana 51 (Anton Group Coup?)


This week was pretty good! We started off strong with a spiritual experience on Monday night! The family we were going to teach was not at their house. So, we decided to teach a man named Henry! The lesson was pretty normal until Elder Keck started to explain about Joseph Smith. I started to feel the spirit so strong. Then, out of nowhere, Elder Keck started speaking in fluent Spanish! By the end of Joseph Smith's experience with the first vision, Henry was crying. Then Elder Keck's Spanish went away completely. We will see what happens with Henry, but it was a cool experience!

Another day it started absolutely pouring! Of course, it was the ONLY day I forgot my umbrella... So Elder Keck and I just huddled under his tiny one, shuffling along the streets. Eventually a man called out to us to let us take cover under his home! We must have been quite the sight! We ended up teaching him, and he loved the Book of Mormon! The only problem is the fact that he doesn't live in our area, and he left to go to Panama City... so we'll pray that the missionaries there find him soon!

We had a Zone Council! We wasted a lot of money and time. But, it was fun to see everyone from the Zone and all the new missionaries that are here too! This coming week we have our Zone Conference which is not a waste of money or time, and I am pumped for that!

Played lots of Chess

Ate more heavenly food from Peru! Literally the best food I've had here has come from La Hermana Farias. She never disappoints!

The branch had a big party on Saturday for the Young Single Adults! This meant everyone in the branch went, had food, and danced a lot! We got there late because we had a Noche de Hogar with the group of Anton which was way fun!  The branch party was also lit! Let's just say Saturday was a good day!

Sunday was really good as well, even though the members/group of Anton pulled a fast one on us. Mutiny isn't the right word for this, but essentially everyone decided that it would be better to start church at 9! So starting next week, church in Anton is at 9. That isn't a bad thing, except for the fact that we, as the missionaries, have to attend in Penonome and Anton. But now they both start at 9... and are 45 minutes away from each other by drive. We'll see what happens with that one! The point of needing missionary presence was brought up as well. And they said "We don't need the missionaries." But, they literally rely on us for EVERYTHING. Then about 10 minutes later all of them said "Wait, you guys actually have to come here on Sundays. We need you." Maybe 'coup' is the right word 😂

Anyways. My spiritual thought for the week has to do with an experience I had on Sunday. I was talking with one of my friends here at church, and they shared some heavy things about their life. We talked a bit, and not really knowing what to do or say I tried to provide comfort. By the end, I received an impression to have her look at the painting of Jesus that was next to us and have her tell me what she saw. She stared at it for a while, and then said "Love." It was then that the Spirit was able to give a greater witness to her and to me that Jesus loves us. If there was one thing I would want everyone to know, it would be that Jesus loves them so perfectly. We all struggle. But in the end he is always there to love and to pick us up again if we let Him. I challenge you all to ponder, look, and pray to feel and see the love that Christ has for you individually. It may not make our problems go away, but it will give us hope, comfort, and peace in our lives.

Love you all! Keep my people in your prayers, please! God made you special, and he loves you very much! Until Next Week!

~ E. Lutze
Good Use of a Toilet?

Jesus Christ Loves YOU!

The Tiny Umbrella Share

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Semana 51

 Dear Elder Lutze,

I hope this week went well for you and E. Keck! I can't believe it's almost your hump day! Life here is the usual. I took Jill Furness out for her birthday and we also did our swim-walking this week. Dad and I attended Pat's funeral. It was beautiful and captured her life of service perfectly. What an amazing woman. We spent lots of money on the cars this week - oil changes etc. We still need to put new tires on the van and Dad's car. Fall weather is coming...  you can feel the change in the temperature. The Weights are coming up over Labor Day weekend. We're going to Swiss Days and a REAL game. Should be a fun time.

Rachael and Foster are finishing up their applications for schools. So much work!. Natalie actually spent some good time with us on Friday talking, eating, and helping. It was an amazing hour! I'm grateful for the little things.

Bro. Cunningham brought me flowers Friday. Beautiful! They love to read your emails. 

I was reading in Acts this week and loved these verses. Great example of missionary work - Apollos is prepared (instructed in the way of the Lord, fervent in the spirit, spoke and taught diligently) then Aquila and Priscilla - couple missionaries expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly. As missionaries you do this for those that are prepared to receive and accept the gospel. The gospel is true. Jesus is the Christ!

Acts 18

24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
25 This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John.
26 And he began to speak boldly in the synagogue: whom when Aquila and Priscilla had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way of God more perfectly.


💕 Mom

Have a great week!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Semana 50 (THIS IS NOT A DRILL!)


What a fantastic week! We had some good lessons with some people I feel are very positive! We are hoping to be able to return soon to all of them, and continue to guide them on this great journey!

Random things of the week for y'all! We ate an insane amount of rice. Played some chess. And thought waaaaaaaay too much about the premortal life and after life. However, these are all things that made the week very enjoyable!

Then Saturday rolled around which was exciting because Obdulia got baptized!! All was good until we went to get the keys to the church to prepare everything. Well, it turned out that the lady who had the keys left for another part of Panama, and she had taken the keys! Well, no biggy because Presidente Arrocha has keys! Well, he was also really far away. After many, many phone calls I was able to find someone with keys to get in the church! Elder Keck and I ran for about 20 minutes, got the keys, then ran back to the church. By this time it was 12:45, and the baptism started at 1. We cleaned the font, and started filling it. By a miracle, the font filled up in 30 minutes! It usually takes at least 2 hours! We started a little late, but it was such a special moment! And Obdulia was so happy! What an amazing day of miracles!

