Sunday, March 31, 2024

Semana 84

Dear Elder Lutze, 

I’m listening to The Lamb of God! I love ‘I Know This Man.” Easter Sunday was amazing!!! Both the music and the words spoken! 

Rachael was commissioned into the Air Force on Friday while we watched and Michelle Howell recorded it. I can’t believe she starts school next month!

Hannah’s baby shower was awesome! Shout out to Cami Natalie and Rachael!!! They did a great job! We enjoyed yummy food and fun games. Natalie hid 100 little babies in the house-find 10 for a prize! Surgery postponed until Wednesday. She can tell you the story tmr. 

Natalie works all the time. She’s moving
this summer to save money to move to Oregon. She’s starting massage school in the fall. 

Rachael, Dad, and I went to the Manti temple open house yesterday! The most special part was when the usher allowed us to go back to the Emerald room where Dad and I were sealed 30 years ago this month! I felt the Spirit so strong and thought about who was present! I started to cry and then we were all crying! So so grateful for the temple!!

Easter egg hunts yesterday and today! So fun!!! Diver and Hunter had a blast with their bubble blowing gun!!! 

Love you!!!! He is risen!

❤️ Mom

Living Water is Truth Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (1917–2008) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles identified the source of living water: “The Lord provides the living water that can quench the burning thirst of those whose lives are parched by a drought of truth. He expects us to supply to them the fulness of the gospel by giving them the scriptures and the words of the prophets and to bear personal testimony as to the truth of the restored gospel to alleviate their thirst. When they drink from the cup of gospel knowledge, their thirst is satisfied as they come to understand our Heavenly Father’s great plan of happiness” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1995, 23; or Ensign, May 1995, 19). 2 Nephi 22:3 ​Therefore, with joy shall ye draw ​​​water​ out of the wells of salvation. 

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