Sunday, December 31, 2023

Semana 71

Elder Lutze,

We pray that you had an amazing week! I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2023! I will no longer be saying that you’re coming home next year… it will be this year! ðŸ˜Š

We’ve been working in SG since Wednesday. We came down Tuesday after taking Christmas down most of the day up in Lehi.

We went to the SG temple with Brent and Amy to do sealings on Thursday and then out to dinner. Nice evening! 

HVAC coming along… I personally bagged 22 33-gallon bags of yard waste and we took to the dump yesterday. We then visited with Chris and Sonia for a little bit. 

We will spend this evening with the Weights to celebrate the new year. 

Talk to you soon!

❤️ Mom

I love this thoughts!

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught concerning the Savior’s mortal experiences: “There is no physical pain, no anguish of soul, no suffering of spirit, no infirmity or weakness that you or I ever experience during our mortal journey that the Savior did not experience first. You and I in a moment of weakness may cry out, ‘No one understands. No one knows.’ No human being, perhaps, knows. But the Son of God perfectly knows and understands, for He felt and bore our burdens before we ever did. And because He paid the ultimate price and bore that burden, He has perfect empathy and can extend to us His arm of mercy in so many phases of our life. He can reach out, touch, and succor—literally run to us—and strengthen us to be more than we could ever be and help us to do that which we could never do through relying only upon our own power” (“In the Strength of the Lord” [Brigham Young University devotional, Oct. 23, 2001], 7–8; President Howard W. Hunter (1907–95) taught, “It is important to remember that Jesus was capable of sinning, that he could have succumbed, that the plan of life and salvation could have been foiled, but that he remained true. Had there been no possibility of his yielding to the enticement of Satan, there would have been no real test, no genuine victory in the result. If he had been stripped of the faculty to sin, he would have been stripped of his very agency. It was he who had come to safeguard and ensure the agency of man. He had to retain the capacity and ability to sin had he willed so to do. As Paul wrote, ‘Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered’ (Heb. 5:8); and he ‘was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin’ (Heb. 4:15). He was perfect and sinless, not because he had to be, but rather because he clearly and determinedly wanted to be” (“The Temptations of Christ,” Ensign, Nov. 1976, 19). To read more about the Savior living a sinless life, see the commentary for Hebrews 7:26.

Elder Merrill J. Bateman taught that the Atonement was an intimate, personal experience through which Jesus Christ came to know perfectly how to help each of us: “For many years I thought of the Savior’s experience in the garden and on the cross as places where a large mass of sin was heaped upon Him. Through the words of Alma, Abinadi, Isaiah, and other prophets, however, my view has changed. Instead of an impersonal mass of sin, there was a long line of people, as Jesus felt ‘our infirmities’ (Hebrews 4:15), ‘[bore] our griefs, … carried our sorrows … [and] was bruised for our iniquities’ (Isaiah 53:4–5). … “The Pearl of Great Price teaches that Moses was shown all the inhabitants of the earth, which were ‘numberless as the sand upon the sea shore’ (Moses 1:28). If Moses beheld every soul, then it seems reasonable that the Creator of the universe has the power to become intimately acquainted with each of us. He learned about your weaknesses and mine. He experienced your pains and sufferings. He experienced mine. I testify that He knows us. He understands the way in which we deal with temptations. He knows our weaknesses. But more than that, more than just knowing us, He knows how to help us if we come to Him in faith” (“A Pattern for All,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2005, 75–76). Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles concluded that “we can turn to Him … because He understands. He understands the struggle, and He also understands how to win the struggle. … “Most importantly, we may look to Jesus to help restore the inner unity of our soul when we have succumbed to sin and destroyed our peace” (“That They May Be One in Us,” Ensign, Nov. 2002, 71).

President James E. Faust (1920–2007) of the First Presidency taught that Jesus Christ is the perfect example of obedience and identified a key attitude that will help us learn to be obedient: “As in all things, the Savior is our pattern. The Apostle Paul wrote, ‘Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience’ [Hebrews 5:8]. In our own finite way, we too can learn obedience even as Christ did. … When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block, it becomes a building block” (“Obedience: The Path to Freedom,” Ensign, May 1999, 46–47).

