Monday, October 30, 2023
Semana 62 (Politics Am I Right?)
Don't have much time today! We were busy making food with the district, and now we have to go buy food that will last us about 2 weeks!
Panama is sorta going through something right now. They aren't too happy with the President. Lots of riots and fires. Good times!
We still got some good work done this week tho! Melardo is progressing well. We watched church through Zoom with him. Yes, the church was closed...We also have another friend Abdiel! He agreed to be baptized, and is so awesome!
Exchanges with Elder Smith was fun! Lots of the missionaries in my district are suuuuuper young. But I guess that's good sometimes because they don't understand when a random crazy dude yells "KILL THE WHITE PEOPLE! THEY GOT ALL THE MONEY!"
Things aren't that bad honestly! My comp and I are completely safe, and the work continues!
Thought super quick. I like this story.
Inside all of us there are two wolves fighting. And a man asks "which wolf wins?"
Then the other man answered "Whichever one I feed the most!"
We always have spiritual battles against Satan. But if we want the good to win, then we have to feed it more! Think about it!
Love you all! Have a great week! Pray for Melardo and Abdiel. And Panama. Until Next Week!
- E. Lutze
Fires are burning!
And Burning...
Even Subway is CLOSED!
Walk Away from the FIRE!
Exchange with E. Smith
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Semana 62
Dear Elder Lutze,
We pray for your safety and success! We hope the last two weeks have brought many miracles!
Our trip was a blast! We swam with the dolphins,
watched an incredible Rhythms of the Night show with amazing acrobatics, dance and fire, zip lined upside down and almost lost my phone in the jungle, and sailed
and snorkeled
in Cabo. We ate lots of food and relaxed in cabanas on the ship. Rachael and I did the ropes course and the Sky Ride.
I’ve been pondering 3 Nephi 5:13 after the Bishop spoke today! I love this quote about what it means to be a disciple!
Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles further explained: “The following has been written about discipleship: “‘The word disciple comes from the Latin [meaning] a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ—learning to think, to feel, and to act as he does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline compares … in either requirements or rewards. It involves the total transformation of a person from the state of the natural man to that of [a] saint, one who loves the Lord and serves with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength’ (Chauncey C. Riddle, ‘Becoming a Disciple,’ Ensign, Sept. 1974, 81)” (in Conference Report, Oct. 2000, 77; or Ensign, Nov. 2000, 61).
3 Nephi 5:13 Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.
I love you!
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
President Forsberg's Letter
Dear Parents,
Panama City Mission
As many of you may have heard, Panama is going through some political and social unrest, these problems are affecting our work as representatives of Jesus Christ in trying to share the restored gospel within Panama.
However, through this letter, we wanted to inform you that each one of your sons or daughters is SAFE and SECURE. We have given them instructions to buy a sufficient amount of food to stay in their house for a couple of days while the protests quiet down. We also have told them to not leave their apartment if they see protests or if they are aware of any civil unrest that will arise in their general area. The Panama Mission has an emergency plan written and sent out to each companionship so that in the case of an emergency they are prepared for the following steps.
This is the Lord's work. We know that each trial that comes our way is a way for us to become stronger and more prepared. We invite you to join us in our prayers that the problems here in Panama can be resolved so that as missionaries we can fulfill our calling of preaching the gospel.
President Keith Curtis Forsberg
Monday, October 23, 2023
Semana 61 (Vista Alegre)
First of all, goodbyes are the absolute pits! I spent a lot of time saying goodbye to everyone from Anton and Penonome, and it was the worst.
But the rest of the week was absolutely amazing!
I love my new companion Elder Stapley! He is one of the ZL's of Arraijan! Let me say, it's super nice being comps with a ZL! We both love to work!
My first day in Vista Alegre we ate at a place called Taco Mar! It was a Mexican food place, and it was absolutely amazing!
As far as the work, there isn't too much right now, but as I said before, me and Elder Stapley are ready to work! We have already seen a ton of miracles!
A big one was with Melardo! The dude had read one of the folletos we gave him! That literally never happens. During the entire lesson he kept asking about Joseph Smith. At the end of the lesson we asked him to be baptized and he said yes! Sadly he couldn't come to church, but he will come next week!
We did service for our neighbor lady who told me all about her plants for 30 minutes. I caught a little lizard!
We went to a member's baptism which was good! But the kid cried at the end which was sad...
I got to do some baptismal interviews this week which was really fun! The district do be working hard!
