Monday, October 23, 2023

Semana 61 (Vista Alegre)


First of all, goodbyes are the absolute pits! I spent a lot of time saying goodbye to everyone from Anton and Penonome, and it was the worst.

But the rest of the week was absolutely amazing!

I love my new companion Elder Stapley! He is one of the ZL's of Arraijan! Let me say, it's super nice being comps with a ZL! We both love to work!

My first day in Vista Alegre we ate at a place called Taco Mar! It was a Mexican food place, and it was absolutely amazing!

As far as the work, there isn't too much right now, but as I said before, me and Elder Stapley are ready to work! We have already seen a ton of miracles!

A big one was with Melardo! The dude had read one of the folletos we gave him! That literally never happens. During the entire lesson he kept asking about Joseph Smith. At the end of the lesson we asked him to be baptized and he said yes! Sadly he couldn't come to church, but he will come next week!

We did service for our neighbor lady who told me all about her plants for 30 minutes. I caught a little lizard!

We went to a member's baptism which was good! But the kid cried at the end which was sad...

I got to do some baptismal interviews this week which was really fun! The district do be working hard!

Overall I'm really excited for this transfer! Elder Stapley and I have been working really well together! The area is fairly decent, and has a lot of potential! I also already love all the members! It also rains a decent amount here which feels really nice!

We are kinda blocked into our area right now. There's a bunch of fires and protests going on. It's definitely interesting, jaja. But the work still goes on!

My thought for this week has to do with when Nefi broke his bow. He didn't just rely on the Lord for everything, but he did what he could and then went to the Lord for help! We must do the same! God knows our potential and what we can do. Miracles come when we do all we can, but in the end know that we need God to bless our efforts. So we do what we can, and then ask God for more help! This is good because if God gave us everything we wouldn't be able to choose or progress! 

Love you all so much! Please pray lots for Melardo and my area! Bless us to find more people to teach and baptize! Please pray for my district as well! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

E. Stapley learning the Smolder Look from the best!

E. Lutze's Lizard

We love the Book of Mormon!

Yes, it rains a lot here!

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