Monday, December 25, 2023

Semana 70 (FELIZ NAVIDAD!)

Dear family & friends, 

If I'm being honest, Christmas is definitely not as cool here in Panama as the States. But, nonetheless, it's still a beautiful time to remember Christ! It is Christmas day, so I'll keep my letter short for y'all.

Painted a ladies house a really ugly orange. But she loved it, so I'm happy for her!

We did a ton of contacting. So much so that we saw a little girl, she pointed at us and said "they're not from here are they?" I guess my skin color kinda gave that away! jaja. But, then 30 minutes later, we contacted a completely different house and the SAME girl was there! She just yelled in shock and was like "SON LOS MISMOS!!!" We had a good laugh!!! ðŸ˜†

CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE!!! ðŸŽ„So fun! Lots of music, talents, and food. We took pics in front of the temple. Such a good time!

Elder Bailey left us. Last minute they put him in another area. So, we traveled from the city to home. Then from home to the city. And then back. Lots of traveling. But I talked to a lady named Maria for an hour and a half. She was pretty cool!

Had exchanges which were really fun! Saw a lot of miracles!

We did another CPEC. I love sneaking into the houses of the Elders! It's so fun! They get really surprised to see us, it's sooooo funny! It's even more funny when they don't wake up on time, because then we wake them up at 7, and they pull the old "oh noooo, our alarm didn't go off...." even though we heard it go off 30 minutes ago. CPECs for sure make you tired, but they are really good!

Anyways, have a Merry Christmas everyone!! Love you all! Keep praying for my area and zone! Until Next Week! My spiritual thought is the attached audio. 

- E. Lutze 

Noche de Hogar

E. Lutze Panama City Temple

E. Zepeda & E. Lutze




Light the World

Christmas Party

Beautiful View of Panama

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Semana 70

Dear Elder Lutze,

We hope this email finds you well and that you’ve had a great week! We’ve been busy this week with pretzels, work, and finishing up for Christmas. It snuck up on us quick! I think we’re ready! 

We enjoyed an ornament making day yesterday with the Millers. Everyone was very creative. We made clothes pin representations of ourselves for the dinner table and gnomes for the tree! We also ate an entire container of pretzels!

As we celebrate Christmas and our Savior, Jesus Christ, I want you to know how much I love Him. I also want to talk about a different gift today. – spiritual gifts!

D&C 46:8 

Wherefore, beware lest ye are deceived; and that ye may not be deceived seek ye earnestly the best gifts, always remembering for what they are given;

Spiritual gifts are given so we will not be deceived. We are taught to seek them, so just like Wiseman seek Christ, we should also seek spiritual gifts.

Spiritual Gifts President George Q. Cannon (1827–1901) of the First Presidency explained: “If any of us are imperfect, it is our duty to pray for the gift that will make us perfect. Have I imperfections? I am full of them. What is my duty? To pray to God to give me the gifts that will correct these imperfections. If I am an angry man, it is my duty to pray for charity, which suffereth long and is kind. Am I an envious man? It is my duty to seek for charity, which envieth not. So with all the gifts of the Gospel. They are intended for this purpose. No man ought to say, ‘Oh, I cannot help this; it is my nature.’ He is not justified in it, for the reason that God has promised to give strength to correct these things, and to give gifts that will eradicate them. If a man lack wisdom, it is his duty to ask God for wisdom. The same with everything else. That is the design of God concerning His Church. He wants His Saints to be perfected in the truth. For this purpose He gives these gifts, and bestows them upon those who seek after them, in order that they may be a perfect people upon the face of the earth, notwithstanding their many weaknesses, because God has promised to give the gifts that are necessary for their perfection” (“Discourse by President George Q. Cannon,” Millennial Star, Apr. 23, 1894, 260–61). 

I love you!

Merry Christmas! ðŸŽ„ 


Monday, December 18, 2023

Semana 69 (Christmas Penthouse)


This week started off amazing with our Leadership Conference! We got to go to President's house! It was sooooooo cool!!! He lives in a penthouse, so the view was absolutely amazing! They had super nice couches, not gonna lie I forgot what a good couch felt like. Just about fell asleep in an instant. The inside of the house was beautiful, and it was all decorated for Christmas! The conference was so good, and so spiritual! Elder Poncio, a seventy, even came and talked to us! Literally one of the best times on my mission!