Overall I'm really excited for this transfer! Elder Stapley and I have been working really well together! The area is fairly decent, and has a lot of potential! I also already love all the members! It also rains a decent amount here which feels really nice!
We are kinda blocked into our area right now. There's a bunch of fires and protests going on. It's definitely interesting, jaja. But the work still goes on!
My thought for this week has to do with when Nefi broke his bow. He didn't just rely on the Lord for everything, but he did what he could and then went to the Lord for help! We must do the same! God knows our potential and what we can do. Miracles come when we do all we can, but in the end know that we need God to bless our efforts. So we do what we can, and then ask God for more help! This is good because if God gave us everything we wouldn't be able to choose or progress!
Love you all so much! Please pray lots for Melardo and my area! Bless us to find more people to teach and baptize! Please pray for my district as well! Until Next Week!
- E. Lutze
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Semana 60 (Star Fruit! Eclipse? Axes)
This week and a half was super good! But also super sad. I don't remember a whole ton, but I'll hit the highlights!
We had a Multi-Zone Conference with Elder Giuffra of the Seventy! It was a super awesome experience! He gave some great advice to us all, and helped us really see our calling as missionaries! Then I got to have an interview with him which was also really cool! Only about 4 of us were selected.
We had a service project on Saturday which was really fun! I got to put my raking abilities to use! This was funny because it's technically fall, but Panama only has two seasons and the leaves don't fall. What happened is that there were a bunch of people mowing the grass with weed wackers (they don't have lawn mowers), and we were in charge of raking the grass to clean it up. Fun times!
I had some good food this week! Ate with the family Farias which meant delicious Peruvian food! Tacos. Lots of desserts for some reason. Dulce de Leche is absolutely the bomb!
I tried Star Fruit for the first time! IT'S SOOOOO GOOOD! Definitely my new favorite fruit. Not only because it tastes good, but it looks cool too!
Coconut water
Apparently there was an eclipse? I was outside the entire day, and I didn't seem to notice a thing ![😂](https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/1f602/72.png)
We had a zone council which is different from the Zone conference. It was fun to see all my friends!
Then this week there were a lot of goodbyes. It was really sad! I said goodbye to lots of the members and my friends. I said bye to Hermana Fernandez which was sad too. She and I had arrived in Penonomé together, and she really felt like a sister to me. But she's on her way back to Perú! In total I had about 6 months in this area/branch, so everyone felt like family. Goodbyes are for sure hard, but that's how you know there was love and joy!
I am very excited for the transfers tho! I'm going to La Zona Arraiján! I'll be in Vista Alegre 2! I have some fun assignments this transfer, and I'm looking forward to working hard!
For the spiritual thought, I was thinking a lot about a story.
Two men are in a competition to see who can cut down more trees in a day. At 6 in the morning they began chopping away! The first man kept chopping and chopping, and never took a single break. But, he always saw the second man walking away to take breaks for about 10 minutes or so. The first man thought to himself
"He has taken so many breaks, there's no possible way he can beat me. I've been chopping trees all day without letting up!"
The day finally ended! Both stopped chopping, and it was time to count the trees. To the surprise of the first man, the second man had cut down many more trees than he had!
"How is it possible?" the first man questioned.
"I chopped all day long while you took many breaks throughout the day! What were you doing?"
The second man responded, "Oh, I was going to sharpen my axe."
This story has a lot of applications to our lives! But I personally like to think of the Spirit. The Spirit helps us to do many things. It helps us "cut trees." But we can't just cut and cut and cut without end. We must sharpen our axes. Or we must do more to have the Spirit with us! To put it very simply, the Spirit literally is a part of the Godhead. It's very very powerful. We can't simply do nothing, and then think that we can receive its power in our lives. We have to work for it. We have to want it more than anything else. We have to care like blazes! God will always bless us. But we are the ones who choose to sharpen our axes or not.
It's hard to explain the whole thought process of it all. But just think about it! Then think of what you can do better to more fully enjoy the power of the Spirit in your lives! You gotta want it!
Love you all! The church is true! Please pray for my people! The people of Vista Alegre 2! Until Next week!
- E. Lutze
Farewell to Penonome and Hna. Fernandez
Coconut Water
Delicious Dessert
Star Fruit is AMAZING!
Mom's personal favorite. She agrees 'It is the bomb!'
Sunday, October 15, 2023
Semana 60
Dear Elder Lutze,
We love you and pray for you and your area! We hope transfers go well this week.