Ok folks, get your popcorn because here is where the real story begins...

Sunday was a great day! After church in Anton, Elder Keck and I went to do our planning in the church at Penonome as always. We arrived at the church just as Presidente Arrocha was leaving. He left, locked up the gates, and we went into the office to plan. The office is completely sealed and no one can see inside of it. We were alone and having a good planning session. Suddenly the fire alarm goes off! My first thought was, "it can't be a fire because we are alone. It will probably turn off in a second." Well, about 5 seconds later we heard a door close. Elder Keck and I looked at each other realizing we weren't alone... Maybe it was just a member cooking something in the kitchen? We left the office to go check. Elder Keck walked down the hall, as I checked the kitchen. The kitchen was empty, so I left to go back towards Elder Keck. He was signaling for me to come quickly. The fire alarm had been pulled, and in front of the alarm there was a closet. Well, it just so happened that someone was staring at us from the closet window. Inside was Oliver... he isn't a member, but we had seen him in the church after it was over at 11. This meant Oliver had been hiding there for 6 hours, waiting for something or someone. To give background, Oliver is a man who has a crush on one of the sister missionaries. Mentally he is not always quite there and he is a bit of a stalker. We don't know why he was there or why he pulled the alarm, but we are fairly certain he was waiting for the sister missionaries. He knew people were alone in the office, but he didn't know who. So, most likely he pulled the alarm and hid in the closet to draw people out, or more specifically to possibly draw out the sisters. Now most of this is speculation. But, I'm glad it was Elder Keck and I at the church. Safe to say that I lived in a horror movie for a hot second there... Luckily nothing happened to us, but it was one of the creepiest things that has happened in my life 

Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed the story! Life is good! Working hard! Love you all so much! Keep praying for my people! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze 

E. Lutze Bulking Up on Rice

E. Lutze the Alien

E. Lutze & E. Keck at MakDonald's

Obdulia's Baptism

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Semana 50

Elder Lutze, 

Sorry no letter today! The family reunion diverted my attention including the Millers sudden departure due to his Mom's death.



Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Semana 49 (The Flesh is Weak, but the Spirit is Strong)


Gotta love the 9 work days without a Pday in between folks! My Pday was moved to today, as evident by the email! We had transfers this week, and I'm happy to say Elder Keck and I will be staying together here in Penonome! ¡Tiempo para florecer! 😎

This week we had more of our Noche de Grupo with the family whose father died. We had some great messages, and ended with a beautiful message of Christ's Atonement! Some seeds were definitely planted in these 2 weeks with everyone!

The water got contaminated so I got extremely sick this week! I don't really remember Wednesday at all. I just remember being up all night losing all the fluids in my body. Then during the day I somehow ended up from my bed to the floor in the other room. I didn't have very much energy, but we still made it to the Noche de Grupo! 

The next day some members fed us Lasagna AND Waffles for dinner. Let's just say that didn't bode well in my stomach either 😂

I got to play with the most adorable puppy I've ever seen! It looked like a little bear.

It was Peru Day this week as well! We live in Panama, but there's a hermana in our branch from Peru! She invited us to her house to eat! Literally the most amazing food I've ever tasted. Once again, did not bode well in my stomach. But! It was worth it! She made something that was essentially mashed potatoes, baked potato, and hash brown combined into one. Stuffed with meat, beans, cheese, and corn. SOOOOO GOOD! Then we learned how to dance like they do in Peru! I was oddly pretty good at it!

Monday we had a Zone Council and farewell for all the dying missionaries! It was a good time! Afterwards, Elder Keck, myself, and the sister missionaries all went to Sister Swift's house to have a little family home evening. It was awesome! Sister Swift is the lady from Africa who lives at a private resort! So we got to walk along the beach, eat yummy food, and then we had a really fun time talking! It was so good and special, especially because Sister Swift is always lonely which is sad. So, I was happy to go visit her and cheer her up! She feels a lot like an Aunt to me!

Funny enough, my thought this week came from the whole water contamination. There were two days where I was really really sick. And during those two days we had like 4 people ask us for blessings. We went to the houses and gave all of them blessings. During the blessings, I remember thinking how much I wanted to just heal these people because I myself was suffering, and I didn't want them to feel the same. Then I thought of the Atonement. Christ suffered all our pains and afflictions which means that not only did he suffer everything, but he doesn't want us to suffer! Not only does he have the power to heal us, but He wants to! Now our hard experiences are necessary to help us grow, but the way we grow is through the healing of Christ! So trust in Him! There was also a huge miracle with these blessings! One of the blessings we gave was to a member's husband who is not a member. He had problems a lot bigger than the water contamination, and was about to make his way to the hospital. We gave him a blessing and he was off to the hospital. Two days later he was back, and we asked him how he was feeling, and he said he felt a lot better now. He also said that when we gave him the blessing he felt so much peace over everything, and had felt hope about his condition for the first time! Such a miracle! He's also getting baptized soon! Sadly he lives in the sister missionaries area... but such a miracle!

I love you all so much! I hope everyone has a fantastic week! Keep praying for my people! Until Next Week!

-E. Lutze

Baptism of the Hermanas

E. Keck and E. Lutze

Elder Ken
(Barbie Box for Sale - Ken NOT Included)

Elderes and Hermanas

Moon and Tag

Moon from Hna Swifts' Resort

Peruvian Wonder Food

Zone Conference