This week we also had some fun Noches de Hogar with a bunch of families in the ward! The Christmas season sure is the best!

Yorlenis "nos dejó de enseñar". Big rip. We aren't entirely sure what happened. She went from going 4 weeks in a row to church to I don't want anything to do with you guys. Pretty sure she read something online. But, I'm sure she felt a difference in her week from not going to church! It's a bit sad, but there are still lots more people waiting for us!

We did a CPEC on Saturday! Basically we just woke up super early, snuck into a house of some Elders, and then spent the morning with them. It was fun! I was extremely tired after, but it was fun to help the Elders out with their needs!

The water went out, which wasn't a big deal. Just meant back to the good 'ol bucket showers! I just mention this because Elder Zepeda had never taken a bucket shower before. So when he saw me come out of the bathroom showered off, he was soooooo confused. He was just like "QUEEEEEEEEE!?" 

Another crazy thing that is going to happen soon is that we are gonna be in a Trio! Elder Bailey is coming to be with us for 4 weeks! This is his 3rd transfer in the mission. We are excited to work him... he is gonna be really tired running around with us :)
He is super awesome tho! His comp is actually going to another area, so that's why Elder Bailey will be with us. Should be fun!

This week I liked something that Elder Poncio told us. He said "You are the blood of the church." Essentially to say that we are the life of the church. It made me think a lot of how Paul compares the church to being a body. EVERY member is important! We are all different, but the body has multiple parts! And it needs every part to function! So we, as members, must work together to be one body. With one purpose. That purpose being to help gather Israel. So I invite all of you to take more part in this great work of God! Find someone to love, share with, and invite! Tis the season after all. So take your vitamins cause the Restoration continues!

Love you all! Have a great week! Please keep praying for my people and my Zone! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

Hermana Leaders with Zone Leaders

Light the World

E. Zepeda & E. Lutze

Hermana Leaders and Zone Leaders

Learning from E. Poncio of the Seventy

Light the World

Lunch at the Penthouse

Panama City Panama Mission Leaders with E. Poncio

Noche de Hogar

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Semana 69

Dear Elder Lutze, 

Hope all is well with you and your companion Elder Zepeda. I’ve been praying for your Tarde Blanca! 

I was super busy at work this week but accomplished a lot. At home I sent our letters out, wrapped presents, and helped dad with pretzels. I spent time with the YW on Tuesday. This week we’ll finish wrapping and deliver pretzels! We hope to do our ornaments on Saturday. We are doing Christmas Eve with the Millers after church. 

What are your plans for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day?

I plan to finish the Book of Mormon on Christmas Day. I was recently reading in Mormon 5:17 and realized I’ve missed this verse all these years!!! The people were led even by God the Father. That’s how righteous they were before they fell away! Wow! No wonder He wasn’t very happy with them and allowed the Lamanites to eventually destroy them. 

I love you! ðŸ’• Keep working hard because the Lord loves effort!


Monday, December 11, 2023

Semana 68 (Happy Panamanian Mother's Day!!)


Transfer day was Thursday! We all went to Albrook, and it was super fun to see a bunch of friends and other missionaries! Then, my new comp Elder Zepeda and I went to the offices for a bit. It was all a good time!

Overall, the week was good! An interesting experience occured on Friday. We went to visit some random guy, and his dog was trying to absolutely murder us. He tied up the dog just enough so we could squeeze into the house without becoming chew toys. We started sharing a message, and all was good! Then, at the door, we suddenly hear a big "BANG!" Elder Zepeda and I just looked at each other knowing exactly what happened...the dog broke free. It was trying to break into the house, but couldn't. Then the guy tied it up, and we squeezed out of the house.

There was a Mother's Day activity on Saturday! Mother's Day here is a big, big deal in Panama! So big that they decided to be different from literally every other country and make their Mother's Day in December! It was a good time though! I ended up participating in a competition, winning, and earning cookies as a prize. So the activity was a big success!

