Monday, May 6, 2024

Semana 89 (Forty Day Fast)

If you are curious about the 40 day fast, I encourage you all to try it! I recommend reading the attached document a few times first! The way it works is you do a regular fast of food and water to ask God for revelation on things to abstain from. It doesn't matter what He tells you, just put it on the list. 

For instance, something I put on my list is no fistbumps. That's not a bad thing. But it's more like God testing me in a way. Its really hard not to give people fistbumps ðŸ˜‚

After making your list, you then covenant with God to abstain from those things for 40 days. You make a lot of mistakes. Like a lot. So every night you go through each thing on the list praying to God for forgiveness on when you messed up. Then every morning you pray to God for more strength! I promise this will help you be much more in tune with the Spirit! It's awesome! Good luck!

- E.Lutze

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