Life here is crazy! Work has been especially busy!!! I feel like I can’t keep up at times! I’m excited to take a break this next week and spend some time with the girls on our Mexican Riviera cruise. ![🇲🇽](https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/1f1f2_1f1fd/72.png)
So, hope to talk with you this Wednesday and then we’ll talk again on October 30th.
Rachael is continuing to interview for CRNA schools. Please pray for her success.
Foster shot his elk and spent tons of hours processing the meat with his dad. Hannah was glad to have him home. She was lonely even with our two girls nights out. We saw Grand Turismo. Awesome
! Natalie is working and making plans again with Laurie. Will you pray specifically that she can find new friends?
I love you! The gospel is true! He is a God of miracles!
Will You Engage in the Wrestle? Sheri Dew
The contrast was stunning. At about the same time, these two young women had questions that threatened their testimonies. One of them sent out a cry for help, and family, friends and leaders followed President Monson's counsel and went to her rescue. The other girl nursed her doubt and convinced herself that her immoral choices were acceptable. I love and care about this girl. But for now, she has chosen a spiritually perilous path.
One girl's questions propelled her to become a seeker of truth. The other girl used her questions to justify her immorality.
My dear friends, questions are good. Questions are good if they are inspired questions, asked in faith, and asked of credible sources where the Spirit will direct and confirm the answer.[vii]
Nephi asked an inspired question in faith when he asked the Lord if he could see what his father saw. The Lord responded by showing Nephi the tree of life, the iron rod, the great and spacious building and mists of darkness, and the fruit of the tree, which is "sweet above all that is sweet."[viii]
And the vision didn't stop there. Nephi saw the birth, ministry, and Crucifixion of the Savior. He saw the coming forth of latter-day scripture, the Restoration, and the building of latter-day Zion.
Nephi saw all this and much more, only to return to his father's tent and find Laman and Lemuel arguing about the meaning of their father's vision. When Nephi asked them, "Have ye inquired of the Lord?" they gave the classic response of doubters: "We have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing known unto us"-as though nothing was required of them.[ix]
None of us are entitled to revelation without effort on our part. Answers from God don't just magically appear. If we want to grow spiritually, the Lord expects us to ask questions and seek answers. "If thou shalt ask," He promised, "thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge...."[x] How much clearer can it be? The Lord loves inspired questions asked in faith because they lead to knowledge, to revelation, and to greater faith.
8 And I said unto them: Have ye inquired of the Lord?
Armed with Righteousness and Power
Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained that righteousness will be the power of the Lord’s people: “So let us look at ourselves. For the Church, the scriptures suggest both an accelerated sifting and accelerated spiritual numerical growth—with all this preceding the time when the people of God will be ‘armed with righteousness’—not weapons—and when the Lord’s glory will be poured out upon them (1 Nephi 14:14; see also 1 Peter 4:17; D&C 112:25). The Lord is determined to have a tried, pure, and proven people (see D&C 100:16; 101:4; 136:31), and ‘there is nothing that the Lord thy God shall take in his heart to do but what he will do it’ (Abraham 3:17)” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1988, 8; or Ensign, May 1988, 8).
Elder Maxwell further explained that honoring our covenants is vital to the reception of this promise: “Church members have a special rendezvous to keep, brothers and sisters. Nephi saw it. One future day, he said, Jesus’ covenant people, ‘scattered upon all the face of the earth,’ will be ‘armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory’ (1 Nephi 14:14). This will happen, but only after more members become more saintly and more consecrated in conduct” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1991, 43; or Ensign, Nov. 1991,32).
14 And it came to pass that I, Nephi, beheld the power of the Lamb of God, that it descended upon the saints of the church of the Lamb, and upon the covenant people of the Lord, who were scattered upon all the face of the earth; and they were armed with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.
Monday, October 9, 2023
Semana 59 (Tacos and Baby Showers)
Hope everyone's well! This week was really amazing! So here's the highlights!
Tuesday absolutely poured rain! But it felt so good! The miracle of this day was Yajaida. That night with Elder Tarbet in exchanges we felt impressed to knock on someone's door. We never knock on people's doors, they hate it. But, we met Yajaida and she was really excited! So then we taught her for the first time, and it was a crazy good lesson! She loved it so much. She then started crying, and explained that in the very moment we had knocked on her door she had started talking about God. Pretty neat experience.
Wednesday we had exchanges! I went with our Zone Leader Elder Griffiths! That man is literally a tank. Physically and spiritually. We had a super great day! We talked with every person we saw! We had some really good lessons. Then we passed a house that was closed, but we saw someone through the window and paused. We thought about it for about 10 seconds, then we said the most Panamanian thing possible "Como no." We taught the family inside, felt the spirit really strongly, and put down some baptismal dates! It was super awesome!