We had a great lesson with Yorlenis and Eduardo this week! They accepted a baptismal date for the 13th of January! The power of the Book of Mormon and prayer is so real!!

Why the 13th of January you may ask? Why put a goal so far away? Because we are gonna have a TARDE BLANCA!!! That's right folks! The entire Zone is gonna work on getting as many people prepared for baptism for this very special day! So that we can literally be a "WHITE EVENING"! It's gonna be lit! So, please pray for my Zone that we can see lots of miracles for the 13th of January!

Sunday was good! Had some friends come to church which was awesome! Then we did a TON of planning. Never, have I ever, planned so much in my life, but it was really good! We also passed around a calendar at church to the members to plan Noches de Hogar (Family Home Evenings) with everyone! It's gonna be a great month of December!

Elder Zepeda, my new comp, is also super awesome! He is pretty close to finishing his mission. He speaks pretty good English! He is also super funny and sarcastic which makes things fun! And, he is a really good missionary! I'm excited for this transfer with him!

My spiritual thought for the week comes from Luke 14: 28-30. To summarize it quickly, it basically says, 

"Whoever is planning to build a tower, doesn't he first sit and count the cost to be sure he has enough to build? That way people won't mock him for starting, but not finishing."

Now this scripture could be used for many many different subjects. One very important subject is that of Eternal Life!

"Whoever is planning on Eternal Life, doesn't he first sit and count the cost to be sure he is doing the right things to get there?"

Many people don't start this process. Many do start, but then stop. God has given us the material necessary to build our Eternal Life! It is up to us to use these materials to construct it! It is by our everyday decisions, habits, celestial thinking, etc, that we ourselves can build our spiritual mansions! If we make our treasure the things of Heaven, then that is what will await us in Heaven!

So, I invite you all to stop, sit down, and count the cost of what it really takes to receive Eternal Life. What are you doing well? What can you improve on? How can you better keep your covenant relationship with God? Now is the time to prepare to meet God, so I invite you all to do just that, PREPARE! And I promise you all that you will be able to wax strong in His presence, and feel more of His love.

Love you all lots! Please pray lots for my people! Pray for my Zone! Have a great week! Until Next Week!

-E. Lutze

E. Lutze & E. Zepeda - Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Semana 68

 Elder Lutze,

I love you and I’m grateful for your service. How’s your new companion Elder Zepeda? How’s your zone?

Life here is the usual December busy! Decorations up ✅ presents bought ✅ lights seen at Temple Square ✅ deserves a partial check… not very many but we still had fun! Rachael and I purchased items at the Giving Machines! Diapers, blankets, food, medical supplies, and adaptive riding lessons. Loved it!

We still have a letter to send, pretzels to make, and presents to wrap. 

Monday I spent time with Sherrene and Suzy, Tuesday with the YW and Saturday with the family at City Creek and Temple Square. 

I’m sure you heard Patrick Kearon is the newest apostle. 

I love this talk by E. Soares. This time of year is a great time to reflect on how Christ cares for our souls! 

💗 Mom

Jesus Christ: The Caregiver of Our Soul By Elder Ulisses Soares Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles 

