Wednesday, October 25, 2023

President Forsberg's Letter

Dear Parents,

Panama City Mission

As many of you may have heard, Panama is going through some political and social unrest, these problems are affecting our work as representatives of Jesus Christ in trying to share the restored gospel within Panama.

However, through this letter, we wanted to inform you that each one of your sons or daughters is SAFE and SECURE. We have given them instructions to buy a sufficient amount of food to stay in their house for a couple of days while the protests quiet down. We also have told them to not leave their apartment if they see protests or if they are aware of any civil unrest that will arise in their general area. The Panama Mission has an emergency plan written and sent out to each companionship so that in the case of an emergency they are prepared for the following steps. 

This is the Lord's work. We know that each trial that comes our way is a way for us to become stronger and more prepared. We invite you to join us in our prayers that the problems here in Panama can be resolved so that as missionaries we can fulfill our calling of preaching the gospel. 

President Keith Curtis Forsberg

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