Thursday was wild! After consejo and everything, we decided to start working in Rio Hato for the first time. As we left, we realized we forgot something at home, so we hurried back, and then we finally left for Rio Hato. We didn't want to just start going around blind, so we asked for some references from a member. We headed to the general area of the reference, and we saw a bunch of people outside talking, so we decided to talk to them. They all were really surprised, but really excited to talk to us! They had a million questions, but we kept telling them we had to start at the beginning. It was a long, long, loooong lesson. But it was really good! At the end of the lesson, they explained to us that we arrived at literally the perfect time. Things apparently were super super tense right when we got there. And to make the explanation really short the mom told us "You saved my daughter's life." Which may have been a bit of an exaggeration, but not really. Let's just say that God's timing is real. Lots happened so that we would get there at the house at that time.
Friday was seminary. Hype! And then the members gave us tacos! THEY WERE SO GOOD! To top it off they gave us what is called a Dona Rellena. It's basically a cream filled donut but better because the cream is actually Dulce de Leche which is so so so good. Turkish Tela Novelas are also the bomb.
Saturday we went to a baby shower held by members for a nonmember that we are teaching! It was so fun and awesome! We didn't know, however, that we would be directing the entire thing and that we were in charge of the games. But we made it really fun, and everyone had a really good time! Then later that night we got to go play some basketball which was really fun too!
SUNDAY WAS SO HYPE! First of all, Humberto, my Abuelito/favorite human, finally came to church. He has been inactive for a long time, and when I found out I was coming to Anton, my first goal was to get him to church. And he finally came! He gave me a massive hug when he got there, and he gave an awesome testimony! Then, after church, I got to go be a part of Blanca's baptism! It was so amazing and special! Especially to see everything from the beginning! Her daughter Idelka got baptized, then Yasmina a few months later, and now finally Blanca! I learned, Blanca isn't actually her name jaja. All 3 of them were crying and so happy. Their little family is complete! Then there was a birthday party for Yasmina, and a ton of members came, and it was a really fun time!
As for my spiritual thought, I have been reading a book called His Holy Names, and I've had some pretty inspiring thoughts from reading that. But I'll explain more after I finish the book. A scripture I love is 2 Nephi 25: 26
"And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins."
Christ truly should be the center of what we do and say. It should be what we teach to the children and others. Our examples, and what we say really makes an impact. And it's even more important that all can know that Christ is the source of their salvation. I encourage you all to read this scripture again, and to take a little bit of time to think about it!
Love you all! Hope life is treating you well! Have a great great week! Keep praying for my people of Anton! Until Next Week!
-E. Lutze
Sunday, October 8, 2023
Semana 59
Dear Elder Lutze,
We pray for your continued success in Panama! Keep up the great work! Stake Conference this weekend was amazing! I was
so we all watched through the links from home! Lots of great thoughts about “just keep moving forward!” McKinley spoke about Trek. He spoke about the saints from the Martin Handcart Company and how the Lord knows (He prepared the cove for them), He shouldered their burdens and made them light, and it was worth the price they paid to know Christ! Thoughts on this in relation to your mission?
This week was mostly work at work and home - prepping the yard for winter. I did get my haircut and went to a YWs pumpkin
painting activity. Rachael is in the middle of interviews and Foster too. Hannah is busy with the boys especially this week while Foster is on his hunting trip. Pray gets an elk early so he can come home early. Natalie is working and enjoying Haunted Houses.
Love you! ![😘](https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/e/notoemoji/15.0/1f618/72.png)
A few thoughts I came across this week!
