Monday, March 25, 2024

Semana 83 (Banana Drug Deal)


I hope everyone is doing well! And that y'all had a good week!

One of the biggest highlights this week is that I got a Chiquita shirt! All the workers go to the Banana Fields with their Chiquita shirts. So I've been asking every person I see wearing one, where I can get my own. We met a random guy, and when I asked him my favorite question he left for about 3 minutes. When he came back, I had a brand new shirt! I was so hyped!

We did a Book of Mormon jeopardy in District Council which was super fun!

As a zone we also played a game called "Bang!" It's a card/dice game. Basically I was the bad guy, trying to kill the Sheriff. The funny thing was that some Elders weren't completely sure how to play. So me, just playing my role, took advantage and tricked them all into killing the Sheriff, even though they were his deputies. Most of you are probably really confused now, but it was really funny!

I helped make la masa de maíz. Basically I spun a machine to smash up some corn.

I made a banana drug deal! A guy came up to us all suspiciously and asked "Hey, hey you. Need some bananas? I can get you some"

We replied saying, "Yea we need bananas, how many?"

He said, "I can get you as many as you need." 

Off he went! We were still in the area working, and about 2 hours later our friend returned. He had a TON of bananas!!

"How much?", we asked.

"A dollar", he replied

We gave him a dollar, got our bananas, and walked our separate ways. Honestly, we aren't really sure where he got the bananas. It was funny though because this guy genuinely acts like a drug dealer, but with bananas.

We had exchanges with Almirante. I went with Elder De Leon! It was an odd, but very good experience! He is 26 years old! But we had a really good day!

Puré de Guineo is DISGUSTING!! I highly recommend staying far away from that.

Saw a huge tree full of Marañon!!

ISMAEL GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! It was such a good day! I'm super happy for him! He is super special!! And he was so happy!

We traveled yesterday to David! My bed is my hammock, and it's awesome! Something I love about Panama is that everyone always uses hammocks! So why not us too?

DC 6:33 "Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward."

I feel that the scripture speaks for itself! But it's so true! When we sow good, we reap good! That good being love, more faith, the Spirit, etc. Blessings from God! Temporal as well as spiritual! So don't be afraid to do something good today! However big or small it be, the reward will be good!

Anyways. Love you all lots! Have a great week! Keep praying for my zone and my people! Until Next Week!

- E. Lutze

A Barn?

Banana Drug Deal

Ismael's Baptism


Chiquita Banana Shirt with or without the Hat?

Pure de Guineo Disgusting!

Spider in the Sink

Splits with E. De Leon

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