My dear brothers and sisters, on this radiant Easter morning my heart rejoices upon remembering the most marvelous, the most majestic, the most immeasurable act that has occurred in all of human history—the atoning sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The eminent words of the prophet Isaiah magnify the greatness and selflessness of the Savior’s condescension and sacrifice in behalf of all the children of God: “Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.” By voluntarily taking upon Himself the sins of all mankind, being cruelly nailed to the cross, and victoriously conquering death on the third day, Jesus gave a more sacred significance to the Passover ordinance that had been bestowed upon Israel in ancient times. In fulfillment of prophecy, He offered His own body and precious blood as the great and last sacrifice, validating the traditional symbols used in the celebration of the Lord’s Passover. In so doing, Christ experienced physical and spiritual suffering that is incomprehensible to the human mind. The Savior Himself said: “For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, … “Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink— “Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.” Christ graciously fulfilled the will of the Father through His infinite and merciful sacrifice. He overcame the sting of physical and spiritual death, introduced to the world through the Fall, offering us the glorious possibility of eternal salvation. Jesus was the only Being capable of realizing this eternal and perfect sacrifice for all of us. He was chosen and foreordained in the Grand Council in Heaven, even before the world was formed. Furthermore, being born of a mortal mother, He inherited the physical death, but from God, as the Only Begotten Son of the Father, He inherited the power to lay down His own life and then to take it up again. Additionally, Christ lived a perfect life that was without blemish and, therefore, was exempt from the demands of divine justice. On some occasions the Prophet Joseph Smith taught: “Salvation could not come to the world without the mediation of Jesus Christ. “God … prepared a sacrifice in the gift of His own Son, who should be sent in due time to … open a door through which man might enter into the Lord’s presence.” While through His sacrifice the Savior unconditionally removed the effects of physical death, He did not eliminate our personal responsibility to repent for the sins we commit. Rather, He extended to us a loving invitation to be reconciled to our Eternal Father. Through Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice, we can experience a mighty change of mind and heart, bringing a fresh attitude, both toward God and toward life in general. When we sincerely repent of our sins and turn our hearts and will to God and His commandments, we can receive His forgiveness and feel the influence of His Holy Spirit in greater abundance. Mercifully, we avoid having to experience the depth of suffering the Savior endured. The gift of repentance is an expression of God’s kindness toward His children, and it is a demonstration of His incomparable power to help us overcome the sins we commit. It is also an evidence of the patience and long-suffering our loving Father has for our mortal weakness and frailties. President Russell M. Nelson, our beloved prophet, referred to this gift as “the key to happiness and peace of mind.” My dear friends, I testify to you that as we genuinely repent of our sins, we allow the atoning sacrifice of Christ to become wholly effective in our life. We will become free from the bondage of sin, find joy in our earthly journey, and become eligible to receive eternal salvation, which was prepared from the foundation of the world for all who believe in Jesus Christ and come unto Him. In addition to providing the majestic gift of salvation, the Savior offers us relief and comfort as we face our afflictions, temptations, and weaknesses of mortal life, including the circumstances we have experienced recently in the current pandemic. I can assure you that Christ is ever aware of the adversities we experience in mortality. He understands all of the bitterness, agony, and physical pain as well as the emotional and spiritual challenges we face. The Savior’s bowels are filled with mercy, and He is always ready to succor us. This is possible because He personally experienced and took upon Himself in the flesh the pain of our weakness and infirmities. With meekness and humility of heart, He descended below all things and accepted being despised, rejected, and humiliated by men, having been wounded for our transgressions and iniquities. He suffered these things for all, taking upon Himself the sins of the world, thus becoming our ultimate spiritual caregiver. As we draw nearer to Him, surrendering ourselves spiritually to His care, we will be able to take upon ourselves His yoke, which is easy, and His burden, which is light, thus finding that promised comfort and rest. Furthermore, we will receive the strength we all need to overcome the hardships, weaknesses, and sorrows of life, which are exceedingly difficult to endure without His help and healing power. The scriptures teach us to “cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.” “And then may God grant unto [us] that [our] burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son.” Near the end of last year, I learned of the passing of a dear couple, Mario and Regina Emerick, who were very faithful to the Lord and passed away four days apart from one another due to complications from COVID-19. One of their sons, who is currently serving as a bishop in Brazil, related the following to me: “It was so difficult to see my parents depart from this world in that condition, but I could clearly feel the hand of the Lord in my life amidst that tragedy, because I received strength and peace that transcended my understanding. Through my faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, I received divine help to strengthen and comfort my family members and all those who helped us during this trying experience. Even though the miracle that everyone hoped for did not occur, personally I am a witness of many other miracles that have occurred in my own life and in the lives of my family members. I felt an inexplicable peace that penetrated the depths of my heart, giving me hope and confidence in the love of the Savior for me and in the plan of happiness of God for His children. I learned that on the very most grief-filled days, the loving arms of the Savior are always extended when we seek Him with all our heart, power, mind, and strength.” My dear brothers and sisters, on this Easter Sunday, I bear my solemn witness that Jesus rose from the dead and that He lives. I testify to you that through Him and His infinite Atonement, the Savior provided us the way to overcome death, both physically and spiritually. In addition to these great blessings, He also offers us comfort and assurance in difficult times. I assure you that as we put our trust in Jesus Christ and in His supernal atoning sacrifice, enduring in our faith to the end, we will enjoy the promises of our beloved Heavenly Father, who does everything within His power to help us return to His presence one day. This is His work and His glory! I testify to you that Jesus is the Christ, the Redeemer of the world, the promised Messiah, the Resurrection and the Life. And I share these truths with you in His holy name, the Only Begotten of the Father, our Lord, Jesus Christ, amen.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Semana 67 (Divine Identity)


I can't believe that transfers are already over!! Time really do be flying!