Galatians 2:20
Elder Robert L. Backman of the Seventy explained that it is through total surrender to the Savior that we find the new life He has for us: “What Christ desires from each of us is surrender, complete and total—a voluntary gift of trust, faith, and love. C. S. Lewis captured the spirit of this surrender: “‘Christ says, “Give me All. I don’t want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I want You. I have not come to torment your natural self, but to kill it. No half-measures are any good. I don’t want to cut off a branch here and a branch there, I want to have the whole tree down. … Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked—the whole outfit. I will give you a new self instead. In fact, I will give you Myself: my own will shall become yours.”’ (Mere Christianity, New York: Collier Books, 1960, p. 167)” (“Jesus the Christ,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 10). 20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Galatians 3:24-29
Elder Paul V. Johnson of the Seventy taught that the problem Paul addressed in Galatians teaches us about the importance of accepting changes the Lord makes in His kingdom: “Our willingness to accept change in the kingdom helps the Lord hasten His work (see D&C 88:73). Resistance to inspired change hinders progress of the kingdom. For example, in the last half of the New Testament a major challenge the Church faced was the issue of gentile converts being assimilated as Christians. This issue surfaces in the book of Acts and is a theme in many of Paul’s epistles. The problem stemmed from the fact that many Jewish Christians felt that gentile converts should be required to adhere to the ceremonial law of Moses. Even Peter’s dramatic revelation in the case of Cornelius, that the gospel should be taught to the Gentiles (see Acts 10–11), did not wipe the slate clean. And even after a special council in Jerusalem decided that the gentile converts need not be subject to the law and an epistle was written explaining this decision, the issue remained a source of contention and division (see Acts 15). This was a major change for the Church, and many members struggled with it. “… Many Jews, and even Jewish Christians, … had lost sight of the intent and proper position of the law. One reason for this was the unauthorized addition of requirements and traditions around the law that helped obscure its real intent. These additions and traditions were no longer a ‘schoolmaster … unto Christ’ (Galatians 3:24), ‘pointing our souls to him’ (Jacob 4:5), but rather were so burdensome and consuming that many Jews looked ‘beyond the mark’ (Jacob 4:14) and put the perverted law in place of the Lawgiver Himself. … “… I hope when we face change in the kingdom we can be like Paul and help foster that change rather than reacting like those who fought the change and hindered the progress of the work” (“Responding Appropriately to Change” [address to CES religious educators, Feb. 8, 2013], 1).
Monday, October 2, 2023
Semana 58 (Lemons!)
I hope you all enjoyed conference weekend! I know I did! Overall it was a great week in general, so let's get into it! Warning in advance, this will be long.
Wednesday we went to visit Obdulia! She lives suuuuuper far away. But, she's our recent convert and we love her, so we love visiting her! (Not to mention she gives us lemons.) Those lemons were, in fact, used to make Chicha (essentially juice) for our leadership party in the branch. It was a fun time!
Thursday we used the last of our money to go to Zone council in Chitre which is also suuuuuuuper far away. It was really fun tho! Fun to see the whole zone and to talk! Then the traveling AP's came to work with us for the day! And by "for the day" I mean for 3 hours. They weren't expecting such a long expensive trip to get back to Anton. But, nonetheless, it was an amazing 3 hours full of miracles! I went with Elder Tarbet, who in fact was one of my old Zone Leaders, and we are great friends. We did a TON of contacting and lots of catching up! Overall it was a really fun time!
Friday we got to teach our youngins! It was a super fun class this week! They are all learning lots! The highlight was definitely when we were making a list of good and bad things we can do, and one of our students said, and I quote "Robar el Chinito" which essentially translates to "Rob the little Chinese man."
The biggest highlight of the week was definitely conference! SO GOOD! I loved all the talks! But, something special happened Saturday. We ended up going to Penonomé to watch the evening session with one of the investigators I know and love (Blanca). It was a good time, and by the very end we were all feeling the spirit so strongly! We all shared our thoughts about conference, and the spirit was just getting stronger and stronger. By the time I shared, I invited Blanca to move her baptism date sooner. She said "I was gonna make it a surprise, but I want to get baptized on the 8th on my daughter's birthday." It was such a special moment, and all of us were so happy! It's been so special to see this whole family, one by one, come to God! And I'm so happy I'll get to be here for Blanca's baptism!
As for my spiritual thought, my Pday is ending, so I don't have time. I'm sorry! Next week I'll be sure to write something neat. Just go and watch President Nelson's conference talk again or for the first time! Think Celestial folks! Or in Spanish it would be more like "Think Heavenly" which is kind of a cool thought.
Anyways. Pray for my people of Antón please! Love you all! Have a great week everyone! Until Next week!
-E. Lutze
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Semana 58
Dear Elder Lutze,
I’ve loved General Conference. I hope you’ve been able to enjoy it as well! Bishop told us Emily was nervous
to speak when we met with him for tithing settlement on Wednesday. You sure couldn’t tell!
I spent time in the yard this week trimming bushes. More to go this coming weekend! Also went to the YM/YW activity and enjoyed scones from the Bishop’s professional deep fryer. Dad and I did more sealings on Friday night followed by Chinese and the BYU
game. We actually beat Cincinnati. I was surprised!
This coming week is going to be very busy for me at work! We’ve enjoyed having everyone here for Conference, even Natalie for a few minutes yesterday. We just keep loving her. She’s coming over for Rachael and Foster’s birthday dinner tonight.
Keep working hard! I truly believe you possess the gift to bring others to the gospel of Jesus Christ- to the truth! As Emily said, “Your generation is unusually gifted in the gathering of others to Him.”
2 scriptures and quotes I loved this week!
2 Corinthians 7
10 As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
11 O ye “Panamanians”, our mouth is open unto you, our heart is enlarged.
President Ezra Taft Benson (1899–1994) taught: “Godly sorrow is a gift of the Spirit. It is a deep realization that our actions have offended our Father and our God. It is the sharp and keen awareness that our behavior caused the Savior, He who knew no sin, even the greatest of all, to endure agony and suffering. Our sins caused Him to bleed at every pore. This very real mental and spiritual anguish is what the scriptures refer to as having ‘a broken heart and a contrite spirit.’ (See 3 Ne. 9:20; Moro. 6:2; D&C 20:37; 59:8; Ps. 34:18; 51:17; Isa. 57:15.) Such a spirit is the absolute prerequisite for true repentance” (“A Mighty Change of Heart,” Ensign, Oct. 1989, 4).
Godly sorrow is different from worldly sorrow because it includes the workings of the Spirit in our hearts and causes real and lasting change. Worldly sorrow is a feeling of regret over being caught in a misdeed or having to face unpleasant consequences (see Mormon 2:12–14).
Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles pointed out: “Pride prefers cheap repentance, paid for with shallow sorrow. Unsurprisingly, seekers after cheap repentance also search for superficial forgiveness instead of real reconciliation. Thus, real repentance goes far beyond simply saying, ‘I’m sorry’” (“Repentance,” Ensign, Nov. 1991, 31).
2 Corinthians 10
17 But he that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.
18 For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.
Elder Marvin J. Ashton (1915–94) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke of the mistake of judging people by the wrong criteria:
“We also tend to evaluate others on the basis of physical, outward appearance: their ‘good looks,’ their social status, their family pedigrees, their degrees, or their economic situations. …
“When the Lord measures an individual, He does not take a tape measure around the person’s head to determine his mental capacity, nor his chest to determine his manliness, but He measures the heart as an indicator of the person’s capacity and potential to bless others” (“The Measure of Our Hearts,” Ensign, Nov. 1988, 15).
The Prophet Joseph Smith (1805–44) encouraged Church members to measure themselves through a comparison to God: “Search your hearts, and see if you are like God. I have searched mine, and feel to repent of all my sins” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 72).
Sister Patricia T. Holland, former member of the Young Women general presidency and wife of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, shared her personal insights about the importance of not comparing ourselves with others:
“My greatest misery comes when I feel I have to fit what others are doing, or what I think others expect of me. I am most happy when I am comfortable being me and trying to do what my Father in Heaven and I expect me to be.
“For many years I tried to measure the ofttimes quiet, reflective, thoughtful Pat Holland against the robust, bubbly, talkative, and energetic Jeff Holland and others with like qualities. I have learned through several fatiguing failures that you can’t have joy in being bubbly if you are not a bubbly person. It is a contradiction in terms. I have given up seeing myself as a flawed person because my energy level is lower than Jeff’s, and I don’t talk as much as he does, nor as fast. Giving this up has freed me to embrace and rejoice in my own manner and personality in the measure of my creation” (Jeffrey R. Holland and Patricia T. Holland, On Earth as It Is in Heaven [1989], 69–70).
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency taught about the pride that is related to self-commendation:
“At its core, pride is a sin of comparison, for though it usually begins with ‘Look how wonderful I am and what great things I have done,’ it always seems to end with ‘Therefore, I am better than you.’
“When our hearts are filled with pride, we commit a grave sin, for we violate the two great commandments [see Matthew 22:36–40]. Instead of worshipping God and loving our neighbor, we reveal the real object of our worship and love—the image we see in the mirror.
“Pride is the great sin of self-elevation. …
“This sin has many faces. It leads some to revel in their own perceived self-worth, accomplishments, talents, wealth, or position. They count these blessings as evidence of being ‘chosen,’ ‘superior,’ or ‘more righteous’ than others. This is the sin of ‘Thank God I am more special than you.’ At its core is the desire to be admired or envied. It is the sin of self-glorification” (“Pride and the Priesthood,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2010, 56).
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