This week/last week started off with a really good intercambios! I was with Elder Rodriguez in Vista Alegre 1. Him and I had a ton of fun, and have become really good friends throughout our mission! I got to do an interview which was fun! And we went to their ward party which was waaaay awesome!

We had Zone Conference which was awesome! I got to see a lot of friends, and Elder Rendón! He was telling me all about Penonomé and Antón, it made me super happy!

Had another interview with Ariel! That was cool, because I had gotten to teach him a little before as well! But it was really cool because when it was just us two, he said "Yea, only the OPs in Brawl Stars can be here." I saw him playing one day, and we had a conversation about it, but yea, I'm an OP ðŸ˜Ž

An old lady hugged me and blessed me in the name of the virgin of Guadalupe. It was strange.

I met and talked to my new friend from Saudi Arabia! His name is Khaled. He is super awesome! We had some good conversations!

Did a service activity which was cutting bushes. It was fun!

Church was super hype! We had 5 friends come to church! This transfer we sure have been working hard! We have planted a crazy amount of seeds, that's for sure!

My spiritual thought this week is something important for all of us! From the scriptures we know that Jesus suffered, was mocked, and was judged as a thing of naught. As I pondered on this, I began to wonder how he was able to go through all of that. Obviously, He was perfect, but what was it that allowed Him to overcome these judgements of others? 

Personally I think it is because Jesus knew two very important things. He knew WHO He was. And He knew WHAT His purpose was. I strongly believe that if we ourselves come to learn WHO we are and WHAT our purpose is, that we too may be able to overcome many things. Especially the judgements of others, and even our own judgements of ourselves. I truly testify that we are children of God! We have a divine purpose and destiny which is to become like God himself, and to help others! I encourage you all to find your own divine identity! As well as your divine purpose! I promise you all that it will be a blessing and guide to all of you!

I'm so grateful for this transfer I've had with Elder Stapley! I have learned a lot! I'm excited for this next transfer! I'll be with Elder Zepeda! And I will also have some extra responsibilities that I'm excited for! 

Please pray for me and my people! Pray for my zone! And pray for the mission Panama! It truly is the best in the world! Love you all! Have a great week!

- E. Lutze 

Christmas Decorations


E. Lutze and E. Rendon

More Christmas

Tall Buildings?

Zone Conference

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Semana 67

Dear Elder Lutze, 

I hope this finds you well! Is the political ’win’ helping shift the public sentiment down there?

Work’s been super busy! I had a few late nights last week and more this week! I went with Hannah and the boys to the outlets to see the lights and of course enjoy Auntie Anne’s pretzels. ðŸ¥¨ I also put most of Christmas up! I still have the tree and the outside to finish!

I love you! Keep working hard. Excited to hear about your changes this week! 

❤️ Mom


I love the Book of Mormon! I’m in 3 Nephi. 

I love this quote by Bednar on the Gift of the Holy Ghost. What a privilege you hold to be able to bless others with this gift. They then choose to desire it, seek it, work and live for it!

2 Timothy 1:6

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pointed out: “These four words—‘Receive the Holy Ghost’—are not a passive pronouncement; rather, they constitute a priesthood injunction—an authoritative admonition to act and not simply to be acted upon (see 2 Nephi 2:26). The Holy Ghost does not become operative in our lives merely because hands are placed upon our heads and those four important words are spoken. As we receive this ordinance, each of us accepts a sacred and ongoing responsibility to desire, to seek, to work, and to so live that we indeed ‘receive the Holy Ghost’ and its attendant spiritual gifts” (“Receive the Holy Ghost,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 95).